Backbone - access-management API TS Client
The access-management API TS Client enables you to work with the access-management API.
- npm
You can use npm to install the package.
npm install @datenkraft/bb-access-management-api-ts-client
Using the package
The package can be used to communicate with the access-management API. The Client includes functionalities for every endpoint defined in the openapi.json. The Client is auto-generated with OpenAPITools using an openapi.json file.
Initializing the Client and calling an Endpoint
import { ConfigOptions } from '@datenkraft/bb-base-api-ts-client';
import { AccessManagementApiClient } from '@datenkraft/bb-access-management-api-ts-client';
import { XxxApi } from '@datenkraft/bb-access-management-api-ts-client/Generated';
const configOptions: ConfigOptions = {
clientId: 'clientId',
clientSecret: 'clientSecret',
oAuthTokenHost: 'oAuthTokenHost',
tokenTradeInPath: 'tokenTradeInPath',
externalIdToken: 'externalIdToken',
useExternalIdToken: true,
AccessManagementApiClient.getApiConfig(configOptions).then((config) => {
const XxxApi = new XxxApi(config);
XxxApi.getXxxCollection().then((data) => {});
This repository is available under the MIT license.