
3.0.5 • Public • Published

Fork of https://gitlab.com/ikhemissi/gitlab-ci-releaser with the following changes:

  1. preid

You can add preid to your command to be able to have for example "1.0.0-rc.0" as version. preid will be incremented when using command with preid set. For example stay you start a new project and you have package version "1.0.0". After running gitlab-ci-releaser --preid rc version will be comiited as "1.0.0-rc.0". Now if you run gitlab-ci-releaser --preid rc again it will become "1.0.0-rc.1", and once more rc.2, etc. Whenever you run gitlab-ci-releaser the preid will be discarded, and version according to above example would be commited as "1.0.0". This is useful if you have a flow where you have feature branches you merge down to a development branch, and then merge to a stable/master branch to make a final delivery release. Then in your gitlab-ci.yml for the scripts running from develop you run with preid to get release candidate versions tagged and published to npm, and from master branch you run without preid to get final release versions.

  1. Updated gitlab environment variables.

Following vars has been renamed:


Original documentation:


Yet another conventional GitLab releaser : find unreleased changes, bump version, commit/push changes and create a new GitLab release with notes


The setup requires Node 6+.

  1. Add a new release stage in your .gitlab-ci.yml.
  2. Install gitlab-ci-releaser using npm install gitlab-ci-releaser
  3. Add the environment variables GITLAB_CI_RELEASER_NAME, GITLAB_CI_RELEASER_EMAIL and GITLAB_CI_RELEASER_TOKEN with settings of a user having Developer permissions and the permission to push to the release branch (e.g. master).
  4. Optionally, add an environment variable NPM_TOKEN if you want to publish your packages to a npm registry.

I recommend creating and using a new user with Developer + push permissions, adding the user to the project members and generating all the environment variables using this user account (the SSH access permissions are not needed for this account).


You can use the gitlab-ci-releaser command to create releases:

$(npm bin)/gitlab-ci-releaser

To publish to npm, add the npm option:

$(npm bin)/gitlab-ci-releaser --npm

You can optionally pass the npm registry and authentication token via command line arguments:

$(npm bin)/gitlab-ci-releaser --token "<gitlab auth token>" --npmToken "<npm auth token>" --npmRegistry "http://localhost:4873/"

This being said, I strongly recommend using environment variables for this sensitive information instead of passing them as program arguments.

Here is an example of GitLab CI stage for releasing with npm publishing.

image: node:6

  - build
  - release

  stage: build
    - npm install

  stage: release
    - npm install gitlab-ci-releaser
    - master
    - $(npm bin)/gitlab-ci-releaser --npm
  when: manual

Environment variables

gitlab-ci-releaser relies on many environment variables:

Name Type Set by Description Example
GITLAB_CI_RELEASER_NAME Mandatory Admin GitLab account username, used to create release commits ikhemissi
GITLAB_CI_RELEASER_EMAIL Mandatory Admin GitLab account email, used to create release commits mail.address@example.com
GITLAB_CI_RELEASER_TOKEN Mandatory Admin GitLab account access token, used to push commits aBcde1234AbcD5678ef
NPM_TOKEN Optional Admin NPM authToken. Only needed when publishing to NPM. 9febf68b-f1b7-5bd9-701a-576eba203a1f3
NPM_REGISTRY Optional Admin NPM registry. By default, it will be fetched from npm configuration http://private.sinopia.registry:4873/
CI_PROJECT_URL Mandatory GitLab CI Project url https://gitlab.com/ikhemissi/test-release-project
CI_PROJECT_PATH Mandatory GitLab CI Project ID (user name + project name) ikhemissi/test-release-project
CI_REPOSITORY_URL Mandatory GitLab CI Project repository https://gitlab-ci-token:xxxx@gitlab.com/ikhemissi/test-release-project.git
CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME Mandatory GitLab CI Project branch used in the build master
GITLAB_USER_EMAIL Optional GitLab CI Email of the user who triggered the build mail.address@example.com
CI_JOB_ID Optional GitLab CI Internal GitLab build number 50

Release versions

By default, gitlab-ci-releaser uses semantic commit types and footers to determine the next release version:

  • if this is the first release, then the version 1.0.0 will be used to create the release
  • if the new changes include a commit with a breaking change (the commit message contains BREAKING CHANGE) then a major release will be created
  • if there is at least one feature commit (commit type = feat), then a minor release will be created
  • otherwise, a patch release will be created

This being said, you can force a specific release type or version as long as they conform to the semver spec using the following options:

  • releaseType: This option allows you to force a specific release version increment (e.g. major, minor, patch). For example, by running gitlab-ci-releaser --releaseType major we get a version 2.0.0 if the previous one was 1.5.0, and we get 4.0.0 if the previous one was 3.0.0.
  • releaseVersion: With this option, you can force using a specific release version (e.g. 1.9.1). For example, by running gitlab-ci-releaser --releaseVersion 1.9.1 we create a release having the version 1.9.1 even if the previous one was 2.0.0, which may lead to potential issues.

Please note that the semantic commits are also used to generate the release notes, so I don't recommend using the releaseType and releaseVersion unless your project do not use semantic commits.

If you plan to switch to semantic commits, I strongly suggest using a tool like commitizen to create your commits and have better commit messages.

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Please follow the Airbnb guidelines and commit your changes with commitzen using git cz.

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