
0.4.5 • Public • Published

@hitchy/plugin-session pipeline status




In your Hitchy-based application run this command

npm install --save @hitchy/plugin-session @hitchy/plugin-cookies

to install this plugin.

As illustrated above you are in charge of installing @hitchy/plugin-cookies which is a mandatory dependency for this plugin. So, if you get an error regarding some unmet dependency on a role cookies you might need to repeat this command exactly as given.

After restarting your Hitchy-based application it is discovering this plugin and instantly injecting policy for selecting server-side session by ID provided in cookie passed with every request. Usually, this is done by browsers implicitly. Any request missing cookie with session's ID causes start of another session and injecting instructions for saving cookie in response.

On server side the session is exposed in req.session. It consists of multiple properties:

  • user is provided to expose name and roles of some user. Managing current user is basically out of this plugin's scope. See hitchy-plugin-auth for that.
    • user.name is expected to be a string containing name of current user.
    • user.roles is a list of roles current user is authorized for.
  • data is an object prepared to hold arbitrary data.


The plugin does not require any configuration to work out of the box. It may be customized via section session of your runtime configuration, though.

Create a file adjusting configuration section session in /config/session.js with content like this:

exports.session = {
	// TODO add your session configuration here ...

Currently, these options are supported:

  • disable is a boolean-ish value. Set it true to disable automatic injection of session management into all incoming requests. The default is false.

    A boolean-ish value is true, false or any string representing either value such as on vs. off or yes vs. no.

  • store can be used to provide a custom store. When omitted, a default store is saving sessions in runtime memory of running Hitchy application.

    No additional stores come included with this plugin. Custom stores need to inherit from the default store exposed at runtime as api.service.MemorySessionStore.

  • backupFolder selects a folder used by the default store for writing its records to a file session.json in that folder on shutting down Hitchy. On starting Hitchy, that file is read by the default store to recover a previous set of sessions. This feature is meant to establish real persistence of sessions with the default store otherwise using volatile runtime memory, only.

  • cookieName is a string selecting the name of cookie considered to provide a session's ID in incoming requests. The default is "sessionId".

  • cookiePath controls the path prefix a client browser is requested to provide session cookie on. It is / to cover all incoming requests by default.

  • cookieMaxAge is the number of seconds after which the cookie is expiring. It is 0 by default preventing the cookie from expiring prior to the browser's session being closed.

    When set, a request for updating the session cookie is included with every incoming request involving the server-side session management.

  • cookieSameSite controls the value of the SameSite option on setting the session cookie. It is Strict by default. Other options include None and Lax.

  • cookieSecure is a boolean-ish option controlling the value of the Secure option on setting the session cookie. It is false by default.

  • cookiePartitioned is a boolean-ish option controlling the value of the Partitioned option on setting the session cookie. It is false by default.




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  • soletan
  • simon.friedo