
1.4.9 • Public • Published


Runtime library for multi-prompt delimited continuations with EffectfulJS.

API documentation


It is the most generic effects API implementation, and it can be converted into any other one. These include JavaScript built-in effects - state, async/await, generators, exception, etc.

Delimited continuations effect is also, probably, the most complex to understand. I'm trying to explain it using exceptions analogy here. It is like an exception, with execution may be resumed from throw point several times.

This library is multi-prompt one. Prompt is a kind of a label. Imagine JavaScript has labeled try-catch and throw statements. The label is specified as another argument of throw and only catch block with the same label catches it. All the others just rethrow to their upper level. In the library the prompt(label) function is created using CC.newPrompt function.

Function CC.pushPrompt is a replacement of try block. Its first argument is a prompt object (specifying which exceptions) to catch, and the second argument is a try body where an exception (with same prompt) may raise. Note, there is no catch block, it is specified with throw replacement.

The throw replacement is CC.withSubCont. Its first argument is a prompt object again, specifying which CC.pushPrompt should catch it. If there are a few CC.pushPrompt with the same prompt, the innermost will be selected. The second argument is a catch block. Unlike try-catch where the block is adjunct of try statement, here it is specified along with throw replacement. Also, there is no exception object.

The catch block is a function taking continuation object. It captures execution path from CC.withSubCont (throw) to CC.pushPrompt (try). In JavaScript exceptions, it is simply dropped. This object allows resuming execution from the CC.withSubCont (throw) several times.

If the captured continuation never executed the library works precisely like exceptions. First executes catch block and continues after try if the catch block doesn't throw anything else.

The continuation object received in CC.withSubCont may be called anywhere using CC.pushSubCont function. Its first argument is the continuation object captured in CC.withSubCont.

When CC.withSubCont is called, like for throw statement, the execution control is suspended (aborted). When CC.pushSubCont is called the execution is resumed with a resulting value of CC.withSubCont on the resume is a result of the second argument of CC.pushSubCont.

After the resumed execution control reaches CC.pushPrompt (try statement), if not interrupted by anything else, it continues from the CC.pushSubCont call. The call result is a result of CC.pushPrompt block.

These four functions are the base. The others are defined using them.

When resuming continuations several times, if they change some variable values, the change is visible on next run by default. However, the continuation object may be cloned in whatever way your program needs (shallow/deep) to restore variables values. Alternatively, it may be Proxy based copy-on-write for better performance.

If the program is built with topLevel:true the continuation object may be even serialized and restored in some other process. This, of course, requires all the captured variables to be serializable.

Why do we need the other libraries if this library is the more generic? Becuase of performance, no indirection layer, and another effects API may be inlined. The compiler is also able to derive more efficient combinators, for example, implicit parallelism (Applicative function API).


babel plugin

For single level syntax and activating by import:

$ npm install --save-dev @effectful/js
$ npm install --save @effectful/cc

In .babelrc:

For two-level syntax with async/await overloading:

  "plugins": "@effectful/cc/transform-async-do"


$ babel --plugins @effectful/cc/transform-async-do index.js

In JS files to transpile:

import * as CC from "@effectful/cc"


var CC = require("@effectful/cc")

All async functions in files with the imports will be transpiled into delimited continuations functions.

Zero configuration transform

Zero-configuration using babel-plugin-macros, or any other tool where it is enabled by default (such as Create Reat App since v2).

Import corresponding macro definition in the module to transpile:

import "@effectful/cc/async-do.macro"

List of available profiles

EffectfulJS offers quite a few options, there are groups of them called profiles. Different profiles may be enabled either by calling pre-processing function CC.profile("name") in code, or using corresponding babel plugin or macros.

  • "asyncDo" - transpile only async functions treating await expression as effectful expressions mark - double levels syntax. Babel plugin module is "@effectful/cc/transform-async-do" and macro module is "@effectful/cc/async-do.macro"
  • "defaultFull" - transpiles all sub-functions treating all function calls as effectful. It is a single level syntax. Babel plugin module is "@effectful/cc/transform-full" and macro module is "@effectful/cc/full.macro".
  • "defaultMinimal" - transpiles all functions but considers as effectful only expressions wrapped with imported namespace call , e.g. CC(expr). Babel plugin module is "@effectful/cc/transform-minimal" and macro module is "@effectful/cc/minimal.macro".
  • "disabled" - nothing is transpilied, use compile time directives to specify needed profiles in the code. Babel plugin module is "@effectful/cc/transform" and macro module is "@effectful/cc/macro".

For example, here is a module switching different profiles but nothing enabled by default:

import CC from "@effectful/cc"
import "@effectful/cc/macro"

// not transpiled
function notEffectful() {


// transpiled, both `something and `somethingElse` are effectful
function effectful() {
  return something() + somethingElse()


// transpiled, only `somethingElse` is effectful
function effectful() {
  return something() + CC(somethingElse)


// not transpiled
async function justAsyncFunction() {
  await something


// transpiled, only `somethingElse` is effectful
async function effectful() {
  return something() + await somethingElse

To get effectful value in single-level mode use CC.reify function.


The library implements interface from A Monadic Framework for Delimited Continuations paper.


Distributed under the terms of the The MIT License (MIT).

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