
2.4.3 • Public • Published


This is a fork of Datatable for Vue.js 2.x of Ken Berkeley npm i @egeatech/vue2-datatable-component

Original repository | Original documentation

Parameters (*) => new on this fork:

Pro Desc Type Optional values Default value Required
columns Defination of columns Array - - Y
data Data of the current page (rows) Array - - Y
total Total number of the records Number - - Y
query Query object Object - - Y
selection Container for multi-select Array - - N
summary Summary row Object - - N
xprops Carrier for extra props passed to dynamic components Object - - N
HeaderSettings Whether to render HeaderSettings Boolean true / false false N
Pagination Whether to render pagination relevant Boolean true / false true N
pageSizeOptions options for PageSizeSelect Array - [10, 20, 40, 80, 100] N
tbl-class Classes for <table> String / Object / Array - - N
tbl-style Inline styles for <table> String / Object / Array - - N
fixHeaderAndSetBodyMaxHeight (Just as its name implies) Number - - N
support-backup Whether to enable backup of HeaderSettings Boolean true / false false N
support-nested Whether to enable nested components feature (accordion mode is available) Boolean / String true / false / 'accordion' false N
(*) loading Display loading slot in table body Boolean - false N
(*) enableClickableRows Enable the on-row-click event Boolean - true N
(*) enableSearchRow Add a row for filtering the results Boolean - false N
(*) searchDebounce The amount of time (in milliseconds) before debounced search will be triggered Number - 500 Y

Column Options (*) => new on this fork:

Attr Desc Type Optional values Default value Required
title Displayed title String - - N
label Label in HeaderSettings (title will take its place if not set) String - - N
field Field name of the row String - - N
explain Explanation of the field (tooltip) String - - N
sortable Is sortable Boolean true / false false N
visible Is visible Boolean / String (if the type is String, the visibility is not allowed to toggle) true / false / 'true' / 'false' true N
fixed Is fixed Boolean / String true / false / 'left' / 'right' - N
group Group name String - - N
colClass Classes for the whole column String / Object - - N
colStyle Inline styles for the whole column Object - - N
thClass Classes for <th> String - - N
thStyle Inline styles for <th> Object - - N
thComp dynamic component for <th> String / Object - - N
tdClass Classes for <td> String - - N
tdStyle Inline styles for <td> Object - - N
tdComp dynamic component for <td> String / Object - - N
(*) fireRowClick fire the on-row-click event if the cell is clicked Boolean - true N
(*) searchable enable the filtering input (enableSearchRow has to be set true) Boolean - false N
(*) searchField fire the search and order queries with another string as field String - - N
(*) searchOptions use a dropdown as search mode with a set of values {label: '' value: ''}, the label will be displayed, the value will be used for the search Array - - N

New component slots:

  • spinner slot: used to insert your own custom spinner (to use with the loading parameter above)

    <template v-slot:spinner> Loading... </template>

  • scoped-slots named as the table fields: you can access the cell/row information and override the cell content

    • data: for the cell field
    • row: for the row object

    <template v-slot:surname="col"><span style="color: darkred"><i>{{ col.data }}</i></span></template>

Other personalization:

  • fields can be written as object paths (like 'user.house.address')
  • small style and translation adjustments
  • on-row-click event (bound to cells, cells can be excluded using fireRowClick option)



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  • egeatech