TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.2.14 • Public • Published


  • Have an existing nx workspace. For creating this, see nrwl's documentation.
  • Add "aws-cdk": "1.114.0", to your package.json and run yarn



npm i --save-dev @flowaccount/nx-aws-cdk
// npx nx g @flowaccount/nx-aws-cdk:init -- coming soon


pnpm i --save-dev @flowaccount/nx-aws-cdk
// pnpx nx g @flowaccount/nx-aws-cdk:init -- coming soon


yarn add --dev @flowaccount/nx-aws-cdk
// npx nx g @flowaccount/nx-aws-cdk:init -- coming soon

Generate and run your first AWS infrastructure! (Coming Soon)

Generate my-api, and my-api-test with C# and nunit tests.

yarn nx g @flowaccount/nx-aws-cdk:app my-cdk

Run my-cdk Synthesizer locally

yarn nx run my-cdk:synth [--configuration=<stack-suffix>]

Deploy your infrastructure

yarn nx run my-cdk:deploy [--configuration=<stack-suffix>]

Steps to deploy an ECS service

  • First we need to create policies
  • Then we spin up the load-balancer and target-group together
  • Then we spin up the autoscaling group and cluster together
  • Then at last we spin up the service onto cluster supplying the target-group ARN for serving to internet through ALB

ECS environment file example

import { Peer, Port } from "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2"
import { PlacementConstraint } from "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs"
import { ServicePrincipal } from "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
import { AppEnvModel } from '@flowaccount/core/cdk'

const _region = `ap-southeast-1`
const _appprefix = `AppName`
const _stage = `fadev`
const _app = `app-name`
const _ecr = `xxxxxxxxxxxx.dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/<orgname>/`

export const environment: AppEnvModel = {
    appprefix: _appprefix,
    stage: _stage,
    app: _app,
    awsCredentials: { 
        account: "xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
        region: _region
    vpc: {
      vpcAttributes: {
          vpcId:  `vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`,
          availabilityZones: [ `${_region}a`, `${_region}b` ],
          privateSubnetIds: [ `subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`, `subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` ]
    ecs: {
      securityGroup: {
          name: `${_app}-${_stage}-ecs-sg-stack`,
          inboudRule: [
              { peer: Peer.anyIpv4(), connection: Port.allTcp() }
      policy: {
          statement: {
              actions: [
              resources: [
          name: `${_app}-${_stage}-cluster-policy`
      role: {
          name: `${_app}-${_stage}-cluster-role`,
          assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal(`ec2.amazonaws.com`)
      policyAssume: {
        statement: {
            actions: [
            resources: [

        name: `${_app}-${_stage}-cluster-policy-assume`
      roleAssume: {
        name: `${_app}-${_stage}-cluster-role-assume`,
        assumedBy: [new ServicePrincipal(`ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com`), new ServicePrincipal(`ec2.amazonaws.com`)]
      taskRoleAssume: {
          name: `${_app}-${_stage}-cluster-taskRole-assume`,
          assumedBy: [new ServicePrincipal(`ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com`), new ServicePrincipal(`ec2.amazonaws.com`)]
      instanceProfile: {
          name: `${_app}-${_stage}-cluster-instance-profile`
      asgList: [
              launchTemplate: {
                  name: `${_app}-${_stage}-lt`,
                  instanceType: "t3.micro",
                  keyName: "fadev",
                  version: 1
              asg: {
                  name: `${_app}-${_stage}-asg`,
                  min: "1",
                  max: "3",
                  desired: "3",
                  overrides: [
                            InstanceType: "t3.micro"
                            InstanceType: "t3a.micro"
                  onDemandBaseCapacity: 0,
                  onDemandPercentage: 0,
                  protectionFromScaleIn: false
      executionRoleName: `ECSTaskExecutionRole`, // arn:aws:iam::697698820969:role/
      clusterName: `${_app}-${_stage}-cluster`
    service: [
            taskDefinition: {
                name: `${_app}-${_stage}-taskdef`,
                containerDefinitionOptions: {
                    image: `${_ecr}:latest-${_stage}`,
                    memoryLimitMiB: 235,
                    cpu: 512,
                    hostname: `${_app}-${_stage}`
                portMapping: [
                    { hostPort: 0, containerPort: 8080 }
            name: `${_app}-${_stage}-service`,
            desired: 1,
            minHealthyPercent: 0,
            placementConstraint: [
                PlacementConstraint.memberOf(`attribute:ecs.os-type == linux and attribute:ecs.instance-type in [t3.micro, t3a.micro]`)
            targetGroupArn: `arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-1:697698820969:targetgroup/crm-fadev-tg/fcf09968fd4c148c`
            taskDefinition: {
                name: `${_app}-storybook-${_stage}-taskdef`,
                containerDefinitionOptions: {
                    image: `${_ecr}:latest-storybook-${_stage}`,
                    memoryLimitMiB: 235,
                    cpu: 512,
                    hostname: `${_app}-storybook-${_stage}`
                portMapping: [
                    { hostPort: 0, containerPort: 8080 }
            name: `${_app}-storybook-${_stage}-service`,
            desired: 1,
            minHealthyPercent: 0,
            placementConstraint: [
                PlacementConstraint.memberOf(`attribute:ecs.os-type == linux and attribute:ecs.instance-type in [t3.micro, t3a.micro]`)
            targetGroupArn: `arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-1:697698820969:targetgroup/storybook-staging-tg/25a353e4b8fd3123`
            taskDefinition: {
                name: `${_app}-developer-handbook-${_stage}-taskdef`,
                containerDefinitionOptions: {
                    image: `${_ecr}:latest-developer-handbook-${_stage}`,
                    memoryLimitMiB: 235,
                    cpu: 512,
                    hostname: `${_app}-developer-handbook-${_stage}`
                portMapping: [
                    { hostPort: 0, containerPort: 80 }
            name: `${_app}-developer-handbook-${_stage}-service`,
            desired: 1,
            minHealthyPercent: 0,
            placementConstraint: [
                PlacementConstraint.memberOf(`attribute:ecs.os-type == linux and attribute:ecs.instance-type in [t3.micro, t3a.micro]`)
            targetGroupArn: `arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-1:697698820969:targetgroup/developer-handbook-staging-tg/1239e837cd2fc44d`
    tag: [
        {key: "AppStack", value: `${_app}-${_stage}-stack`}

argument setup

add to libs\nx-aws-cdk\src\builders\deploy\deploy.executor.ts

nx: yarn publish-local workspace: yarn upgrade nx-aws-cdk

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npm i @flowaccount/nx-aws-cdk

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