
4.4.0 • Public • Published


Nest plug-in for Homebridge using the native Nest API. See what's new in release 4.4.0.

Integrate your Nest Thermostat (including Nest Temperature Sensors), Nest Protect, and Nest x Yale Lock devices into your HomeKit system. Both Nest Accounts (pre-August 2019) and Google Accounts are supported.

Currently, homebridge-nest supports all Nest Thermostat, Protect, and Nest x Yale Lock models, now including the EU/UK model of the Thermostat E with Heat Link.

Starling Home Hub

If you want a plug-and-play Nest integration solution, check out Starling Home Hub. It's basically "homebridge-nest in a box" and connects to your home router, so you'll be up and running in minutes without needing to set up a Homebridge server or manually edit configuration files. Starling Home Hub also supports Nest Cameras and Nest Secure.

If you want a DIY solution, then read on, as homebridge-nest is for you!


  1. Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
  2. Install this plug-in using: npm install -g homebridge-nest
  3. Update your configuration file. See example config.json snippet below.


Configuration sample (edit ~/.homebridge/config.json):

"platforms": [
            "platform": "Nest",
            "access_token": "your Nest Account access token"

Required fields when using a Nest Account with an access token: (see below for set-up info)

  • "platform": Must always be "Nest"
  • "access_token": Nest service access token

Required fields when using a Google Account: (see below for set-up info)

  • "platform": Must always be "Nest"
  • "googleAuth": Google authentication information

Optional fields:

  • "structureId": "your structure's ID" // optional structureId to filter to (see logs on first run for each device's structureId) - Nest "structures" are equivalent to HomeKit "homes"
  • "options": [ "feature1", "feature2", ... ] // optional list of features to enable/disable (see 'Feature Options' below)
  • "fanDurationMinutes": number of minutes to run the fan when manually turned on (optional, default is 15)

Using a Nest Account

To use a Nest Account with homebridge-nest, you will need to obtain an access token from the Nest web app. (Note - no Nest developer account is required.) Simply go to https://home.nest.com in your browser and log in. Once that's done, go to https://home.nest.com/session in your browser, and you will see a long string that looks like this:

{"2fa_state":"not_enrolled","access_token":"XXX","email":"...","expires_in":"...", ...}

Simply set "access_token" in your config.json file under the "platform": "Nest" entry to the value of access_token in the above string (the XXX), which will be a long string of letters and numbers and punctuation.

Using a Google Account

Google Accounts (mandatory for new Nest devices after August 2019, with an optional migration for earlier accounts) are now supported. Setting up a Google Account with homebridge-nest is a pain, but only needs to be done once, as long as you don't log out of your Google Account.

Google Accounts are configured using the "googleAuth" object in config.json, which contains three fields, "issueToken", "cookies" and "apiKey", and looks like this:

      "platform": "Nest",
      "googleAuth": {
        "issueToken": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/iframerpc?action=issueToken...",
        "cookies": "OCAK=TOMPYI3cCPAt...; SID=ogftnk...; HSID=ApXSR...; ...; SIDCC=AN0-TYt...",
        "apiKey": "AIzaS..."

The values of "issueToken", "cookies" and "apiKey" are specific to your Google Account. To get them, follow these steps (only needs to be done once, as long as you stay logged into your Google Account).

  1. Open a Chrome browser tab in Incognito Mode (or clear your cache).
  2. Open Developer Tools (View/Developer/Developer Tools).
  3. Click on 'Network' tab. Make sure 'Preserve Log' is checked.
  4. In the 'Filter' box, enter issueToken
  5. Go to home.nest.com, and click 'Sign in with Google'. Log into your account.
  6. One network call (beginning with iframerpc) will appear in the Dev Tools window. Click on it.
  7. In the Headers tab, under General, copy the entire Request URL (beginning with https://accounts.google.com, ending with nest.com). This is your "issueToken" in config.json.
  8. In the 'Filter' box, enter oauth2/iframe
  9. Several network calls will appear in the Dev Tools window. Click on the last iframe call.
  10. In the Headers tab, under Request Headers, copy the entire cookie (include the whole string which is several lines long and has many field/value pairs - do not include the cookie: name). This is your "cookies" in config.json.
  11. In the 'Filter' box, enter issue_jwt
  12. Click on the last issue_jwt call.
  13. In the Headers tab, under Request Headers, copy the entire x-goog-api-key (do not include the x-goog-api-key: name). This is your "apiKey" in config.json.
  14. Do not log out of home.nest.com, as this will invalidate your credentials. Just close the browser tab.

HomeKit Accessory Types


  • Switch accessory (Home Occupied) indicating detected Home/Away state - can be manually changed

Nest Thermostat (+ Temperature Sensors)

  • Thermostat accessory with ambient temperature and humidity sensors, mode control (heat/cool/auto/off), and target temperature control
  • Switch accessory (Eco Mode) for turning on and off Eco Mode
  • Fan accessory for controlling the fan (except the EU/UK model of the Nest Thermostat E, which does not have a fan control)
  • TemperatureSensor accessory indicating the ambient temperature at the thermostat (disabled by default if no Temperature Sensors are present - temperature is reported by the base Thermostat accessory)
  • TemperatureSensor accessory indicating the ambient temperature where each additional Nest Temperature Sensor is located
  • HumiditySensor accessory indicating the relative humidity at the thermostat (disabled by default - humidity is reported by the base Thermostat accessory)

Nest Protect

  • SmokeSensor accessory (Smoke) indicating smoke detected
  • CarbonMonoxideSensor accessory (Carbon Monoxide) indicating CO detected
  • MotionSensor accessory (Motion) indicating motion detected near the Protect device (AC wired Protects only)

Nest x Yale Lock

  • LockMechanism accessory

Feature Options

Set "options" in config.json to an array of strings chosen from the following to customise feature options:

  • "Thermostat.Disable" - exclude Nest Thermostats from HomeKit
  • "Thermostat.Fan.Disable" - do not create a Fan accessory for the thermostat
  • "Thermostat.Eco.Disable" - do not create a Switch accessory to indicate/control Eco Mode status
  • "Thermostat.SeparateBuiltInTemperatureSensor.Enable" - create an additional TemperatureSensor accessory to report the ambient temperature at the thermostat
  • "Thermostat.SeparateBuiltInHumiditySensor.Enable" - create an additional HumiditySensor accessory to report the relative humidity at the thermostat
  • "Thermostat.EcoMode.ChangeEcoBands.Enable" - when set, changing temperature in Eco Mode changes Eco Temperature Bands (default is to turn off Eco Mode instead before setting temperature)
  • "TempSensor.Disable" - exclude Nest Temperature Sensors from HomeKit
  • "HomeAway.Disable" - exclude Home/Away switch from HomeKit
  • "HomeAway.AsOccupancySensor" - create Home/Away indicator as an OccupancySensor instead of a Switch - useful for automations
  • "HomeAway.AsOccupancySensorAndSwitch" - create Home/Away indicator as an OccupancySensor and a Switch
  • "Protect.Disable" - exclude Nest Protects from HomeKit
  • "Protect.MotionSensor.Disable" - disable MotionDetector accessory for Nest Protects
  • "Lock.Disable" - exclude Nest x Yale Locks from HomeKit

By default, options set apply to all devices. To set an option for a specific device only, add .device_id to the corresponding option, where device_id is shown in the Homebridge logs, or in HomeKit itself as Serial Number in the Settings page for your device. For example, to disable one specific thermostat with serial number 09AC01AC31180349, add "Thermostat.Disable.09AC01AC31180349" to the "options" array.

Things to try with Siri

  • Hey Siri, set the temperature to 72 degrees. (in heat-only or cool-only mode)
  • Hey Siri, set the temperature range to between 65 and 70 degrees. (in auto mode, for systems that can heat and cool)
  • Hey Siri, set the thermostat to cool. (try heat, cool, auto, or off)
  • Hey Siri, turn on the air conditioning.
  • Hey Siri, turn Eco Mode on.
  • Hey Siri, what's the temperature at home?
  • Hey Siri, what's the temperature in the Basement? (get the temperature from a Nest Temperature Sensor)
  • Hey Siri, what's the status of my smoke detector?
  • Hey Siri, unlock my Front Door.

Donate to Support homebridge-nest

homebridge-nest is a labour of love. It's provided under the ISC licence and is completely free to do whatever you want with. But if you'd like to show your appreciation for its continued development, please consider clicking here to make a small donation or send me a thank-you card:

Adrian Cable
PO Box 370365
Montara, CA 94037

I appreciate your feedback and support in whatever form!

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