Type definitions for UMM-G Unified Metadata Model
Generated from JSON schema: https://git.earthdata.nasa.gov/projects/EMFD/repos/unified-metadata-model/browse/granule/
- Install a specific version that matches the UMM-G version. For example, to get types for Umm-G v1.6.4 you would:
npm install @gesdisc/umm-c@1.6.4
- Import base UmmG and related types as needed:
import { UmmG } from '@gesdisc/umm-g'
Adding a new type
- create a new branch matching UMM version folder scheme
- Generate types with QuickType (TODO: insert docs here) and update index.d.ts
- Commit changes
- Publish using
npx lerna publish
and ensure the version you enter matches the UMM-C version