
0.1.3 • Public • Published

Resi Web API Platform

This is still in testing

This platform allows you to implement your API on the server side, and generate a client side with built in intellisense support.

The package ships with PASETO token management, and support for streaming responses from the server.


Install the package

npm i -s @horos/resi


yarn add @horos/resi

Install peer dependencies


npm i -s acorn body-parser cors express express-rate-limit morgan paseto


yarn add acorn body-parser cors express express-rate-limit morgan paseto


npm i -s axios @react-native-async-storage/async-storage


yarn add axios @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

Server side usage

  1. Create 2 folders, one for your api files (the actual functions) and one for your models.
  2. Create a model file
export class TestModel {
   * @param {string} a
  constructor(a) {
    this.a = a;
  1. Create an API file
import { TestModel } from '../models/testModel';
import { enrich, authorization } from '@horos/resi/plugs';
import { createAPIImplementation } from '@horos/resi/create-api';

//                                       ⬇ API name
export default createAPIImplementation('test', {
   * This JSDoc will be kept for intellisense on the client side
   * @param {number} num1
   * @param {number} num2
   * @returns {Promise<number>}
  test(num1, num2) {
    return num1 + num2;

   * @returns {Promise<import('../models/testModel').TestModel>}

  //         ⬇ Use the enrich function to plug features to your funtion
  shogi: enrich(async function () {
    return new TestModel('banana');
    // ⬇ In this case authorization is plugged, which means only authorized clients can invoke this handler
  }, authorization),
  1. Security object is needed for authorizing incoming requests. 3 Keys are required in total - Public/Private key pair, and a secret key.

You can generate them like this by adding this command to your package.json scripts:

"generate-security-keys": "create-key-set ./security-keys"

Load your keys before you initialize the server

import { KeyFile } from '@horos/resi/server';

const keyFilePaths = {
  publicKey: './security-keys/public',
  privateKey: './security-keys/private',
  secret: './security-keys/secret',

 * @type {{[key in keyof(keyFilePaths)]: KeyFile}}
let keyFiles;

export async function loadKeyFiles() {
  if (!keyFiles) keyFiles = await KeyFile.resolveKeyFiles(keyFilePaths);

  return keyFiles;
  1. Finally create your RESI API using your API and models directories, and your security files
import { createServerFromResiDir } from '@horos/resi/server';

async function init() {
  await createServerFromResiDir(path.resolve('./src/resi-server/apis'), path.resolve('./src/resi-server/models'), {

Client side usage

  1. Install @horos/resi on your client as well
  2. Make sure the server is running with NODE_ENV set to "development"
  3. Add a script to your package.json "build-client": "build-client http://localhost src/resi-client" Replace the "http://localhost" with the url of your server, and "src/resi-client" with any path you wish
  4. Execute the new script. This should create a local API, identical to the one on your server
  5. Test your client
import { makeResiClient } from './resi-client/apis';

export const resi = makeResiClient('http://localhost');

Type "resi." and you should see intellisense auto-compeleting according to your server definition.

Execute any function, and it should invoke its respective API function on the server.




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  • horos