
0.6.3 • Public • Published

JSON Extension for Theia


The JSON extension supports the following features:

  • Syntax Coloring for JSON including support for jsonc (i.e. comments)
  • Code completion for JSON properties and values based on the document's JSON schema or based on existing properties and values used at other places in the document. JSON schemas are configured through the server configuration options.
  • Hover for values based on descriptions in the document's JSON schema.
  • Document Symbols for quick navigation to properties in the document.
  • Document Colors for showing color decorators on values representing colors and Color Presentation for color presentation information to support color pickers. The location of colors is defined by the document's JSON schema. All values marked with "format": "color-hex" (VSCode specific, non-standard JSON Schema extension) are considered color values. The supported color formats are #rgb[a] and #rrggbb[aa].
  • Code Formatting supporting ranges and formatting the whole document.
  • Diagnostics (Validation) are pushed for all open documents
    • syntax errors
    • structural validation based on the document's JSON schema.

In order to load JSON schemas, the JSON server uses NodeJS http and fs modules. For all other features, the JSON server only relies on the documents and settings provided by the client through the LSP.



Clients may send a workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification to notify the server of settings changes. The server supports the following settings:

  • http

    • proxy: The URL of the proxy server to use when fetching schema. When undefined or empty, no proxy is used.
    • proxyStrictSSL: Whether the proxy server certificate should be verified against the list of supplied CAs.
  • json

    • format
      • enable: Whether the server should register the formatting support. This option is only applicable if the client supports dynamicRegistration for rangeFormatting
      • schema: Configures association of file names to schema URL or schemas and/or associations of schema URL to schema content.
        • fileMatch: an array or file names or paths (separated by /). * can be used as a wildcard.
        • url: The URL of the schema, optional when also a schema is provided.
        • schema: The schema content.
        "http": {
            "proxy": "",
            "proxyStrictSSL": true
        "json": {
            "format": {
                "enable": true
            "schemas": [
                    "fileMatch": [
                    "url": "http://json.schemastore.org/foo",
                    "schema": {
                    	"type": "array"

Schema configuration and custom schema content delivery

JSON schemas are essential for code assist, hovers, color decorators to work and are required for structural validation.

To find the schema for a given JSON document, the server uses the following mechanisms:

  • JSON documents can define the schema URL using a $schema property
  • The settings define a schema association based on the documents URL. Settings can either associate a schema URL to a file or path pattern, and they can directly provide a schema.
  • Additionally, schema associations can also be provided by a custom 'schemaAssociations' configuration call.

Schemas are identified by URLs. To load the content of a schema, the JSON language server tries to load from that URL or path. The following URL schemas are supported:

  • http, https: Loaded using NodeJS's HTTP support. Proxies can be configured through the settings.
  • file: Loaded using NodeJS's fs support.
  • vscode: Loaded by an LSP call to the client.

Schema associations notification

In addition to the settings, schemas associations can also be provided through a notification from the client to the server. This notification is a JSON language server specific, non-standardized, extension to the LSP.


  • method: 'json/schemaAssociations'
  • params: ISchemaAssociations defined as follows
interface ISchemaAssociations {
	[pattern: string]: string[];
  • keys: a file names or file path (separated by /). * can be used as a wildcard.
  • values: An array of schema URLs

Schema content request

The schema content for schema URLs that start with vscode:// will be requested from the client through an LSP request. This request is a JSON language server specific, non-standardized, extension to the LSP.


  • method: 'vscode/content'
  • params: string - The schema URL to request. The server will only ask for URLs that start with vscode://
  • response: string - The content of the schema with the given URL

Schema content change notification

When the client is aware that a schema content has changed, it will notify the server through a notification. This notification is a JSON language server specific, non-standardized, extension to the LSP. The server will, as a response, clear the schema content from the cache and reload the schema content when required again.


  • method: 'json/schemaContent'
  • params: string the URL of the schema that has changed.



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