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2.0.4 • Public • Published


An agnostic state store library with 'pseudo-observables' and a bottom-up approach to state management. spider-store attempts to preserve the simplicity and determinism of redux while also addressing some of its pain points.

Ecosystem Comparisons

spider-store is about two thirds the size of redux and uses the same general reducer, action, and dispatch architecture. spider-store does not take after libraries like mobx and vuex which mangle state objects. While somewhat inspired by ngrx, spider-store is as dissimilar to ngrx as to redux. At high level, one can think of spider-store as an alternative to the combination of redux, redux-thunk, and reselect with built in typescript support and a canonical strategy for dynamic loading. spider-store is supported on the same browsers as react (based on the use of es5 Maps and rollup configurations).


TODO: Basically, a Slice always has exactly one valid state, only updates when absolutely necessary, and resolves any diamond dependencies automatically. These are helpful properties for state management, and make spider-stores as predictable as redux stores.


There are two primary exports of spider-store: createStore() and joinSlices().


Creates a plain javascript object with dispatch(), resolve(), and wrapReducer() properties. These properties do not rely on the this reference, and can therefore be passed freely without any reference to the store. That said, the three functions are for only that state store; actions dispatched to one store will not have an impact on any other store and state cannot be retrieved by a foreign resolve() function.


Accepts a reducer function as an argument and returns a Slice of state. The same reducer cannot be wrapped by the same store twice- an attempt to do so will return a reference to the Slice created the first time the reducer was wrapped.


The dispatcher function in spider-store is the only way to update state. Traditionally, dispatch() is a function which accepts an action, applies changes to state, and returns nothing. redux-thunk has popularized a second call signature for dispatchers; dispatch() may also be called with a function. In this case, dispatch() calls the given function with a reference to dispatch() and a reference to resolve() then returns whatever the function does. Additionally, dispatch() can be called with a generalized list of actions (type List<Action> = Action | List<Action>[]) to apply the changes from multiple actions to state atomically before propagating those changes.

Calls to dispatch are resolved synchronously, and any state changes are propagated before dispatch() returns.

dispatch() should not be called from within reducers or the evaluation functions of a Slice. However, dispatch() may be called freely from within callbacks subscribed to state changes or anywhere else.

Recursive calls to dispatch() are automatically flattened, forcing them to run in the order called after the current call to dispatch() completes. This is why it is safe to use dispatch() within subscribed callbacks, but beware of creating infinite loops.


resolve() accepts either a reducer or a Slice and returns the state conceptually contained by this argument.

resolve() should not be called from within reducers or the evaluation functions of a Slice. However, resolve() may be called freely from within callbacks subscribed to state changes or anywhere else.


A Slice is a pseudo-observable representing a part of state or some representation of state. Slices have two primary properties: Slice.subscribe() and Slice.use().

Slice.subscribe() attaches a callback to any change in the underlying value of the Slice and returns a subscription. Slices are not updated if they are not a dependency for at least one subscription, so it is important to call the sister function Slice.unsubscribe() with the subscription when the attached callback is no longer being used. Attached callbacks are called synchronously when relevant state changes, but not in any particular order.

Slice.use() attaches operations to the Slice which mirror lettable operators from observable libraries like rxjs.


joinSlices(), much like createSelector() from reselect, accepts any number of slices as arguments followed by a function which accepts the contents of each of those slices in order. Note that joinSlices() is variadic as opposed to accepting an array for the first argument.

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  • dwalter