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Gowiz search bars are highly customisable powerful components that can enhance your page experience and that respect the privacy of your users.

Getting started

   npm install @gowiz/searchbar

After that the following components will be available

// CommonJS
const { Searchbox, Searchbar } = require('@gowiz/searchbar');

// ES6
import { Searchbox, Searchbar } from '@gowiz/searchbar';


Search box

This component allows you to create a fully functional search bar that forwards the query to the Gowiz search engine. By default this component does not require any properties and it renders as follows.


The search bar is highly customizable and the following properties can be set.

Name Description Default Restrictions
query a query that will be set as the initial input value 0 < x < 2024 characters
placeholder a placeholder that will be showed when input is empty 0 < x < 150 characters
useCaching specify if typed searches should be saved in the cache true
showInputSearchIcon specify if the search icon is displayed next to the input true
showResultsSearchIcon specify if search icon is displayed next to suggestions true
useAutoComplete specify if Gowiz autocomplete is used true
useAutoFocus specify if the search bar is focused false
useDarkTheme specify if the search bar is shown in dark theme false
maxResults number of search suggestions that will be shown 10 0 < x < 25
searchSuggestions predefined search suggestions [] 0 < x < 25 suggestions
searchDomains predefined domains the results are restricted to [] 0 < x < domains

Many applications require components in dark mode and with a single property the searchbox renders in dark theme

Dark Searchbox

Auto complete

The search bar has an autocomplete functionality that attempts to predict the next query.

import { Searchbox } from '@gowiz/searchbar';

const search_box = (

The characters that the users would want to type next are set to bold

Search bar with suggestions


Actions allow the user to perform certain actions faster by utilizing the keyboard.

Key Action
Enter Triggers the search with the current input query
Tab Navigate through search results, clear search field, remove search from history
Esc Closes the suggestions list
Up/Down arrow Changes the current query by selecting the previous/next search suggestion

Search bar

From the UI perceptive search bar looks identical to the searchbox, but they have different functionality. The search bar allows you to harness the power of the Gowiz search engines, by accessing its search results. The users on your site can perform searches and retrieve answerer to them without ever leaving the site.

Required arguments

Argument Description
API_KEY A unique string that determines the author of the application
onSubmit A function that handles the search results provided by the searchbar

To get your API_KEY, please send us an email

Example response

      "status": "success",
       "data": [
                  "title": "Example domain",
                  "meta":"Example Domain. This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. ...",

The status indicated where the request was successful. If the API_KEY is valid and the application respects the agreement, then usually a response is present. The status is different, if the API_KEY is invalid or when then ther's an issue on our side. The duration measure the difference between the time the search request was sent and the time when request was sent from the server side. Duration is measured in milliseconds. The data field is a list of search results that were retried from the server. Every search result has a title and a URL and some of them have a meta description and a favicon.

Argument Description
title The title of the search result
url The url of the search result
meta? A short description of the search result. This value can be null.
favicon? A small (16x16) image that's typically the logo of the search result. It can be null

Example implementation

import { Searchbar } from '@gowiz/searchbar';

const search_bar = (
    onSubmit={function onSubmit(response) {

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