TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.31.0 • Public • Published


@huma-shan/transaction-manager is a typescript library part of the Request Network protocol. It is the default implementation of the Transaction layer. It creates transactions to be sent to Data Access. When privacy is implemented, this package will handle the encryption.


npm install @huma-shan/transaction-manager


Note on the decryption provider

In order to decrypt encrypted transactions, you must provide a decryption provider. You can see the specification of decryption provider here.

An example of implementation of a decryption provider is available in the package: epk-decryption

import EthereumPrivateKeyDecryptionProvider from '@huma-shan/epk-decryption';
import { TransactionManager } from '@huma-shan/transaction-manager';

// Decryption provider setup
const decryptionProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyDecryptionProvider({
  key: '0x04674d2e53e0e14653487d7323cc5f0a7959c83067f5654cafe4094bde90fa8a',
  method: EncryptionTypes.METHOD.ECIES,

// Potentially add another decryption key
  key: '0x0906ff14227cead2b25811514302d57706e7d5013fcc40eca5985b216baeb998',
  method: EncryptionTypes.METHOD.ECIES,

const transactionManager = new TransactionManager(dataAccess, decryptionProvider);

Persist a clear transaction

import { DataAccessTypes, SignatureTypes } from '@huma-shan/types';
import { TransactionManager } from '@huma-shan/transaction-manager';

const dataAccess: DataAccessTypes.IDataAccess; // A Data Access implementation, for example @huma-shan/data-access

const transactionManager = new TransactionManager(dataAccess);

const data = '{ what: "ever", it: "is,", this: "must", work: true }';
const channelId = 'myRequest';
const channelTopics = ['stakeholder1', 'stakeholder2'];

const { result } = await transactionManager.persistTransaction(data, channelId, channelTopics);

Persist an encrypted transaction

import { DataAccessTypes, SignatureTypes } from '@huma-shan/types';
import { TransactionManager } from '@huma-shan/transaction-manager';

const dataAccess: DataAccessTypes.IDataAccess; // A Data Access implementation, for example @huma-shan/data-access

const transactionManager = new TransactionManager(dataAccess, decryptionProvider);

const data = '{ what: "ever", it: "is,", this: "must", work: true }';
const channelId = 'myRequest';
const channelTopics = ['stakeholder1','stakeholder2'];
const encryptionParameters: EncryptionTypes.IEncryptionParameters[] = [
    method: EncryptionTypes.METHOD.ECIES,
    method: EncryptionTypes.METHOD.ECIES,

const { result } = await transactionManager.persistTransaction(data, channelId, channelTopics, encryptionParameters);

Get Transactions from channel id

import EthereumPrivateKeyDecryptionProvider from '@huma-shan/epk-decryption';
import { DataAccessTypes, SignatureTypes } from '@huma-shan/types';
import { TransactionManager } from '@huma-shan/transaction-manager';

const dataAccess: DataAccessTypes.IDataAccess; // A Data Access implementation, for example @huma-shan/data-access

// Decryption provider setup if needed
const decryptionProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyDecryptionProvider({
  key: '0x04674d2e53e0e14653487d7323cc5f0a7959c83067f5654cafe4094bde90fa8a',
  method: EncryptionTypes.METHOD.ECIES,

const transactionManager = new TransactionManager(dataAccess, decryptionProvider);

const channelId = 'myRequest';

const {
  result: { transactions },
} = await transactionManager.getTransactionsByChannelId(channelId);

Get Transactions from topic

import EthereumPrivateKeyDecryptionProvider from '@huma-shan/epk-decryption';
import { DataAccessTypes, SignatureTypes } from '@huma-shan/types';
import { TransactionManager } from '@huma-shan/transaction-manager';

const dataAccess: DataAccessTypes.IDataAccess; // A Data Access implementation, for example @huma-shan/data-access

// Decryption provider setup if needed
const decryptionProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyDecryptionProvider({
  key: '0x04674d2e53e0e14653487d7323cc5f0a7959c83067f5654cafe4094bde90fa8a',
  method: EncryptionTypes.METHOD.ECIES,

const transactionManager = new TransactionManager(dataAccess, decryptionProvider);

const channelTopic = 'stakeholder1';

const {
  result: { transactions },
} = await transactionManager.getTransactionsByTopic(channelTopic);


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Read the contributing guide



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