This package provides access to market data from dxFeed services via dxLink API.
npm install @dxfeed/dxlink-api
Import client and feed into your project.
import { DXLinkWebSocketClient, DXLinkFeed } from '@dxfeed/dxlink-api'
Create instance of the client.
const client = new DXLinkWebSocketClient()
Connect to the server.
Provide auth token if required by the server.
Create market data feed API with delivery contract AUTO
const feed = new DXLinkFeed(client, 'AUTO')
Configure created feed.
acceptAggregationPeriod: 10,
acceptDataFormat: FeedDataFormat.COMPACT,
acceptEventFields: {
Quote: ['eventSymbol', 'askPrice', 'bidPrice'],
Candle: ['eventSymbol', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume'],
Add subscription to the feed.
const sub1 = {
type: 'Quote',
symbol: 'AAPL',
Remove subscription from the feed.
Receive data from the channel.
feed.addEventListener((events) => {
// do something with events
Create Depth Of Market API with desired symbol and sources.
const dom = new DXLinkDepthOfMarket(client, { symbol: 'AAPL', sources: ['ntv'] })
Configure created dom
acceptAggregationPeriod: 10,
acceptDepthLimit: 5,
Receive data from the channel.
dom.addSnapshotListener((time, bids, asks) => {
// do something with snapshot