TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.12.1 • Public • Published


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<BarCode className="barcode" data={data} />
Name Default Type Description
className string Custom css classes to apply to the SVG
style React.CSSProperties Custom style object to apply to the SVG
additionalElements JSX.Element Optional elements to add to the SVG
size { width: number; height: number } Width and Height of the SVG. Default is parent node size.
data* Array<Datum> orArray<number> Array of data
value (Datum) => Datum (Datum) => number or number Value accessor
valueInactive 1 number Value Inactive accessor
fill (Datum) => string or string Fill color accessor
fillInactive #000 string Fill Inactive accessor
fillOpacity (Datum) => number or number Fill Opacity accessor
fillOpacityInactive 0.3 number Fill Opacity Inactive accessor
fillInactive #000 string Fill Inactive accessor
stroke (Datum) => string or string Stroke color accessor
strokeInactive transparent string Stroke Inactive accessor
strokeOpacity (Datum) => number or number Stroke Opacity accessor
strokeOpacityInactive 0.3 number Stroke Opacity Inactive accessor
strokeInactive transparent string Stroke Inactive accessor
barWidth number Width of the bars
center {x: width / 2, y: height / 2} {x: number, y: number} Center of the dataviz
tooltip (Datum) => string Return HTML or text as a string to show on element mouseover

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  • lucafalasco