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0.1.1 • Public • Published


Feature Flags for your Remix applications

Get started

npm install --save @happykit/remix


  1. Create a free account on happykit.dev
  2. Create a project
  3. In your project, go to Keys
  4. Copy the Development Environment Key
  5. Create a file called .env and paste your key there

It should look like this:


You can now load your feature flags in your routes:

import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import { getFlags } from "@happykit/remix";

// You can fully type your flags
type AppFlags = {
  textColor: string

export async function loader() {
  // this is how you load flags from happykit
  const flagBag = await getFlags<AppFlags>();

  // pass them to your application however you like
  return { flags: flagBag.flags };

export default function Index() {
  // you can access your flags on loaderData
  const loaderData = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();

  return (
      <p style={{ color: loaderData.flags.textColor }}>
        You are seeing {loaderData.flags.textColor}

Example Application

See apps/example for an example application.

Check out the pages in apps/example/app like

  • with-traits which shows how to target users by traits
  • with-user which shows how to target individual users
  • with-visitor-key which shows how to target anonymous users
  • with-everything which shows how to combine it all together

API Documentation

import { generateVisitorKey, getFlags } from "@happykit/remix"
  • getFlags(options: Options): FlagBag

    • Arguments
      • options.visitorKey: string | undefined A unique id for the current visitor. This can be used to consistently target an anonymous user. Be aware of GDPR regulation when using this feature. You can use generateVisitorKey(request) to either return the visitorKey present on the request's cookies or to generate a new one.
      • options.user: User | undefined A user to load the flags for. A user must at least have a key. option.user supports known attriutes only, see supported user attributes. The user information you pass can be used for individual targeting or rules. This is usually used for authenticated users your application actually knows about.
      • options.traits: Record<string, JsonValue> | undefined An object which you have access to in the flag's rules. Unlike with options.user the options.traits attribute lets you specify completely custom traits as long as they are JSON.serialize'able. You can then target your audience based on those traits using rules in HappyKit.
    • Return Value
      • flagBag.flags: Record<string, JsonValue> The evaluated feature flags, for example { textColor: "blue", showSignup: true }.
      • flagBag.visitor: { key: string } | undefined Returns an object containing the visitor key used to evaluate the feature flags. Only returned if options.visitorKey was set.
      • flagBag.cookie: { "Set-Cookie": string } | undefined: Returns an object you can pass to Request.headers to set the the visitorKey cookie. Only returned if options.visitorKey was set.
  • generateVisitorKey(request: Request): string If the request contains a header for the visitorKey this function returns that visitorKey. Otherwise it generates a new visitorKey and returns that instead. The cookie for the visitorKey is called hkvk.

Supported user attributes

Provide any of these attributes to store them in HappyKit. You will be able to use them for targeting specific users based on rules later on (not yet available in HappyKit Flags).

  • key (string) required: Unique key for this user
  • email (string): Email-Address
  • name (string): Full name or nickname
  • avatar (string): URL to users profile picture
  • country (string): Two-letter uppercase country-code of user's county, see ISO 3166-1


Even though this package is currently extremely simple, it is a great starting point for your feature flags.

Feel free to open an issue in case you have additional feature requests.

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  • dferber90