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0.4.0 • Public • Published


Embark on your web3 journey with seamless onboarding that takes just a few moments.

📄 Description

This web component based SDK aims to offer a Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) solution built on top of DFNS's MPC solution. Checkout the official DFNS Documentation to get started!

⚡ Quick Start


Incorporating your application with DfnsSDK necessitates the use of our client-side NPM package:

npm install @dfns/web-ui

Get your App ID from DFNS Dashboard

Please visit the DFNS Dashboard and register. Begin your integration by utilizing the application's Client ID.

Dfns Dashboard


Following installation, the next action required to utilize DFNS is initializing the SDK.

Initialize DfnsSDFK

DfnsSDK needs to initialize as soon as your app loads up to enable the user to log in. the following implemtation is a use case based on a singleton pattern to ensure there is only one instance of CustomClass throughout the application. This instance can be retrieved using the getInstance method:

import { DfnsSDK } from "@dfns/web-ui";

const dfnsSdkOptions = {
	appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
	apiUrl: 'YOUR_API_URL',
	lang: 'en',
	network: 'PolygonMumbai',
	dfnsHost: 'https://api.dfns.ninja',//(testnet)
	defaultDevice: "desktop",
	autoConnect: true,

export default class CustomClass {
	private static ctx: CustomClass;
	public dfnsSdk: DfnsSDK;

	public constructor() {
		CustomClass.ctx = this;
		const { DfnsSDK } = require("@dfns/web-ui");
		this.dfnsSdk = new DfnsSDK(dfnsSdkOptions);

	public static getInstance() {
		if (!CustomClass.ctx) return new this();
		return CustomClass.ctx;


Option Type Description
appName string (Optional) The name of your application.
rpId string Required. The relying party ID for your application.
appId string Required. The application ID for your application.
dfnsHost string (Optional) The DFNS host URL.
apiUrl string (Optional) The API URL.
loginOptions LoginOption[] (Optional) An array of login options, which can be both "social" or "web3".
appLogoUrl string | null (Optional) URL to the application logo.
darkMode boolean (Optional) Whether to enable dark mode.
assetsPath string (Optional) The path to assets.
showWalletValidation boolean (Optional) Whether to show wallet validation UI.
defaultDevice "mobile" | "desktop" | null (Optional) The default device type.
network BlockchainNetwork Required. The blockchain network.
googleClientId string (Optional) Google Client ID for authentication.
googleEnabled boolean (Optional) Whether Google authentication is enabled.
lang "fr" | "en" (Optional) The default language.
customButtonEnabled boolean (Optional) Whether to enable a custom button.
customButtonText string (Optional) Text for the custom button.
customButtonIcon string (Optional) Icon for the custom button.
customButtonCallback () => any (Optional) Callback function for the custom button.
primaryColor string (Optional) The primary color for UI elements.
walletConnectEnabled boolean (Optional) Whether WalletConnect is enabled.
walletConnectProjectId string (Optional) WalletConnect project ID.
autoConnect boolean (Optional) Whether to auto-connect.
disableLogoutUI boolean (Optional) Whether to disable the logout UI.
showRecoverySetupAtWalletCreation boolean (Optional) shows recovery setup after the wallet creation
activateRecovery boolean (Optional) Whether to enable the link to the recover account
showRecoverySetupAfterRecoverAccount boolean (Optional) Whether to show the recover setup after recovering the account.


Option Type Description
type "social" | "web3" Required. The type of login option, either "social" or "web3".
name ESocialLogin Required. The name of the social login provider (e.g., "google" or "other").

DfnsSDK Functions

Function Description Parameters Return Type
connect Connects to the DFNS SDK. None Promise<string>
connectWithOAuthToken Connects to the DFNS SDK with an OAuth token. oauthToken: string Promise<string>
signMessage Signs a message using the DFNS wallet. message: string Promise<string>
transferTokens Transfers tokens. None Promise<string>
sendTransaction Sends a transaction. to: string, value: string, data?: string, nonce?: number Promise<string>
setLanguage Sets the language of the SDK. lang: "fr" | "en" void
disconnect Disconnects from the DFNS SDK. None void
onChange Registers an event listener for wallet events. event: WalletEvent, callback: (data: any) => void () => void
isConnected Checks if the SDK is connected. None Promise<boolean>
getAddress Retrieves the wallet address. None Promise<string>
getWalletProvider Gets the wallet provider. None WalletProvider
getProvider Gets DFNS wallet provider. None any
refreshToken Refreshes the token. works only with connectWithOAuthToken None Promise<void>

⏪ Requirements

  • Node 20+

🧳 Bundling

This module is distributed in es6 format

  • esm build @dfns/web-ui/dist/dfns-web-component/dfns-web-component.esm

Usage in a react component

This code snippet demonstrates how to initialize a custom component using the @dfns/web-ui/loader library.

import { defineCustomElements } from "@dfns/web-ui/loader";
import { DfnsSDK } from "@dfns/web-ui";

export default async function CustomComponent() {
    // Initialize custom elements

    // Connect with OAuth token
    await DfnsSDK.connectWithOAuthToken('YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN');

    // Connect with a social provider
    await DfnsSDK.connect();

Usage in a web page

This HTML and JavaScript code demonstrates how to integrate the DFNS Web Component into a web page. The DFNS Web Component allows you to add DFNS authentication and wallet functionality to your web application.

<!doctype html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/build/dfns-web-component.css" />
    <script type="module" src="/build/dfns-web-component.esm.js"></script>
    <script nomodule src="/build/dfns-web-component.js"></script>
<script type="module">
    import { DfnsSDK } from "/build/index.esm.js";

    // Configure DFNS SDK options
    const dfnsSdkOptions = {
        apiUrl: "YOUR_API_URL",
        rpId: "YOUR_RP_ID",
        appId: "YOUR_APP_ID",
        lang: "en",
        showWalletValidation: true,
        network: "PolygonMumbai",
        dfnsHost: "https://api.dfns.ninja",
        appName: "YOUR_APP_NAME",
        appLogoUrl: "YOUR_LOGO_URL",
        googleEnabled: true,
        googleClientId: "YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID",
        customButtonEnabled: true,
        customButtonText: "Custom Button",
        customButtonIcon: null,
        customButtonCallback: () => {
            console.log("Custom button clicked");
        primaryColor: "#2A0650",
        darkMode: false,
        autoConnect: true,
        walletConnectProjectId: "YOUR_WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID",
        disableLogoutUI: true,

    // Create and initialize DFNS SDK
    const dfnsSDK = new DfnsSDK(dfnsSdkOptions);




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