
2.39.0 • Public • Published

EC Footer

Why and how to use this component

The footer offers access to copyright information, disclaimer and terms of use, privacy and cookies policy. It allows the user to navigate to corporate social media profiles.

Corporate footer

This is the part of the footer below the blue dividing line.

  • information about all EU relevant contacts
  • information on how to Find EU social media accounts
  • work for the European Union
  • site map
  • about this site
  • cookies
  • legal notice: a text area notifying the end user of legal information with an inline link for more information

Custom footer (non mandatory)

This is the part of the footer above the blue dividing line.

In exceptional circumstances, a custom footer can be added. A custom footer should be used only if the corporate footer does not satisfy all the page's requirements. There can be no overlap with other links in the corporate footer.

  • identification of the site name
  • information on how to connect to social platforms
  • other relevant information, such as a contact

When to use this component

Corporate footer Custom footer
Mandatory component Optional component
  • on every page of Europa Inter-instituional sites
  • consistent on all pages.

When to use this component

Custom footer

  • do not try to reflect the navigation structure of the site in the footer
  • don't exceed 2 lines of links

Package Sidebar


npm i @ecl/ec-component-footer

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  • papegaill
  • yhuard
  • kalin.chernev
  • weslito
  • emeryro
  • planctus