
1.24.0 • Public • Published

furo spec builder


If you have Go installed

simple-generator has to be installed. Quick installation: go get github.com/theNorstroem/simple-generator .

if not: https://golang.org/doc/install

  • go get -u google.golang.org/grpc

GRPC Gateway Installation

More about grpc-gateway, gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec.

First you need to install ProtocolBuffers 3.0.0-beta-3 or later.

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
git clone https://github.com/google/protobuf
cd protobuf
make check
sudo make install

Then, go get -u as usual the following packages:

go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway
go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger
go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go

Quickstart template for spec projects

Use the template repository from https://github.com/theNorstroem/template-furo-spec-project to create a spec project for your specs. More about using template repositorys can be found here.

run npm install to install the tools.

Install your additional spec types and register them in the furo.spec.conf.json.

To edit the specs, you can use a json editor or you can use the api designer.

Manual Installation

  • mkdir my-spec-project
  • cd my-spec-project
  • npm init
  • Run npm install --save-dev @furo/specs to install the tools.
  • Add a furo.spec.conf.json to the root folder of your spec project. An example of a config file can be found in the ~/node_modules/@furo/spec/ folder.

TIPP copy the example file, remove the packages, add your packages.

Usage of spec builder

To quickly add types and services for a package, just add them in the packages section of the conf.

Then run

npm init

to generate a initial structure for a spec. This consists of the minimal type, a minimal service definition, a default entity spec and a default collection spec

To build the furo data_environment.js, the swagger docs, the golang files for the grpc-gateway and the java interfaces run.

npm build

Preinstalled base types

Following base types are available by default:

  • furo.link The default link type for HATEOAS links
  • furo.meta Meta information for the single fields
  • furo.type.reference A type to set a reference to another entity
  • google.protobuf.any The any type, can be any type you make
  • google.type.date A type for handling dates (not datetime)
  • google.type.money A type for handling money
  • protobuf.empty A empty type which contains nothing

TIPP Add the scripts to your package.json so you can run npm run init , npm run build,...

 "scripts": {
   "build": "node ./node_modules/@furo/specs/_scripts/build.js",
   "init": "node ./node_modules/@furo/specs/_scripts/init.js"


  • init This section is used to configure the init process
  • init.packages The name of the packages you use. This will be used for the protoc, swagger, specs folderstructure,... If your specs already exist, the init scripts wont touch them.
  • init.excludes The name of the packages you will skip.
  • ìnit.default_type_for_identities Set here the identity type you want. Default value if not set: string
  • path_to_simplegenerator Set the path to your simple-generator binary if you don't have a local environment e.g. ./bin/
  • spec_dir Path to your spec directory.
  • custom_template_dir If you want to use your own templates, set the path to your template directory relative from your project root. You have to supply all templates if you use this feature flag.
  • swagger Generate swagger out when true
  • java Generate java stubs.
  • grpc_gateway Not yet implemented
  • build_output_dir Specify the directory for the build output.
  • bundled Options for the bundled build
    • build Set to true to generate and build a bundled version.
    • package_name The name will be used as package name for the bundled build.
    • service_name Name for your bundled service.
    • proto_options Individual declarations in a .proto file can be annotated here. more about
    • imports Add your imports for the service.proto and messages.proto
  • single Options for the multifile build.
    • build Set to true to generate a multifile version
  • protoc_I Additional protoc IMPORT_PATHs
  • protoc_M Declares that furo/link.proto is associated with Go package ../furo. Add additional assocs here.

Example config

  "init": {
    "packages": [
    "excludes": [],
    "default_type_for_identities": "string"
  "spec_dir": "./specs",
  "__custom_tepmplate_dir": "./path/to/your/tpldir",
  "swagger": true,
  "grpc_gateway": true,
  "java": true,
  "build_output_dir": "./build",
  "furo_env_name": "data_environment.js",
  "bundled": {
    "build": true,
    "package_name": "taskmanager",
    "service_name": "BundledService",
    "proto_options": {
      "csharp_namespace": "Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes",
      "go_package": "taskmanager",
      "java_package": "taskmanager",
      "java_outer_classname": "AnyProto",
      "java_multiple_files": true,
      "objc_class_prefix": "GPB"
    "imports": [
  "protoc_I": [
  "protoc_M": [


Usage of ui builder (ui.spec.conf.json)

TIPP Add the scripts to your package.json so you can run npm run init_ui_spec , npm run build_ui_components,...

 "scripts": {
   "form_init": "node ./node_modules/@furo/specs/_scripts/init-ui-specs.js",
   "form_build": "node ./node_modules/@furo/specs/_scripts/build-ui-components.js"


  • path_to_simplegenerator Set the path to your simple-generator binary if you don't have a local environment e.g. ./bin/
  • spec_dir Path to your spec directory.
  • custom_template_dir If you want to use your own templates, set the path to your template directory relative from your project root. You have to supply all templates if you use this feature flag.
  • forms_spec_out Output path for your form specs
  • build_output_dir Build output path

Example furo.ui.spec.conf.json

  "spec_dir": "./specs",
  "ui_spec_out": "./ui_specs",
  "_custom_tepmplate_dir": "./_scripts/templates",
  "build_output_dir": "./build/ui"




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  • veith
  • maltenorstroem