This repository contains BSCHdKeyring
class to create Binance smart chain wallet from Safle Vault.
We will be using BSCHdKeyring
class to initialize the wallet and then utilize the provided functions to perform the required tasks.
The class initialization is done in the following way.
const bscWallet = new BSCHdKeyring(`mnemonic`)
is the BIP-39 key phrase to generate the wallet.
Once we initialize the class, we can utilize the provided functions.
The wallet have the following functions:
This function is used to generate the BSC wallet and set the 0th address as the default address.
parameters: -
returns: {address: string} // wallet address
This function is used to export the private key for the generated address.
parameters: -
returns: {privateKey: string} // address private key
signTransaction(transaction: TransactionObj , connectionUrl: string )
This function is used to sign a transaction off-chain and then send it to the network.
Transactions are of 4 types:
- BSC transfer:
Trasaction to transfer BSC from one wallet/address to another.
The transaction object is of the following type:
TransactionObj: {
data: {
to, // destination address
amount, // amount in wei
txnType: NATIVE_TRANSFER // type constant
- Contract transactions:
Transaction to call any smart contract function.
The transaction object is of the following type:
TransactionObj: {
data: {
to, // destination smart contract address
amount, // amount in wei
data, // hex string of the encoded data
txnType: CONTRACT_TRANSACTION // type constant
name: transaction,
type: TransactionObj, // refer to the above 2 trancationObj types.
name: connectionUrl, // BTC network {TESTNET | MAINNET}
type: string,
default: MAINNET (undefined)
returns: {signedTransaction: string} signed raw transaction
signMessage(message: string )
This function is used to sign a message.
name: message
type: string
returns: {signedMessage: string} // signed message hex string
This function is used to get the wallet address.
parameters: -
returns: {address: string} // wallet address
sendTransaction(rawTransaction: string , connectionUrl: string)
This function is used send the signed transaction onto the chain.
name: rawTransaction, // signed raw transaction (got from signedTransaction())
type: string
name: connectionUrl, // BTC network {TESTNET | MAINNET}
type: string,
default: MAINNET (undefined)
returns: {transactionDetails : string} // transaction hash
getFee(transaction: TransactionObj , connectionUrl: string)
This function is returns the fees in wei which will be used for the passed transaction.
name: transaction,
type: TransactionObj, // refer to the 2 trancationObj types provided in signTransaction.
name: connectionUrl, // BTC network {TESTNET | MAINNET}
type: string,
default: MAINNET (undefined)
returns: {transactionFees: integer} // transaction fees
getBalance(connectionUrl: string)
This function is returns the account balance in wei.
name: connectionUrl, // BTC network {TESTNET | MAINNET}
type: string,
default: MAINNET (undefined)
returns: {balance: integer} // transaction fees