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2.1.0 • Public • Published

Chess engine

This is a fully functional game core that implements all the functionality and logic and provides an easy way to interact with the pieces.



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import { Board } from "@hiron-tez/chess";
const board = new Board();
await board.move("a2", "a4");
await board.autoMove();
await board.undo();


import { CustomBoard, King, Pawn } from "@hiron-tez/chess";

const board = new CustomBoard([
  new King("B2", Color.White),
  new King("B8", Color.Black),

  new Pawn("A2", Color.White),
  new Pawn("B4", Color.Black),

const pawnDoubleMove = await board.move("A2", "A4");
// { success: true, ...}
const enPassant = await board.move("B4", "A3");
// { success: true, ...}
const blackPawn = board.getPieceAt("A3");
// [instance of Piece]
const whitePawn = board.getPieceAt("A4");
// undefined
const checkColor = board.checkColor;
// Color.White
const checkmateColor = board.checkmateColor;
// null
const whiteKingPossibleMoves = board.getPossibleMoves("B2");
// [array of Position instances]
const isBlackPawnAtA3 = blackPawn?.isAt("A3");
// true


  • Notation string

    String that represents a position on a chess board. Allowed characters: a-h, A-H, 1-8. Format: "[File][Rank]"

    • type: string
    • example: "A1"
  • PointT

    An object with x and y coordinates. Allowed values: 0-7

    • type: object

    • example:

        x: 0,
        y: 0
  • PositionInputT

    PointT, Position or notation string

    • type: PointT | Position | string
  • Type

    Enum that represents the type of a chess piece.

    • members:
      • King
      • Queen
      • Rook
      • Bishop
      • Knight
      • Pawn
  • Color

    Enum that represents the color of a chess piece.

    • members:
      • White
      • Black
  • Position

    A class with coordinates and useful methods and properties to work with positions

    • params:
      • position PositionInputT
    • properties:
      • x number - coordinate
      • y number - coordinate
      • notation string | undefined - a string representation of the position
      • isValid boolean - indicates whether the position is valid
    • methods:
      • distanceTo - get distance to a specified position
        • params:
          • position PositionInputT
        • returns number
        • example:
  • Piece

    A class representing a chess piece.

    • properties:
      • type Type (readonly) - the type of the piece
      • color Color (readonly) - the color of the piece
      • oppositeColor Color (readonly) - the color of the opposite team
      • position Position - the position of the piece
      • isMoved boolean - whether the piece was already moved or not yet
      • id string - a unique identifier
    • methods:
      • isAt - check if the piece is at specified position
        • params:
          • position PositionInputT
        • returns boolean
  • King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn (extend Piece)

    Classes that represent chess pieces with their unique behaviors

    • parameters:
      • position PositionInputT - the position of the piece
      • color Color - the color of the piece
  • CustomBoard

    Chess game controller

    • parameters:
      • pieces Array<King | Queen | Rook | Bishop | Knight | Pawn> - the set of pieces
      • options.colorToMove Color (optional) - which team should move first
      • options.getPromotionVariant EventHandler["GetPromotionVariant"] (optional)
      • options.onBoardChange EventHandler["BoardChange"] (optional)
      • options.onCheck EventHandler["Check"] (optional)
      • options.onCheckmate EventHandler["Checkmate"] (optional)
      • options.onDraw EventHandler["Draw"] (optional)
      • options.onCheckResolve EventHandler["CheckResolve"] (optional)
      • options.onCheckmateResolve EventHandler["CheckmateResolve"] (optional) (triggers only on undo)
      • options.onDrawResolve EventHandler["DrawResolve"] (optional) (triggers only on undo)
      • options.onMove EventHandler["Move"] (optional)
      • options.onCapture EventHandler["Capture"] (optional)
      • options.onCastling EventHandler["Castling"] (optional)
      • options.onPromotion EventHandler["Promotion"] (optional)
    • properties:
      • status Status - status of the game
      • checkColor Color | null - color of the team in check
      • checkmateColor Color | null - color of the team in checkmate
      • isDraw boolean - did game ended with a draw
      • winnerColor Color | null - color of the winner team
      • colorToMove Color - color of the team that makes the next move
      • pieces Array<Piece> - the current set of pieces
      • capturedPieces Array<Piece> - the set of captured pieces
      • history Array<MoveT> - the list of moves
    • methods:
      • move - move a piece from and to a specified position
        • params:
          • startPosition PositionInput
          • endPosition PositionInput
        • returns Promise<MoveReturnT> - move result with details
      • undo - undo the latest move
        • returns UndoReturnT
      • on - set event handler. Overrides previous handler for the same event
        • params:
          • event Event
          • eventHandler EventHandler
      • getPieceAt - get a piece at the specified position
        • params:
          • position PositionInputT
        • returns Piece | undefined
      • getPiecesByColor - get all the pieces of a specified team
        • params:
          • color Color
        • returns Array<Piece>
      • getCapturedPiecesByColor - get all the captured pieces of a specified team
        • params:
          • color Color
        • returns Array<Piece>
      • getPossibleMoves - get all possible moves of a specified piece
        • params:
          • position PositionInput
        • returns Array<Position> - positions for valid moves
      • evaluate - evaluate current positions from the perspective of the current team to move
        • params:
          • depth number (optional) (default: 2) - the depth of the forecast
        • returns number - number in range from -Infinity (defeat) to Infinity (win)
      • autoMove - move automatically
        • params:
          • depth number (optional) (default: 2) - the depth of the forecast
        • returns Promise<MoveReturnT> - move result with details
  • Board (extends CustomBoard)

    Chess game controller with the prepared set of pieces

    • parameters:
      • options - same as in CustomBoard
  • Status

    Enum that represents the current status of the game

    • members:
      • Active
      • Check
      • Checkmate
      • Draw
  • Event

    Enum that represents the type of an event

    • members:
      • BoardChange
      • Check
      • Checkmate
      • Draw
      • CheckResolve
      • CheckmateResolve
      • DrawResolve
      • Move
      • Capture
      • Castling
      • Promotion
  • EventHandlerT

    Event handlers types

    • type: object
    • GetPromotionVariant - get the promotion variant for a pawn
      • parameters:
        • position Position - the position of the pawn
      • returns Type | Promise<Type>
    • BoardChange - board change event handler
      • parameters:
        • pieces Array<Piece> - the current piece set
    • Check - check event handler
      • parameters:
        • color Color - the color of the team that's in check
    • Checkmate - checkmate event handler
      • parameters:
        • color Color - the color of the team that's in checkmate
    • Draw - draw event handler
    • CheckResolve - check resolve event handler
    • CheckmateResolve - checkmate resolve event handler. (Triggers only on undo after a checkmate)
    • DrawResolve - draw resolve event handler. (Triggers only on undo after a draw)
    • Move - piece movement event handler
      • parameters:
        • startPosition Position - piece start position
        • endPosition Position - piece end position
    • Capture - piece capture event handler
      • parameters:
        • capturedPosition Position - captured piece position
    • Castling - castling event handler
      • parameters:
        • kingStartPosition Position - king start position
        • kingEndPosition Position - king end position
        • rookStartPosition Position - rook start position
        • rookEndPosition Position - rook end position
    • Promotion - pawn promotion event handler
      • parameters:
        • position Position - position of the pawn
  • MoveType

    Enum that represents a type of a move

    • members
      • Move
      • Capture
      • Castling
      • Promotion
  • MoveT

    Details of a move

    • type: object
    • type MoveType - type of the move
    • startPosition Position - initial position of the piece
    • endPosition Position - final position of the piece
    • capturedPosition Position | undefined (exists if type is Capture) - position of a captured piece. Differs from endPosition only on en-passant.
    • castlingRookStartPosition Position | undefined (exists if type is Castling) - initial position of the castling rook
    • castlingRookEndPosition Position | undefined (exists if type is Castling) - final position of the castling rook
    • newPieceType Type | undefined (exists if type is Promotion) - the new piece type of the promoted pawn
    • pieceId string - id of the moved piece. Id of a promoted pawn changes
    • isPieceFirstMove boolean - indicates whether the piece moved for the first time
  • MoveReturnT

    A wrapper around the MoveT that helps to handle successful and unsuccessful moves

    • success boolean - whether the move succeeded
    • ...MoveT - properties from MoveT (exist only if success is true)
    • reason string - the reason for the failure (exists only if success is false)
  • UndoReturnT

    An object that helps to handle successful and unsuccessful undo events

    • success boolean - whether the undo was successful
    • reason string - the reason for the failure (exists only if success is false)

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