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dsrv key management store. @dsrv/kms provides the following methods for Ethereum, Celo, Near, Solana, Cosmos, Aptos, Sui

0. Live Demo

  • Through WELLDONE Docs, you may see a live demonstration of kms and a more thorough theoretical foundation.

1. getAccount

Through getAccount method, you can get account of your mnemonic.

import { Account, CHAIN, Ethereum } from '@dsrv/kms';

/* Ethereum getAccount */
export const getEthereumAccount = (mnemonic: string): Account => {
  const ethereumAccount = Ethereum.getAccount({
    path: { type: CHAIN.ETHEREUM, account: 0, index: 0 },
  return ethereumAccount;

A. Returns

interface Account {
  address: string;
  publicKey: string;

B. Params

typeof mnemonic === string; // "your private mnemonic"

C. Examples

  • By following this link, you can see the example code.

  • You can execute the example code through the command below.

    1. git clone https://github.com/dsrvlabs/kms-monorepo
    2. Create the mnemonic.json file inside the packages/examples (follow the format of this link)
    3. yarn && yarn build
    4. yarn start:example getAccountPlayground.ts

2. getPrivateKey

Through getPrivateKey method, you can get a private key of your mnemonic.

import { CHAIN, Ethereum } from '@dsrv/kms';

/* Ethereum getPrivateKey */
export const getEthereumPrivateKey = (mnemonic: string): string => {
  const ethereumPrivateKey = Ethereum.getPrivateKey({
    path: { type: CHAIN.ETHEREUM, account: 0, index: 0 },
  return ethereumPrivateKey;

A. Returns

typeof privateKey === string;

B. Params

typeof mnemonic === string; // "your private mnemonic"

C. Examples

  • By following this link, you can see the example code.

  • You can execute the example code through the command below.

    1. git clone https://github.com/dsrvlabs/kms-monorepo
    2. Create the mnemonic.json file inside the packages/examples (follow the format of this link)
    3. yarn && yarn build
    4. yarn start:example getPrivateKeyPlayground.ts

3. signTx (getSignature)

Through signTx method, you can get a signature for the transaction.

import { CHAIN, Ethereum } from '@dsrv/kms';

const { signature } = Ethereum.signTx(
    path: { type: CHAIN.ETHEREUM, account: 0, index: 0 },
  serializedTx, // must be hex string

A. Returns

interface SignedTx {
  unsignedTx: string;
  signature: string;

B. Params

typeof serializedTx === string; // must be hex string

C. Useage

Through kms, you can get a signature for the transaction. The steps listed below should be followed in order to sign the transaction through kms.

  1. Create raw transactions for each chain using the SDK.
  2. To obtain a signature for the transaction, add the created raw transaction as a signTx method factor of kms.
  3. The raw transaction is joined with the signature from kms to create a signed transaction.
import { Ethereum } from '@dsrv/kms';

export const getEthereumSignedTx = async (mnemonic: string) => {
  // 1. Create raw transactions for each chain using the SDK.
  // getEthereumTx is a custom method created to get raw transaction back.
  const { serializedTx, unSignedTx } = await getEthereumTx(mnemonic);

  // 2. The signature value for transaction is received through the signTx method of kms.
  const ethereumSignature = Ethereum.signTx(
      path: { type: CHAIN.ETHEREUM, account: 0, index: 0 },

  // 3.The raw transaction generated above and the signature received through kms are combined to create a signed transaction.
  // createEthereumSignedTx is a custom method for returning signedTransaction by combining signature and raw transaction.
  const ethereumSignedTx = createEthereumSignedTx({
    signature: ethereumSignature.signature,

  return { ethereumSignedTx, signature: ethereumSignature.signature };

D. Example

  • By following this link, you can see the example code.

  • You can execute the example code through the command below.

    1. git clone https://github.com/dsrvlabs/kms-monorepo
    2. Create the mnemonic.json file inside the packages/examples (follow the format of this link)
    3. yarn && yarn build
    4. yarn start:example signTxPlayground.ts

4. sendTransaction

Transactions can be transferred via the signedTransaction created above. However, a faucet is required to transmit the transaction.

  • By following this link, you can see the example code.

  • You can execute the example code through the command below.

    1. git clone https://github.com/dsrvlabs/kms-monorepo
    2. Create the mnemonic.json file inside the packages/examples (follow the format of this link)
    3. yarn && yarn build
    4. yarn start:example sendTransactionPlayground.ts

Test getAccount, signature

  1. yarn && yarn build:kms
  2. yarn test:examples




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