
10.1.9 • Public • Published

Ducatuscore Lib Cash

A pure and powerful JavaScript Bitcoin Cash library.


Bitcoin Cash is another powerful peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. The decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network allows for highly resilient bitcoin infrastructure, and the developer community needs reliable, open-source tools to implement bitcoin apps and services.

Bitcoin Cash changes

Bitcoin cash uses a different sighash for transaction signatures. The implementation in ducatuscore-cash has been tested against the original bitcoin-cash test vectors (see sighash.json in /test). bitcoin-cash modifications in script evaluation have not been implemented yet.

Get Started

npm install ducatuscore-lib-cash

Adding Ducatuscore Cash to your app's package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "@ducatus/ducatuscore-lib-cash": "10.0.0",


The complete docs are hosted here: ducatuscore documentation. There's also a ducatuscore API reference available generated from the JSDocs of the project, where you'll find low-level details on each ducatuscore utility.


Building the Browser Bundle

To build a ducatuscore-lib full bundle for the browser:

gulp browser

This will generate files named ducatuscore-lib-cash.js and ducatuscore-lib-cash.min.js.

You can also use our pre-generated files, provided for each release along with a PGP signature by one of the project's maintainers.

Development & Tests

npm install

Run all the tests:

gulp test

You can also run just the Node.js tests with gulp test:node, just the browser tests with gulp test:browser or create a test coverage report (you can open coverage/lcov-report/index.html to visualize it) with gulp coverage.

Package Sidebar


npm i @ducatus/ducatuscore-lib-cash

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3.09 MB

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  • amfi
  • nezort11