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0.29.17 • Public • Published


Compatible with:

  • HDK v0.1.0 & HDI v0.2.0
  • @holochain/client v0.12.0

Proxy classes and helpers for managing a Holochain AppWebsocket and calling zome functions on cells. The intent is to make the development of web UI of Holochain apps in javascript / typescript faster & easier by providing a straightforward API for communicating with a Conductor, and some basic logging features.


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Holochain Cell Locator

In Holochain, a running Holochain cell can be refered to by its CellId, but Holochain's does not provide a way for refering to a cell based on its intended use by a happ. A cell is typically created from a Role in a AppManifest, as a clone or not. This package propose the Holochain Cell Locator, a way to refer to a cell by its AppId, RoleName and CloneIndex or CloneName. The format is: cell:/<InstalledAppId>/<BaseRoleName>/<CloneName | CloneIndex>

The BaseRoleName is the RoleName as defined in the AppManifest, without the appended cloneIndex (if it is clonable). The RoleName with the appended cloneIndex is refered as RoleInstanceId.

Examples: cell:/where/profiles cell:/chatApp/channel/2 cell:/chatApp/channel/europe/0

This way of addresssing clones makes it straightforward for querying all the cells of a happ or all the cells of a particular role for example.

The HCL string is named HCLString, whereas the HCL object is named HCL.


ConductorAppProxy is the main class that wraps an AppWebsocket and represents the conductor.

  • It keeps track of all the created cells by storing the InstalledCells in a retrievable way using HCL addresssing.
  • It manages all signalHandlers and logs all signals received.
  • It creates and stores every CellProxy.

A ConductorAppProxy can be created by providing an already existing AppWebSocket or by providing a local port where it will try to create an AppWebSocket internally by connecting to that port.


CellProxy represents a running Cell, it provides a simple API for calling zome functions.

  • It logs all zome calls made to that cell.
  • It logs all received signals.

A CellProxy can only be created by a ConductorAppProxy by calling ConductorAppProxy.createCellProxy(). Zome calls that write to the source-chain should use the entry point CellProxy.callZomeBlocking(), that guarantees that no other blocking call runs in parallel, so to ensure there is no "source-chain" head rewrite errors.


ZomeProxy is an abstract base class that makes use of a CellProxy for a specific zome. A subclass is expected to provide all the zome functions of a zome as directly callable methods. Example: profilesProxy.fetchAllProfiles()

A ZomeProxy subclass must define the static field DEFAULT_ZOME_NAME which is the way to know at runtime for what zome this subclass is for.


Imagine you have a happ that has a dna that uses a profile zome.

Example without subclassing ZomeProxy

/** HCL of the role we want to use */
const hcl = new HCL("myHapp", "myRole");
/** Create AppProxy from provided local port */
const appProxy = await ConductorAppProxy.new(Number(process.env.HC_APP_PORT));
/** Map out all the runnings cells for a Role in a happ. Required before calling createCellProxy */
await appProxy.fetchCells(hcl);
/** Create a CellProxy for the "myRole" role */
const profilesCellProxy = appProxy.createCellProxy(hcl);
/** Call zome function on the "profiles" zome  */
const handles = await profilesCellProxy.callZome("profiles", "fetch_all_handles", null);
/** Dump all logs to console */

Example with ZomeProxy subclass

ZomeProxy subclass

export class ProfileZomeProxy extends ZomeProxy {

  static readonly DEFAULT_ZOME_NAME: string = "profiles";

  async getMyHandle(): Promise<string> {
    return this.call('get_my_handle', null);
  async setMyHandle(value: string): Promise<EntryHash> {
    return this.callBlocking('set_my_handle', value);
  async fetchAllHandles(): Promise<string[]> {
    return this.call('fetch_all_handles', null);


/** HCL of the cell we want to use */
const hcl = new HCL("myHapp", "myRole");
/** Create AppProxy from provided local port */
const appProxy = await ConductorAppProxy.new(Number(process.env.HC_APP_PORT));
/** Map out all the runnings cells for a Role in a happ. Required before calling createCellProxy */
await appProxy.fetchCells(hcl);
/** Create a CellProxy for the "profiles" role */
const cellProxy = appProxy.createCellProxy(hcl);
/** Create ZomeProxy */
const zomeProxy = ProfileZomeProxy(cellProxy);
/** Call zome function on the "profiles" zome */
const handles = await zomeProxy.fetchAllHandles();




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