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0.1.18 • Public • Published


SDK for Goodtok Server

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$ npm install --save @goodtok/sdk


Customers ⇐ AbstractBaseClient

Use the Goodtok Customers capability to retrieve and manage customers. Ensure the Goodtok API Server is running for the Customers API to function.

Kind: global class
Extends: AbstractBaseClient
See: module:sdk:Client

new Customers(client)

Constructs a new Customers API object.

Param Type Description
client Client Object containing the client configuration


const SDK = require("@goodtok/sdk");

async function getCustomer() {
  const client = new SDK.Client({ workspace: "myworkspace" });
  await client.login("goodtok", "mysecretpassword");

  const customers = new SDK.Customers(client);
  const id = "5f9d7a3a-2b2b-4b7a-9b9b-8e9d9d9d9d9d";
  const customer = await customers.getCustomerById(id);



customers.getCustomerById(request) ⇒ Promise.<Customer>

Retrieves a customer for a workspace by customer ID.

Kind: instance method of Customers
Returns: Promise.<Customer> - A promise resolving to the customer

  • Will throw an error if the customer is not found
Param Type Description
request GetCustomerRequest Request object containing the customer ID and workspace ID
request.workspaceId string The workspace ID
request.customerId string The customer ID


const request = {
  workspaceId: "452b1b1b-1b1b-1b1b-1b1b-1b1b1b1b1b1b",
  customerId: "5f9d7a3a-2b2b-4b7a-9b9b-8e9d9d9d9d9d"

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

customers.getOrdersByCustomerId(request) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Order>>

Retrieves a list of orders for a customer by customer ID.

Kind: instance method of Customers
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Order>> - A promise resolving to the list of orders

Param Type Description
request GetOrdersByCustomerIdRequest Request object containing the customer ID and workspace ID
request.workspaceId string The workspace ID
request.customerId string The customer ID


const request = {
  workspaceId: "452b1b1b-1b1b-1b1b-1b1b-1b1b1b1b1b1b",
  customerId: "5f9d7a3a-2b2b-4b7a-9b9b-8e9d9d9d9d9d"

 .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

customers.getCustomerInDefaultWorkspace(id) ⇒ Promise.<Customer>

Retrieves a customer by ID in the default workspace.

Kind: instance method of Customers
Returns: Promise.<Customer> - A promise resolving to the customer

  • Will throw an error if the customer is not found
Param Type Description
id string The customer ID


const id = "5f9d7a3a-2b2b-4b7a-9b9b-8e9d9d9d9d9d";
  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

Queues ⇐ AbstractBaseClient

Use the Goodtok Queues capability to retrieve and manage queues. Ensure the Goodtok API Server is running for the Queues API to function.

Kind: global class
Extends: AbstractBaseClient
See: module:sdk:Client

new Queues(client)

Constructs a new Queues API object.

Param Type Description
client Client Object containing the client configuration


const SDK = require("@goodtok/sdk");

async function getWorkspace() {
  const client = new SDK.Client({ workspace: "myworkspace" });
  await client.login("goodtok", "mysecretpassword");

  const workspaceId = "g-7b7c46fb05";

  const queues = new SDK.Queues(client);
  const queue = await workspaces.getQueueByWorkspaceId(workspaceId);



queues.getDefaultWorkspaceQueue() ⇒ Promise.<GetQueueResponse>

Retrieves the queue for the default workspace.

Kind: instance method of Queues
Returns: Promise.<GetQueueResponse> - A promise resolving to the queue

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

queues.getQueueByWorkspaceId(id) ⇒ Promise.<Workspace>

Retrieves the queue for a workspace by its ID.

Kind: instance method of Queues
Returns: Promise.<Workspace> - A promise resolving to an object containing an array of queue entries

Param Type Description
id string The workspace ID


const id = "g-7b7c46fb05";

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

queues.watchQueue(id, callback)

Registers a callback for real-time updates on queue entries within a workspace.

Kind: instance method of Queues

Param Type Description
id string The ID of the workspace
callback function The callback to be invoked when a queue entry updates


const id = "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d";

queues.watchQueue(id, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {


queues.updateQueueEntryStatus(request) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Updates the status of a queue entry.

Kind: instance method of Queues
Returns: Promise.<void> - A promise resolving to void

Param Type Description
request UpdateQueueEntryStatusRequest The request object
request.workspaceId string The workspace ID
request.customerId string The customer ID to update the queue entry for
request.status string The status to update the queue entry to


const request = {
 workspaceId: "g-7b7c46fb05",
 customerId: "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d",
 status: "DEQUEUED"

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

queues.joinQueue(request) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Adds a customer to a queue.

Kind: instance method of Queues
Returns: Promise.<void> - A promise resolving to void

Param Type Description
request JoinQueueRequest The request object
request.workspaceId string The workspace ID
request.customerId string The customer ID to add to the queue


const request = {
 workspaceId: "g-7b7c46fb05",
 customerId: "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d"

 .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

Tokens ⇐ AbstractBaseClient

Use the Goodtok Tokens capability to create and verify JWT tokens. Ensure the Goodtok API Server is running for the Tokens API to function.

Kind: global class
Extends: AbstractBaseClient
See: module:sdk:Client

new Tokens(client)

Constructs a new Tokens API object.

Param Type Description
client Client Object containing the client configuration


const SDK = require("@goodtok/sdk");

async function createAnonymousToken() {
  const client = new SDK.Client({ workspace: "myworkspace" });
  await client.login("goodtok", "mysecretpassword");

  const tokens = new SDK.Tokens(client);

  const request = {
    ref: "myref",
    workspaceId: "g-1234567890",
    metadata: {
     customField: "customValue"

  const connectionObject = await tokens.createAnonymousToken(request);


tokens.createAnonymousToken(request) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Creates a new anonymous token for the specified workspace, and does not require authentication.

Kind: instance method of Tokens
Returns: Promise.<string> - A promise resolving to the token

  • Will throw an error if the workspace does not have the anonymous feature enabled
Param Type Description
request CreateAnonymousTokenInput A request with claims required to create a token
request.ref string A reference for the anonymous user
request.workspaceId string The workspace ID
request.metadata string Custom metadata to be included in the token


const request = {
  ref: "myref",
  workspaceId: "g-1234567890",
  metadata: {
   customField: "customValue"

  .catch(console.error) // handle any errors

tokens.createToken(request) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Creates a new token with the specified permissions.

Kind: instance method of Tokens
Returns: Promise.<string> - A promise resolving to the token

  • Will throw an error if the user is not logged in
Param Type Description
request CreateTokenInput A request with claims required to create the token
request.ref string A reference for the user
request.peerId string The peer ID for the user


const request = {
  ref: "myref",
  customerId: "121a4579",
  workspaceId: "g-1234567890"

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

Users ⇐ AbstractBaseClient

Use the Goodtok Users capability to retrieve and manage users. Ensure the Goodtok API Server is running for the Users API to function.

Kind: global class
Extends: AbstractBaseClient
See: module:sdk:Client

new Users(client)

Constructs a new Users API object.

Param Type Description
client Client Object containing the client configuration


const SDK = require("@goodtok/sdk");

async function getUser() {
  const client = new SDK.Client({ workspace: "myworkspace" });
  await client.login("goodtok", "mysecretpassword");

  const users = new SDK.Users(client);
  const id = "5f9d7a3a-2b2b-4b7a-9b9b-8e9d9d9d9d9d";
  const user = await users.getUserById(id);



users.getCurrentUser() ⇒ Promise.<User>

Retrieves the logged-in user.

Kind: instance method of Users
Returns: Promise.<User> - A promise resolving to the user

  • Will throw an error if user is not logged in or the JWT token has expired


const id = "5f9d7a3a-2b2b-4b7a-9b9b-8e9d9d9d9d9d";

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

users.getUserById(id) ⇒ Promise.<User>

Retrieves a user by its ID. The calling user must have an admin role to retrieve other users.

Kind: instance method of Users
Returns: Promise.<User> - A promise resolving to the user

  • Will throw an error if the user is not found
  • If the user is not an admin and the user ID does not match the logged-in user's ID
Param Type Description
id string The user ID


const id = "5f9d7a3a-2b2b-4b7a-9b9b-8e9d9d9d9d9d";

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

users.updateUser(request) ⇒ Promise.<UpdateUserResponse>

Updates a user's details. The calling user must have an admin role to update other users.

Kind: instance method of Users
Returns: Promise.<UpdateUserResponse> - A promise resolving to the updated user's details

  • If the user is not an admin and the user ID does not match the logged-in user's ID
Param Type Description
request UpdateUserRequest A request object containing the user ID and update data
request.name string Optional parameter to update the user's name
request.password string Optional parameter to update the user's password
request.avatar string Optional parameter to update the user's avatar


const request = {
  name: "John Doe",
  password: "mysecretpassword",
  avatar: "https://example.com/avatar.png"

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

Workspaces ⇐ AbstractBaseClient

Use the Goodtok Workspaces capability to retrieve and manage workspaces. Ensure the Goodtok API Server is running for the Workspaces API to function.

Kind: global class
Extends: AbstractBaseClient
See: module:sdk:Client

new Workspaces(client)

Constructs a new Workspaces API object.

Param Type Description
client Client Object containing the client configuration


const SDK = require("@goodtok/sdk");

async function getWorkspace() {
  const client = new SDK.Client({ workspace: "myworkspace" });
  await client.login("goodtok", "mysecretpassword");

  const workspaces = new SDK.Workspaces(client);
  const workspace = await workspaces.getDefaultWorkspace();



workspaces.createWorkspace(request) ⇒ Promise.<Workspace>

Creates a new workspace.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<Workspace> - A promise resolving to the created workspace

Param Type Description
request CreateWorkspaceRequest The request object containing the workspace name, timezone, and hours of operation
request.name string The workspace name
request.timezone string The workspace timezone
request.hoursOfOperation object The workspace hours of operation


const request = {
  name: "My Workspace",
  timezone: "America/New_York",
  hoursOfOperation: {
    Monday: { from: "09:00", to: "17:00" },
    Tuesday: { from: "09:00", to: "17:00" },
    // ...

 .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.getDefaultWorkspaceId() ⇒ string

Retrieves the default workspace ID.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: string - The default workspace ID


workspaces.getDefaultWorkspace() ⇒ Promise.<Workspace>

Retrieves the default workspace.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<Workspace> - A promise resolving to the workspace

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.getDefaultWorkspaceMembers() ⇒ Promise.<GetMembersResponse>

Retrieves the members for the default workspace.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<GetMembersResponse> - A promise resolving to the members

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.getWorkspaceById(id) ⇒ Promise.<Workspace>

Retrieves a workspace by its ID.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<Workspace> - A promise resolving to the workspace

Param Type Description
id string The workspace ID


const id = "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d";

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.getMembersByWorkspaceId(id) ⇒ Promise.<Workspace>

Retrieves the members for a workspace by its ID.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<Workspace> - A promise resolving to an object containing an array of members

Param Type Description
id string The workspace ID


const id = "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d";

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.updateWorkspace(request) ⇒ Promise.<Workspace>

Updates the details of a workspace.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<Workspace> - A promise resolving to the updated workspace's details

Param Type Description
request UpdateWorkspaceRequest The request object containing the workspace ID and update data
request.id string The workspace ID
request.name string The workspace name
request.timezone string The workspace timezone
request.hoursOfOperation object The workspace hours of operation


const request = {
  id: "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d",
  name: "My Workspace",
  timezone: "America/New_York",
  hoursOfOperation: {
    Monday: { from: "09:00", to: "17:00" },
    Tuesday: { from: "09:00", to: "17:00" },
    // ...

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.getWorkspaces() ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Workspace>>

Retrieves all workspaces for the authenticated user.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Workspace>> - A promise resolving to an array of workspaces

 .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.addWorkspaceMember(request) ⇒ Promise.<Member>

Adds a member to a workspace.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<Member> - A promise resolving to the added member

Param Type Description
request AddWorkspaceMemberRequest The request object containing the workspace ID and member details
request.workspaceId string The workspace ID
request.name string The member name
request.email string The member email
request.role string The member role


const request = {
  workspaceId: "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d",
  name: "John Doe",
  email: "jhon@example.com",
  role: "MEMBER"

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.removeWorkspaceMember(id) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Removes a member from a workspace.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<void> - A promise resolving to void

Param Type Description
id string The member ID


const id = "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d";

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.removeWorkspace(id) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Removes a workspace.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<void> - A promise resolving to void

Param Type Description
id string The workspace ID


const id = "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d";

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.resendWorkspaceMemberInvite(id) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Resends a workspace member invite.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Promise.<void> - A promise resolving to void

Param Type Description
id string The member ID


const id = "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d";

  .catch(console.error); // handle any errors

workspaces.watchWorkspaceStatus(id, callback) ⇒ Unsubscribable

Registers a callback for real-time updates on workspace status.

Kind: instance method of Workspaces
Returns: Unsubscribable - An object containing the unsubscribe method

Param Type Description
id string The ID of the workspace
callback function The callback to be invoked when the workspace status updates


const id = "4f9d5a3a-362b-7b7a-34gb-4e94969d7d2d";

workspaces.watchWorkspaceStatus(id, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {


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