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Various auxiliary tools/routines for working in JavaScript projects


You can use this package on the server side as well as the client side.

Other than TkBrowser, which can only be used in the browser

Other than TkNode, which can only be used in the nodejs

npm install @hrimthurs/tackle



import Tackle from '@hrimthurs/tackle'
import { TkArray, TkObject, TkString, TkFunction, TkMath, TkService, TkBrowser, TkNode } from '@hrimthurs/tackle'


const Tackle = require('@hrimthurs/tackle')
const { TkArray, TkObject, TkString, TkFunction, TkMath, TkService, TkBrowser, TkNode } = require('@hrimthurs/tackle')

HTML tag <script>:

  • Connection full:

    GitHub file size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes

    <script src="Tackle.min.js"></script>
    <!-- OR TRANSPILED: <script src="Tackle.min.legacy.js"></script> -->
    <script> Tackle. ... </script>
  • Connection part of working with arrays:

    GitHub file size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes

    <script src="TkArray.min.js"></script>
    <!-- OR TRANSPILED: <script src="TkArray.min.legacy.js"></script> -->
    <script> TkArray. ... </script>
  • Connection part of working with objects:

    GitHub file size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes

    <script src="TkObject.min.js"></script>
    <!-- OR TRANSPILED: <script src="TkObject.min.legacy.js"></script> -->
    <script> TkObject. ... </script>
  • Connection part of working with strings:

    GitHub file size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes

    <script src="TkString.min.js"></script>
    <!-- OR TRANSPILED: <script src="TkString.min.legacy.js"></script> -->
    <script> TkString. ... </script>
  • Connection part of working with functions:

    GitHub file size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes

    <script src="TkFunction.min.js"></script>
    <!-- OR TRANSPILED: <script src="TkFunction.min.legacy.js"></script> -->
    <script> TkFunction. ... </script>
  • Connection part of working with math:

    GitHub file size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes

    <script src="TkMath.min.js"></script>
    <!-- OR TRANSPILED: <script src="TkMath.min.legacy.js"></script> -->
    <script> TkMath. ... </script>
  • Connection part of working with others:

    GitHub file size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes

    <script src="TkService.min.js"></script>
    <!-- OR TRANSPILED: <script src="TkService.min.legacy.js"></script> -->
    <script> TkService. ... </script>
  • Connection part of working with page:

    GitHub file size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes

    <script src="TkBrowser.min.js"></script>
    <!-- OR TRANSPILED: <script src="TkBrowser.min.legacy.js"></script> -->
    <script> TkBrowser. ... </script>

WebPack Tree Shaking

  • ON optimization.minimizer:

    import Tackle from 'tackle'              full package
    import * as Tackle from 'tackle'         used submodules
    import { Part } from 'tackle'            used submodules
  • OFF optimization.minimizer:

    import Tackle from 'tackle'              used submodules
    import * as Tackle from 'tackle'         used functions
    import { Part } from 'tackle'            used functions



 TkArray.getArray(srcVal, uniqValues = false)
     * Returns array regardless of type srcVal
     * @param {any} srcVal                      Source value
     * @param {boolean} [uniqValues]            Returns array of unique values (default: false)
     * @returns {any[]}

 TkArray.getUniqValues(srcArr, modifySrc = false)
     * Returns array of unique values
     * @param {any[]} srcArr                    Source array
     * @param {boolean} [modifySrc]             Modify the original array (default: false)
     * @returns {any[]}                         Array with unique values

 TkArray.swapValues(srcArr, ...indsCouples)
     * Swap array values
     * @param {any[]} srcArr                    Source array
     * @param {...[number, number]} indsCouples Couples of indices for values swap
     * @returns {any[]}

 TkArray.excludeValues(srcArr, skipValues, modifySrc = false)
     * Returns array without elements with values from skipValues
     * @param {any[]} srcArr                    Source array
     * @param {any|any[]} skipValues            Values for exclude
     * @param {boolean} [modifySrc]             Modify the original array (default: false)
     * @returns {any[]}

 TkArray.sortArrayStr(srcArrStr, modifySrc = false)
     * Returns array with sorted strings
     * @param {string[]} srcArrStr              Source array strings
     * @param {boolean} [modifySrc]             Modify the original array (default: false)
     * @returns {string[]}                      Array with sorted strings

 TkArray.isSubArray(subArr, mainArr, strictEqual = false)
     * Checks is all elements of array subArr are present in array mainArr
     * @param {any[]} subArr                    Sub array
     * @param {any[]} mainArr                   Main array
     * @param {boolean} [strictEqual]           Arrays must be equivalent (default: false)
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkArray.prevValueCycle(srcArr, index)
     * Returns the value of the previous element of a circular array
     * @param {any[]} srcArr                    Source array
     * @param {number} index                    Element index
     * @returns {any}

 TkArray.nextValueCycle(srcArr, index)
     * Returns the value of the next element of a circular array
     * @param {any[]} srcArr                    Source array
     * @param {number} index                    Element index
     * @returns {any}


 TkObject.isObjectJs(srcVal, checkKey = null)
     * Checks if the checkVal is an javascript object
     * @param {any} checkVal                    Check value
     * @param {string} [checkKey]               Checks for the presence of the checkKey in the object (default: null)
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkObject.excludeKeys(srcObj, skipKeys, modifySrc = false)
     * Returns object that does not contain fields with skipKeys keys
     * @param {object} srcObj                   Source object
     * @param {string|string[]} [skipPathKeys]  Exclude keys (names or chains names) (default: empty)
     * @param {boolean} [modifySrc]             Modify the original object (default: false)
     * @returns {object}

 TkObject.getValue(srcObj, ...pathKeys)
     * Gets the values of the object's fields by pathKeys
     * @param {object} srcObj                   Source object
     * @param {...string} pathKeys              Keys (names or chains names)
     * @returns {any|any[]}                     For single pathKey return value, for a few pathKeys return array values

 TkObject.setValue(dstObj, pathKey, value, cbAction = null)
     * Sets value to object field by pathKey
     * @param {object} dstObj                   Destination object
     * @param {string} pathKey                  Key (name or chain names)
     * @param {any} value                       Value
     * @param {object} [options]                Options
     * @param {boolean} [options.onlyExist]     Set value to only exists fields or create new fields (default: true)
     * @param {function(object,string):any} [options.cbAction] Callback action for success set (default: empty)
     *      - arg0 - parent object of the setting field
     *      - arg1 - finite key of the setting field
     * @returns {boolean|any}                   True/false as a success set value, or result cbAction (if given)

 TkObject.setProperties(targetObj, properties, strictTypes = true)
     * Sets values to exists object fields. Arrays are written in their entirety
     * @param {object} targetObj                Target object
     * @param {object} properties               Properties
     * @param {boolean} [strictTypes]           Strict type matching of values (default: true)

 TkObject.traverse(srcObj, cbAction, deepObjects = false, deepArrays = false)
     * Traverse object fields
     * @param {object} srcObj                   Source object
     * @param {function(any,string,string):any} cbAction Callback action for every field
     *      - arg0 - field current value
     *      - arg1 - field key
     *      - arg2 - chain keys parents
     * @param {boolean} [deepObjects]           Recursive traverse all sub objects (default: false)
     * @param {boolean} [deepArrays]            Recursive traverse all sub arrays (default: false)
     * @returns {object}                        New object based on the results of cbAction calls

     * Deep merge objects into a new object
     * @param {...object} srcObjects            Source objects
     * @returns {object}

     * Creates an independent clone of the object
     * @param {object} srcObj                   Source object
     * @returns {object}                        Clone of the object

     * Try convert object to array
     * @param {object} srcObj                   Source object
     * @returns {Array|object}                  Array if possible convert, else - source object

     * Collects an array of transferable values (use for web worker)
     * @param {object} srcObj                   Source object
     * @returns {Array}                         Array of transferable values

 TkObject.getHash(srcObj, skipKeys = null, seed = 0)
     * Returns the hash of the object with a length of 16 characters
     * @param {object} srcObj                   Source object
     * @param {string|string[]} [skipPathKeys]  Not hash values with these keys (names or chains names)
     * @param {number} [seed]                   Hashing is relative to this value
     * @returns {string}                        String of hex values with a length of 16 characters


 TkString.formatNumber(srcNum, lenTotal, precision = 0)
     * Converts a numeric value to a string of the specified length with adding '0' (at the beginning for integer, ending for float).
     * If the length of the original number is greater than lenTotal - no change occurs
     * @param {any} srcNum                      Source number
     * @param {number} lenTotal                 Expected length result
     * @param {number} [precision]              Number of decimal points of the result (default: 0 → not change original value)
     * @returns {string}                        String with formatted number

 TkString.getHash(srcStr, seed = 0)
     * Returns the hash of the string with a length of 16 characters
     * @param {string} srcStr                   Source string
     * @param {number} [seed]                   Hashing is relative to this value (default: 0)
     * @returns {string}                        String of hex values with a length of 16 characters


 TkFunction.decoMemoize(srcFunc, context = globalThis)
     * Returns function decorator that implements memoization
     * @param {function} srcFunc                Source function
     * @param {object} [context]                Function execution context (default: globalThis)
     * @returns {function}                      Memoized decorator


 TkMath.HALF_PI = Pi / 2

 TkMath.QUART_PI = Pi / 4

 TkMath.DOUBLE_PI = Pi * 2

 TkMath.angleDegToRad(angleDeg = 0)
     * Converts angle value from degree to radian
     * @param {number} [angleDeg]               Angle degree (default: 0)
     * @returns {number}

 TkMath.roundFloat(srcVal, precision = 3)
     * Round float number with a given precision
     * @param {number} srcVal                   Float number
     * @param {number} [precision]              Defines the number of decimal points of the result float number (default: 3)
     * @returns {number}

 TkMath.dotProduct2D(ptA, ptB)
     * Calculates the dot product of 2D ptA and ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @returns {number}

 TkMath.crossProduct2D(ptA, ptB)
     * Calculates the cross product of 2D ptA and ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @returns {number}

 TkMath.delta2D(ptA, ptB)
     * Calculates the delta between 2D ptA and ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @returns {{x:number,y:number}}

 TkMath.midPoint2D(ptA, ptB)
     * Calculates the midpoint between 2D ptA and ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @returns {{x:number,y:number}}

 TkMath.isEqualCoords2D(ptA, ptB, tolerance = 0.1)
     * Checks is equal coords of 2D ptA and ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {number} [tolerance]              Tolerance of match coords (default: 0.1)
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.dist2D(ptA, ptB)
     * Calculates the distance between 2D ptA and ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @returns {number}

 TkMath.distManhattan2D(ptA, ptB)
     * Calculates the Manhattan distance between 2D ptA and ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @returns {number}

 TkMath.isNearerFirstPt2D(ptA, ptB, ptC)
     * Checks is point is nearer 2D ptC to ptA than to ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptC         Point C
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.areaPolygon2D(polyPts, saveSign = false)
     * Calculation area of polygon 2D
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} polyPts   Points of polygon
     * @param {boolean} [saveSign]              Save the area sign in the result (default: false)
     * @returns {number}

     * Calculation centroid of polygon 2D
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} polyPts   Points of polygon
     * @returns {{x:number,y:number}}

 TkMath.pointOnLineByLen2D(ptA, ptB, distance)
     * Calculates the point 2D on a line lying at a given distance from ptA
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {number} distance                 Distance from ptA
     * @returns {{x:number,y:number}}

 TkMath.projectPointToStraightLine2D(ptA, ptB, ptC)
     * Calculates the projection of a point 2D ptC onto a straight line ─ptA─────ptB─
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptC         Point C
     * @returns {{x:number,y:number}}

 TkMath.isPointBelongStraightLine2D(ptA, ptB, ptC, tolerance = 1.2)
     * Checks if point 2D ptC on straight line ─ptA─────ptB─
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptC         Point C
     * @param {number} [tolerance]              Tolerance of match (default: 1.2)
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.isPointBelongLineSegment2D(ptA, ptB, ptC, tolerance = 1.2)
     * Checks if point 2D ptC on line segment ptA─────ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptC         Point C
     * @param {number} [tolerance]              Tolerance of match (default: 1.2)
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.isSomePointBelongLineSegment2D(ptA, ptB, arrPoints, tolerance = 1.2)
     * Checks if some point 2D on line segment ptA─────ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} arrPoints Array of check points
     * @param {number} [tolerance]              Tolerance of match (default: 1.2)
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.isEveryPointBelongLineSegment2D(ptA, ptB, arrPoints, tolerance = 1.2)
     * Checks if every point 2D on line segment ptA─────ptB
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} arrPoints Array of check points
     * @param {number} [tolerance]              Tolerance of match (default: 1.2)
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.isPointInsidePolygon2D(ptA, polyPts)
     * Checks if point 2D ptA inside in polygon
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} polyPts   Points of polygon
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.isSomePointInsidePolygon2D(arrPoints, polyPts)
     * Checks if some point 2D inside in polygon
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} arrPoints Array of check points
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} polyPts   Points of polygon
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.isEveryPointInsidePolygon2D(arrPoints, polyPts)
     * Checks if every point 2D inside in polygon
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} arrPoints Array of check points
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}[]} polyPts   Points of polygon
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.crossStraightLines2D(ptA, ptB, ptC, ptD)
     * Calculates the cross point 2D of the straight lines ─ptA─────ptB─ and ─ptC─────ptD─
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptC         Point C
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptD         Point D
     * @returns {{x:number,y:number}|undefined}

 TkMath.crossLinesSegments2D(ptA, ptB, ptC, ptD)
     * Calculates the cross point 2D of the lines segments ptA─────ptB and ptC─────ptD
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptC         Point C
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptD         Point D
     * @returns {{x:number,y:number}|undefined}

 TkMath.isCrossLinesSegments2D(ptA, ptB, ptC, ptD)
     * Checks if crossed of the lines segments ptA─────ptB and ptC─────ptD
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptA         Point A
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptB         Point B
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptC         Point C
     * @param {{x:number,y:number}} ptD         Point D
     * @returns {boolean}

 TkMath.chainsLinesSegments2D(arrLines, continuityCoords = false, tolerance = 0.1)
     * Detect of continuous chains for a set of line segments
     * @param {[{x:number,y:number},{x:number,y:number}][]} arrLines    Array of lines segments
     * @param {boolean} [continuityCoords]                              Changing source coordinates for segments continuity (default: false)
     * @param {number} [tolerance]                                      Tolerance of match coords (default: 0.1)
     * @returns {{inds:number[],closed:boolean}[]}


 TkService.bytesToKb(numBytes, precision = 2)
     * Converts the number of bytes to kilobytes
     * @param {number} numBytes                 Number of bytes
     * @param {number} [precision]              Defines the number of decimal points of the result (default: 2)
     * @returns {number}                        Number of kilobytes

 TkService.bytesToMb(numBytes, precision = 2)
     * Converts the number of bytes to megabytes
     * @param {number} numBytes                 Number of bytes
     * @param {number} [precision]              Defines the number of decimal points of the result (default: 2)
     * @returns {number}                        Number of megabytes

 TkService.trimFloat(srcVal, precision, stringify = false)
     * Trimming float numbers with a given precision
     * @param {any} srcVal                      Value with containing float numbers
     * @param {number} precision                Defines the number of decimal points of the result float numbers
     * @param {boolean} [stringify]             Return the result as converted to string (default: false)
     * @returns {any|string}

 TkService.getParamsURL(srcUrl, options)
     * Get parameters from URL to object
     * Converts:
     * - param_name without value → param_name: true
     * - param_name=val1 → param_name: val1
     * - param_name=val1:val2 → param_name: {val1: val2}
     * - param_name=val1,val2,val3 → param_name: [val1, val2, val3]
     * - param_name=val1:val2,val3:val4 → param_name: {val1: val2, val3: val4}
     * - value/subvalue json-string → param_name: <json-parse>
     * @param {string|URL} [srcUrl]             Source URL (in case client side default: self.location.href)
     * @param {object} [options]                Options
     * @param {boolean} [options.keysLowerCase] Convert all parameters names to lower case (default: false)
     * @param {boolean} [options.valsLowerCase] Convert all strings values to lower case (default: false)
     * @returns {object}                        Object with parameters

 TkService.setParamsURL(url, params = {}, encode = false)
     * Set parameters from object to URL
     * Converts:
     * - param_name: val1 → param_name=val1
     * - param_name: {val1: val2} → param_name=val1:val2
     * - param_name: [val1, val2, val3] → param_name=val1,val2,val3
     * - param_name: {val1: val2, val3: val4} → param_name=val1:val2,val3:val4
     * - subvalue object of array/object → <json-string>
     * @param {string|URL} url                  Source string URL or exist URL-object
     * @param {object} [params]                 Source object to set as parameters URL (default: {})
     * @param {boolean} [encode]                Use encode URI for result (default: false)
     * @returns {URL}                           Instance URL with parameters

 TkService.generateHashUID(initialStr = '')
     * Generates a unique ID in the format of a hash string of 16 characters length
     * @param {string} [initialStr]             Initial string for generate (default: empty)
     * @returns {string}                        String of hex values with a length of 16 characters

     * Generates a universal unique ID in the format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
     * @returns {string}                        String hex values

 TkService.promiseTimeout(limTimeout, { func = null, args = [], cbCreate = (resolve, idTimeout) => {}, timeoutReject = false })
     * Creates a promise that is guaranteed to be fulfilled after a timeout
     * @param {number} limTimeout               Timeout promise (ms)
     * @param {object} [options]                Options
     * @param {function} [options.func]         Promise-wrapped function (default: null)
     * @param {Array} [options.args]            Arguments for promise-wrapped function (default: empty)
     * @param {function(function,number):void} [options.cbCreate] Callback after create promise (default: empty)
     *      - arg0 - promise resolve function
     *      - arg1 - timeout id
     * @param {boolean} [options.timeoutReject] Call reject on timeout (default: false → call resolve without args)
     * @returns {Promise}

TkBrowser (only be used in the browser):

 TkBrowser.createHTMLElement(tagName, options = {}, elParent = null)
     * Creates an HTML element
     * @param {string} tagName                  Type of element to be created
     * @param {object} [options]                Options
     * @param {boolean} [options.insertFirst]   Add an element as first of the children nodes of parent (default: false → add as last)
     * @param {object[]} [options.subElements]                  Entries of elements to recursively create as children (default: empty)
     * @param {Object<string,string>} [options.attributes]      Keys/values of attributes who sets to the element (default: empty)
     * @param {string|Object<string,string>} [options.style]    Keys/values/cssText of the style to be set for the element (default: empty)
     * @param {string|string[]} [options.class]                 Class/Classes to be set for the element (default: empty)
     * @param {Object<string,string>} [options.properties]      Keys/values of exist properties to be set for the element (default: empty)
     * @param {HTMLElement} [elParent]          Parent HTML element (default: empty). Page root: document.body
     * @returns {HTMLElement}

     * Returns real computed size of HTML element
     * @param {HTMLElement} element             HTML element
     * @returns {{width:number,height:number}}  Size of element

 TkBrowser.applyClasses(selectorElement, options)
     * Sets/unsets/toggles classes for each element by selector
     * @param {string} selectorElement          Query selector of target elements
     * @param {object} [options]                Options
     * @param {string|string[]} [options.set]   Class/classes name for set to each elements (default: empty)
     * @param {string|string[]} [options.unset] Class/classes name for unset to each elements (default: empty)
     * @param {string|string[]} [options.toggle] Class/classes name for toggle to each elements (default: empty)

 TkBrowser.forEachElement(selectorElement, callback)
     * Run callback for each element by selector
     * @param {string} selectorElement          Query selector of target elements
     * @param {function(any):void} callback     Callback function

 TkBrowser.setDivResizer(elDiv, handler)
     * Set resize handler for div HTML element
     * @param {HTMLElement} elDiv               Div HTML element
     * @param {function({width:number,height:number}):void} handler Handler function

 TkBrowser.interceptErrors(handler, preventDefault = true)
     * Intercepting on page "error" and "unhandledrejection" events
     * @param {function(string):void} handler   Callback with error message on errors events
     * @param {boolean} [preventDefault]        Prevent default errors events (default: true)

     * Wait for document complete
     * @param {function():void} [callback]      Callback on document complete
     * @returns {Promise}

 TkBrowser.httpRequest(url, options = {})
     * Implementation HTTP request
     * @param {string} url                      Url of request
     * @param {object} [options]                                    Options
     * @param {'GET'|'POST'} [options.method]                       Method of request (default: 'GET')
     * @param {XMLHttpRequestResponseType} [options.responseType]   Expected response type (default: 'arraybuffer')
     * @param {object} [options.params]                             Params of request. In case of a GET-request, this converted to url search params by TkService.setParamsURL → parsing on server by TkService.getParamsURL (default: empty)
     * @param {Object<string,string>} [options.headers]             Headers of request (default: empty)
     * @param {string} [options.id]                 Id of request. Used in callbacks of request events (default: null)
     * @param {number} [options.timeout]            Timeout of request (default: 10000)
     * @param {boolean} [options.useCache]          Use request cached by browser (default: true)
     * @param {boolean} [options.useReject]         Use promise rejection on failure of request (default: false → resolve null)
     * @param {boolean} [options.setGetAsFolder]    For GET request set parameters to query string as path to folder (default: false)
     * @param {boolean} [options.addPostQString]    For POST request set body parameters to query string (default: false)
     * @param {function(any,string):void} [options.cbLoad]          Callback on successful completion of the request (default: empty)
     *      - arg0 - response body
     *      - arg1 - request id
     * @param {function(number,string):void} [options.cbError]      Callback on failure of the request (default: empty)
     *      - arg0 - error status
     *      - arg1 - request id
     * @param {function(number,any,string):void} [options.cbFinal]  Callback on completion of the request (default: empty)
     *      - arg0 - request status
     *      - arg1 - response body
     *      - arg2 - request id
     * @param {function(number,number,string):void} [options.cbProgress] Callback on progress of the request (default: empty)
     *      - arg0 - bytes loaded
     *      - arg1 - bytes total
     *      - arg2 - request id
     * @returns {Promise}

 TkBrowser.saveValAsJson(fileName, value)
     * Saves the passed value in JSON format
     * @param {string} fileName                 Name of file
     * @param {any} value                       Value to save

TkNode (only be used in the nodejs):

 TkNode.traverseFiles(root, options = {})
     * Traversing files in folders
     * @param {string} root                     Root for traversing
     * @param {object} [options]                Options
     * @param {string[]} [options.include]      Array of patterns of files/folders to includes in traversing (default: empty → all traversing)
     * @param {string[]} [options.exclude]      Array of patterns of files/folders to excludes from traversing (default: empty → all traversing)
     * @param {boolean} [options.recursive]     Recursive traversing of folders (default: true)
     * @param {function(string,TParsedPath):void} [options.cbAction] Callback for every file (default: empty)
     *      - arg0 - full path of file
     *      - arg1 - parsed parts of path of file
     * @returns {string[]}                      Array of full pathes of all traversed files


You can find usage examples here and here

Bugs and Issues

If you encounter any bugs or issues, feel free to open an issue at github.

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