Unlike similar Gulp or Grunt tools, our SVG sprite generator is created for designers who are not fond of coding. This tool simply takes a list of SVG files and make a single sprite file using <symbol>
SVG sprite generator is a helpful for creating icon systems.
NOTICE: this is just a fork of because I needed an updated version of the required of cheerio package to fix an npm audit issue. Whenever this issue is resolved: you should use frexy/svg-sprite-generator instead of this one (flyke/svg-sprite-generator).
This program needs Node.js to run. If Node already existed in your system, use npm
to install the generator:
npm install -g svg-sprite-generator
From a directory
Generate sprite from a directory of SVG files
svg-sprite-generate -d path/to/directory/of/svg/files -o path/to/sprite.svg
From a list of SVG files
Or specify SVG files to generate from. File paths can be separated with a comma.
svg-sprite-generate -l path/to/file1.svg,path/to/file2.svg -o path/to/sprite.svg
From a CSV file
Or use a CSV file. The first column contains symbol IDs, the second contains SVG file paths.
duo-alarm-clock, test/svg/duo-alarm-clock.svg
duo-bicycle, test/svg/duo-bicycle.svg
The command
svg-sprite-generate -c path/to/csv.csv -o path/to/sprite.svg
From another sprite file
You can take another sprite file and generate a new one with some modification too.
svg-sprite-generate -s path/to/sprite.svg -l path/to/extra.svg,path/to/another-extra-one.svg -o new-sprite.svg
SVG Sprite Generator is created by the folks at SmartIcons