
1.0.1 • Public • Published

WebSocket Module Documentation

This module provides functionality to connect to a WebSocket server, handle incoming data, and automatically manage reconnections. It includes methods to convert data from Rocket League's SOS plugin into a custom format and to listen to WebSocket events.


convertData(data, mapping)

Converts data based on a given mapping object.

  • Parameters:
    • data (Object): The data to be converted.
    • mapping (Object): The mapping object defining the conversion.
  • Returns:
    • Object: Converted data.

convertSosData(sosData, mapping)

Converts Rocket League SOS plugin data to a custom format.

  • Parameters:
    • sosData (Object): Data from Rocket League's SOS plugin.
    • mapping (Object): Custom data mapping.
  • Returns:
    • Object: Custom formatted data.

connectToWebSocket(wsUrl, onData, config)

Attempts to connect to the WebSocket server, handling automatic reconnection.

  • Parameters:
    • wsUrl (string): The WebSocket server URL.
    • onData (function): Callback function to handle incoming data.
    • config (Object): Configuration object.
      • mapping (Object): Mapping object for data conversion.
      • eventFilters (Array): List of events to filter.
      • errorHandling (Object): Error handling configuration.
        • retryInterval (number): Interval between reconnection attempts.
        • maxRetries (number): Maximum number of reconnection attempts.
      • logging (boolean): Enable or disable logging.
      • dataTransformation (function): Function to transform data before passing to the callback.
      • callbacks (Object): Callback functions for connection events.
        • onConnect (function): Function to call on connection.
        • onDisconnect (function): Function to call on disconnection.
      • reconnect (function): Function returning a boolean indicating whether to attempt reconnection.
      • enable (function): Function returning a boolean indicating whether to enable the connection.

listenToWebSocket(wsUrl, onData, config)

Listens to the WebSocket server and streams data to the client.

  • Parameters:
    • wsUrl (string): The WebSocket server URL.
    • onData (function): Callback function to handle incoming data.
    • config (Object): Configuration object (same as connectToWebSocket).
  • Returns:
    • function: Function to stop the WebSocket connection.

listenToWebSocketOnPort(onData, config)

Listens to the WebSocket server on a specific port and streams data to the client.

  • Parameters:
    • onData (function): Callback function to handle incoming data.
    • config (Object): Configuration object (same as connectToWebSocket).
  • Returns:
    • function: Function to stop the WebSocket connection.

Configuration Fields

  • mapping (Object): Defines how to convert the incoming SOS plugin data into a custom format.

    • event (string or function): Maps the event type.
    • game (Object): Maps the game data fields.
      • arena (string or function): Maps the arena field.
      • ball (string or function): Maps the ball field.
      • teams (string or function): Maps the teams field.
      • time (string or function): Maps the time field.
      • winner (string or function): Maps the winner field.
    • players (function): Maps the players' data.
  • eventFilters (Array): Specifies which events to listen for. Only these events will trigger the onData callback.

  • errorHandling (Object): Configuration for handling connection errors.

    • retryInterval (number): Time in milliseconds between reconnection attempts.
    • maxRetries (number): Maximum number of reconnection attempts before giving up.
  • logging (boolean): Enables or disables logging of connection events and errors.

  • dataTransformation (function): A function to transform the data before passing it to the onData callback.

  • callbacks (Object): Defines callback functions for connection events.

    • onConnect (function): Called when a connection is established.
    • onDisconnect (function): Called when a connection is closed.
  • reconnect (function): A function that returns a boolean indicating whether to attempt reconnection. This can be used to control reconnection logic dynamically.

  • enable (function): A function that returns a boolean indicating whether the connection should be enabled. This can be used to enable or disable the connection dynamically.

Example Usage

const { listenToWebSocketOnPort } = require("rl-overlay-tool");
const config = {
  mapping: {
    event: "event",
    game: {
      arena: (data) => data?.arena,
      ball: (data) => data?.ball,
      teams: (data) => data?.teams,
      time: (data) => data?.time_seconds,
      winner: (data) => data?.winner,
    players: (data) =>
        ? Object.keys(data.players).map((playerId) => {
            const player = data.players[playerId];
            return {
              id: player.id,
              name: player.name,
              team: player.team,
              score: player.score,
              goals: player.goals,
              assists: player.assists,
              saves: player.saves,
              shots: player.shots,
        : [],
  eventFilters: [
  errorHandling: {
    retryInterval: 1000,
    maxRetries: 5,
  logging: true,
  connectionSettings: {
    url: "ws://localhost",
    port: 49122,
  dataTransformation: (data) => {
    if (data.players) {
      data.players.forEach((player) => {
        player.displayName = `${player.name} (${player.team})`;
    return data;
  callbacks: {
    onConnect: () => console.log("Connected to WebSocket server"),
    onDisconnect: () => console.log("Disconnected from WebSocket server"),
  reconnect: () => true,
  enable: () => true,

let stopWebSocket;

// Function to start listening to the WebSocket server
function startListening() {
  stopWebSocket = listenToWebSocketOnPort((data) => {
    console.log("Received data:", data);
  }, config);
  console.log("Started listening to the WebSocket server on port 49122");

// Function to stop listening to the WebSocket server
function stopListening() {
  if (stopWebSocket) {
    console.log("Stopped listening to the WebSocket server");

// Start listening

// Stop listening after some time (e.g., 10 seconds)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);

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  • michaelheinzman