
1.3.0 • Public • Published


Charts is a package for the Datagrok platform. It provides visualizations built using the ECharts and D3.js libraries. Individual data visualizations use Javascript libraries, such as Circos and three.js.


This viewer displays the flow of events over time. Timelines is often used in life sciences, in particular, for clinical data visualization (see a usage example in the Clinical Case application).


Timelines Properties

grok.shell.v.addViewer(DG.VIEWER.TIMELINES, {
  splitByColumnName: "USUBJID",  // Subject identifier (a categorical column displayed on the Y axis)
  startColumnName: "AESTDY",     // Start date of event (an integer/datetime column)
  endColumnName: "AEENDY",       // End date of event (an integer/datetime column)
  colorByColumnName: "AETERM",   // Color criterion (a categorical column with non-unique values to visually group the events)
  eventColumnName: "AETERM",     // Optional (used when `showEventInTooltip` is set to true)
  eventsColumnNames: ["c1", "c2"], // Adds event columns (integer/datetime) that have only one coordinate (rendered as a point, if [showOpenIntervals] is `false`)
  showOpenIntervals: false,      // Show an event with missing start/end coordinate as continuous
  showEventInTooltip: false,     // Switches between two tooltip modes: (1) the general number of co-occurring events and (2) the event details
  dateFormat: "",                // Optional (used when the start and/or end are represented as datetime).
                                 // Formats: '{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}', '{M}/{d}/{yyyy}', '{MMM} {d}', '{dd}', '{d}'
  axisPointer: "shadow",         // Axis pointer style ('cross' | 'line' | 'shadow' | 'none')
  showZoomSliders: true,         // Zoom sliders visibility control
  marker: "circle",              // Marker shape ('circle' | 'rect' | 'ring' | 'diamond')
  markerSize: 6,                 // Marker size (the width and height for rectangular shapes, the diameter for circular shapes)
  markerPosition: "main line",   // Marker position ('main line' | 'above main line' | 'scatter')
                                 // Moves all points (non-prolonged events, events without either start or end date, events with the duration
                                 // that converts to a value less than that of the marker size) to a given position on the Y axis within one subject.
                                 // Used for a large number of overlapping events. The 'scatter' option shifts data points up and down in turn
  lineWidth: 3,                  // Line width (the value is not applied to markers)
  legendVisibility: "Auto",      // Legend visibility ('Always' | 'Auto' | 'Never') requires [colorByColumnName]

It is possible to choose the above options in the context panel and then obtain a code snippet that adds a new viewer with identical settings into the view. It is generated by the DevTools plugin whenever you call the viewer context menu command To Script | To JavaScript.

The dates are typically formatted as {MMM} {d} both in tooltips and in the axis labels. To change a template, use any combination of the following units in the Date Format property:

Symbol Meaning Example
{yy} Year without the century 00, 01, ..., 20, ..., 99
{yyyy} Year with the century 0001, ..., 2020, ..., 9999
{Q} Quarter 1, 2, 3, 4
{M} Month 1, 2, 3, ..., 12
{MM} Zero-padded month 01, 02, 03, ..., 12
{MMM} Abbreviated month name Jan, Feb, Mar, ..., Dec
{MMMM} Full month name January, ..., December
{d} Day of the month 1, 2, 3, ..., 31
{dd} Zero-padded day 01, 02, 03, ..., 31
{e} Week number 1, 2, 3, ..., 54
{ee} Abbreviated weekday name Mon, ..., Fri, Sat, Sun
{eeee} Full weekday name Monday, ..., Sunday
{h} Hour (12-hour clock) 1, 2, 3, ..., 12
{hh} Zero-padded hour (12-hour clock) 01, 02, 03, ..., 12
{H} Hour (24-hour clock) 0, 1, 2, ..., 23
{HH} Zero-padded hour (24-hour clock) 00, 01, 02, ..., 23
{m} Minute 0, 1, 2, ..., 59
{mm} Zero-padded minute 00, 01, 02, ..., 59
{s} Second 0, 1, 2, ..., 59
{ss} Zero-padded second 00, 01, 02, ..., 59
{S} Millisecond 0, 1, ..., 999
{SSS} Zero-padded millisecond 000, 001, ..., 999

Column selection heuristics

The Timelines viewer can choose its parameters by SDTM vocabulary. If you are working with a dataset representing an SDTM domain, the algorithm will first try to match the column names based on the naming conventions of this standard. In other cases, the columns will be selected according to the data type and such column statistics as the number of unique categories.


Radar charts are used on multivariate data to plot groups of values over several common variables. Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/beer.csv



The Chord viewer is used to visualize weighted relationships between several entities.

Status: experimental. Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/energy_uk.csv


The D3.js version of the chart was used instead of ECharts version due to better performance of the first one.


The Sankey viewer is used to depict a flow from one set of values to another.

Status: experimental. Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/energy_uk.csv


The D3.js version of the chart was used instead of ECharts version due to better performance of the first one.


The Globe viewer is used to represent data visualization layers on a 3-dimensional globe in a spherical projection (e.g., earthquakes, sickness cases).

Status: experimental. Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/covid-19-cases.csv


Group analysis

The Group analysis viewer is used to group data by different options.

Status: experimental. Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/demog.csv



The Sunburst viewer is used to display hierarchical data.

Status: experimental. Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/demog.csv


Surface plot

The Surface plot viewer is used to display a set of three-dimensional data as a mesh surface.

Status: experimental. Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/demog.csv



TreeViewer is used to visualize hierarchical data. The chart builds a tree structure with up to three levels for a given dataset. The columns are selected based on a number of categories in them. To change the order of columns, add new levels to the initial hierarchy or remove the existing ones, edit the hierarchy property.

The chart responds to data filters and rows selection. The only difference with the native viewers behavior is that the selection of rows in TreeViewer has limited interaction. The selection works on clicks with applied modifier keys (Shift adds to selection, Ctrl toggles the selected state, see more in the wiki); while a regular click on a node is reserved for expanding or collapsing branches of the tree.

In the viewer properties, you can adjust marker settings, change a tree layout, or toggle certain behaviors, such as animation, expanding or collapsing nodes, etc.

Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/demog.csv


TreeViewer Properties

  hierarchyColumnNames: ["level_1_column", "level_2_column"], // Ordered list of tree levels
  edgeShape: "curve",       // 'curve' | 'polyline'
  expandAndCollapse: true,  // Enable branch expansion/collapse
  initialTreeDepth: 2,      // The initial depth of the tree (level 0 is the root node, etc., -1 expands all nodes)
  layout: "orthogonal",     // 'orthogonal' | 'radial'
  orient: "LR",             // 'LR' | 'RL' | 'TB' | 'BT'
  symbol: "emptyCircle",    // Tree node symbol shape
  symbolSize: 7,            // Tree node symbol size


The WordCloud viewer is used to visualize unstructured text data.

Status: experimental. Demo dataset: https://dev.datagrok.ai/f/Demo.Files/demog.csv


Common properties

  top: '5px',
  left: '5px',
  bottom: '5px',
  right: '5px',
  animationDuration: 500,
  animationDurationUpdate: 750,

See also:




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