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Client library for Bus Route and Stop Methods

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/wmata_bus_route
let wmata_bus_route = require('@datafire/wmata_bus_route').create({
  apiKeyHeader: "",
  apiKeyQuery: ""

.then(data => {


Bus stop information, route and schedule data, and bus positions.




Returns bus positions for the given route, with an optional search radius. If no parameters are specified, all bus positions are returned.

Note that the RouteID parameter accepts only base route names and no variations, i.e.: use 10A instead of 10Av1 or 10Av2.

Bus positions are refreshed approximately every 20 to 30 7 to 10 seconds.

Response Elements

Element Description
BusPositions Array containing bus position information (BusPositions).
DateTime Date and time (Eastern Standard Time) of last position update. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:23:40).
Deviation Deviation, in minutes, from schedule. Positive values indicate that the bus is running late while negative ones are for buses running ahead of schedule.
DirectionNum Deprecated. Use the DirectionText for a customer-friendly description of direction.
DirectionText General direction of the trip, not the bus itself (e.g.: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST).
Lat Last reported Latitude of the bus.
Lon Last reported Longitude of the bus.
RouteID Base route name as shown on the bus. Note that the base route name could also refer to any variant, so a RouteID of 10A could refer to 10A, 10Av1, 10Av2, etc.
TripEndTime Scheduled end date and time (Eastern Standard Time) of the bus's current trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
TripHeadsign Destination of the bus.
TripID Unique trip ID. This can be correlated with the data returned from the schedule-related methods.
TripStartTime Scheduled start date and time (Eastern Standard Time) of the bus's current trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T12:40:00).
VehicleID Unique identifier for the bus. This is usually visible on the bus itself.
wmata_bus_route.5476362a281d830c946a3d6e({}, context)


  • input object
    • RouteID string (values: 70): Bus route, e.g.: 70, 10A.
    • Lat string: Center point Latitude, required if Longitude and Radius are specified.
    • Lon string: Center point Longitude, required if Latitude and Radius are specified.
    • Radius string: Radius (meters) to include in the search area, required if Latitude and Longitude are specified.


Output schema unknown



For a given date, returns the set of ordered latitude/longitude points along route variant along with the list of stops served.

Response Elements

Element Description
Direction0/Direction1 Structures describing path/stopinformation.

Most routes will return content in both Direction0 and Direction1 elements, though a few will return NULL for Direction0 or for Direction1.

0 or 1 are binary properties. There is no specific mapping to direction, but a different value for the same route signifies that the route is in an opposite direction.
Name Descriptive name for the route.
RouteID Bus route variant (e.g.: 10A, 10Av1, etc.).
DirectionNum Deprecated. Use the DirectionText element to denote the general direction of the route variant.
DirectionText General direction of the route variant (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, LOOP, etc.).
Shape Array containing shape point information (ShapePoint).
Stops Array containing stop information (Stop).
TripHeadsign Descriptive text of where the bus is headed. This is similar, but not necessarily identical, to what is displayed on the bus.
Lat Latitude.
Lon Longitude.
SeqNum Order of the point in the sequence of ShapePoints.
Lat Latitude.
Lon Longitude.
Name Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
Routes String array of route variants which provide service at this stop. Note that these are not date-specific; any route variant which stops at this stop on any day will be listed.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
  "RouteID": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • RouteID required string (values: 70): Bus route variant, e.g.: 70, 10A, 10Av1.
    • Date string: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve route and stop information. Defaults to today's date unless specified.


Output schema unknown



Returns schedules for a given route variant for a given date.

Response Elements

Element Description
Direction0/Direction1 Arrays containing trip information (Trip).

Most routes will return content in both Direction0 and Direction1 elements, though a few (especially ones which run in a loop, such as the U8) will return content only for Direction0 and NULL content for Direction1.

0 or 1 are binary properties. There is no specific mapping to direction, but a different value for the same route signifies that the route is in an opposite direction.
Name Descriptive name for the route.
DirectionNum Deprecated. Use the TripDirectionText element to denote the general direction of the trip.
EndTime Scheduled end date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
RouteID Bus route variant. This can be used in several other bus methods which accept variants.
StartTime Scheduled start date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
StopTimes Array containing location and time information (StopTime).
TripDirectionText General direction of the trip (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, LOOP, etc.).
TripHeadsign Descriptive text of where the bus is headed. This is similar, but not necessarily identical, to what is displayed on the bus.
TripID Unique trip ID. This can be correlated with the data returned from the schedule-related methods.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
StopName Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
StopSeq Order of the stop in the sequence of StopTimes.
Time Scheduled departure date and time (Eastern Standard Time) from this stop. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
  "RouteID": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • RouteID required string (values: 70): Bus route variant, e.g.: 70, 10A, 10Av1.
    • Date string: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve schedule. Defaults to today's date unless specified.
    • IncludingVariations boolean (values: false, true): Whether or not to include variations. For example, if B30 is specified, include all variations such as B30v1, B30v2, etc.


Output schema unknown



Returns a list of all bus route variants (patterns). For example, the 10A and 10Av1 are the same route, but may stop at slightly different locations.

Response Elements

Element Description
Routes Array containing route variant information (Route).
Name Descriptive name of the route variant.
RouteID Unique identifier for a given route variant. Can be used in various other bus-related methods.
LineDescription Denotes the route variant’s grouping – lines are a combination of routes which lie in the same corridor and which have significant portions of their paths along the same roadways.
wmata_bus_route.5476362a281d830c946a3d70(null, context)


This action has no parameters


Output schema unknown



Returns a set of buses scheduled at a stop for a given date.

Response Elements

Element Description
ScheduleArrivals Array containing scheduled arrival information (ScheduleArrival).
Stop Structure describing stop information.
DirectionNum Denotes a binary direction (0 or 1) of the bus. There is no specific mapping to direction, but a different value for the same route signifies that the buses are traveling in opposite directions. Use the TripDirectionText element to show the actual destination of the bus.
EndTime Scheduled end date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
RouteID Bus route variant identifier (pattern). This variant can be used in several other bus methods which accept variants. Note that customers will never see anything other than the base route name, so variants 10A, 10Av1, 10Av2, etc. will be displayed as 10A on the bus.
ScheduleTime Date and time (Eastern Standard Time) when the bus is scheduled to stop at this location. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
StartTime Scheduled start date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
TripDirectionText General direction of the trip (e.g.: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST).
TripHeadsign Destination of the bus.
TripID Trip identifier. This can be correlated with the data in our bus schedule information as well as bus positions.
Lat Latitude.
Lon Longitude.
Name Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
Routes String array of route variants which provide service at this stop. Note that these are not date-specific; any route variant which stops at this stop on any day will be listed.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
  "StopID": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • StopID required string (values: 1001195): 7-digit regional stop ID.
    • Date string: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve schedule. Defaults to today's date unless specified.


Output schema unknown



Returns a list of nearby bus stops based on latitude, longitude, and radius. Omit all parameters to retrieve a list of all stops.

Response Elements

Element Description
Stops Array containing stop information (Stop).
Lat Latitude.
Lon Longitude.
Name Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
Routes String array of route variants which provide service at this stop. Note that these are not date-specific; any route variant which stops at this stop on any day will be listed.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
wmata_bus_route.5476362a281d830c946a3d73({}, context)


  • input object
    • Lat string (values: 38.878586): Center point Latitude, required if Longitude and Radius are specified.
    • Lon string (values: -76.989626): Center point Longitude, required if Latitude and Radius are specified.
    • Radius string (values: 500): Radius (feet) to include in the search area, required if Latitude and Longitude are specified.


Output schema unknown



Returns bus positions for the given route, with an optional search radius. If no parameters are specified, all bus positions are returned.

Note that the RouteID parameter accepts only base route names and no variations, i.e.: use 10A instead of 10Av1 or 10Av2.

Bus positions are refreshed approximately every 20 to 30 7 to 10 seconds.

Response Elements

Element Description
BusPositions Array containing bus position information (BusPositions).
DateTime Date and time (Eastern Standard Time) of last position update. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:23:40).
Deviation Deviation, in minutes, from schedule. Positive values indicate that the bus is running late while negative ones are for buses running ahead of schedule.
DirectionNum Deprecated. Use the DirectionText for a customer-friendly description of direction.
DirectionText General direction of the trip, not the bus itself (e.g.: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST).
Lat Last reported Latitude of the bus.
Lon Last reported Longitude of the bus.
RouteID Base route name as shown on the bus. Note that the base route name could also refer to any variant, so a RouteID of 10A could refer to 10A, 10Av1, 10Av2, etc.
TripEndTime Scheduled end date and time (Eastern Standard Time) of the bus's current trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
TripHeadsign Destination of the bus.
TripID Unique trip ID. This can be correlated with the data returned from the schedule-related methods.
TripStartTime Scheduled start date and time (Eastern Standard Time) of the bus's current trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T12:40:00).
VehicleID Unique identifier for the bus. This is usually visible on the bus itself.
wmata_bus_route.5476362a281d830c946a3d68({}, context)


  • input object
    • RouteID string (values: 70): Base bus route, e.g.: 70, 10A.
    • Lat number: Center point Latitude, required if Longitude and Radius are specified.
    • Lon number: Center point Longitude, required if Latitude and Radius are specified.
    • Radius number: Radius (meters) to include in the search area, required if Latitude and Longitude are specified.


Output schema unknown



For a given date, returns the set of ordered latitude/longitude points along a route variant along with the list of stops served.

Response Elements

Element Description
Direction0/Direction1 Structures describing path/stop information.

Most routes will return content in both Direction0 and Direction1 elements, though a few will return NULL for Direction0 or for Direction1.

0 or 1 are binary properties. There is no specific mapping to direction, but a different value for the same route signifies that the route is in an opposite direction.
Name Descriptive name for the route.
RouteID Bus route variant (e.g.: 10A, 10Av1, etc.).
DirectionNum Deprecated. Use the DirectionText element to denote the general direction of the route variant.
DirectionText General direction of the route variant (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, LOOP, etc.).
Shape Array containing shape point information (ShapePoint).
Stops Array containing stop information (Stop).
TripHeadsign Descriptive text of where the bus is headed. This is similar, but not necessarily identical, to what is displayed on the bus.
Lat Latitude.
Lon Longitude.
SeqNum Order of the point in the sequence of ShapePoints.
Lat Latitude.
Lon Longitude.
Name Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
Routes String array of route variants which provide service at this stop. Note that these are not date-specific; any route variant which stops at this stop on any day will be listed.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
  "RouteID": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • RouteID required string (values: 70): Bus route variant, e.g.: 70, 10A, 10Av1.
    • Date string: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve route and stop information. Defaults to today's date unless specified.


Output schema unknown



Returns schedules for a given route variant for a given date.

Response Elements

Element Description
Direction0/Direction1 Arrays containing trip information (Trip).

Most routes will return content in both Direction0 and Direction1 elements, though a few (especially ones which run in a loop, such as the U8) will return content only for Direction0 and NULL content for Direction1.

0 or 1 are binary properties. There is no specific mapping to direction, but a different value for the same route signifies that the route is in an opposite direction.
Name Descriptive name for the route.
DirectionNum Deprecated. Use the TripDirectionText element to denote the general direction of the trip.
EndTime Scheduled end date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
RouteID Bus route variant. This can be used in several other bus methods which accept variants.
StartTime Scheduled start date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
StopTimes Array containing location and time information (StopTime).
TripDirectionText General direction of the trip (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, LOOP, etc.).
TripHeadsign Descriptive text of where the bus is headed. This is similar, but not necessarily identical, to what is displayed on the bus.
TripID Unique trip ID. This can be correlated with the data returned from the schedule-related methods.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
StopName Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
StopSeq Order of the stop in the sequence of StopTimes.
Time Scheduled departure date and time (Eastern Standard Time) from this stop. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
  "RouteID": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • RouteID required string (values: 70): Bus route variant, e.g.: 70, 10A, 10Av1, etc.
    • Date string: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve schedule. Defaults to today's date unless specified.
    • IncludingVariations boolean (values: false, true): Whether or not to include variations if a base route is specified in RouteID. For example, if B30 is specified and IncludingVariations is set to true, data for all variations of B30 such as B30v1, B30v2, etc. will be returned.


Output schema unknown



Returns a list of all bus route variants (patterns). For example, the 10A and 10Av1 are the same route, but may stop at slightly different locations.

Response Elements

Element Description
Routes Array containing route variant information (Route).
Name Descriptive name of the route variant.
RouteID Unique identifier for a given route variant. Can be used in various other bus-related methods.
LineDescription Denotes the route variant’s grouping – lines are a combination of routes which lie in the same corridor and which have significant portions of their paths along the same roadways.
wmata_bus_route.5476362a281d830c946a3d6a(null, context)


This action has no parameters


Output schema unknown



Returns a set of buses scheduled at a stop for a given date.

Response Elements

Element Description
ScheduleArrivals Array containing scheduled arrival information (ScheduleArrival).
Stop Structure describing stop information.
DirectionNum Denotes a binary direction (0 or 1) of the bus. There is no specific mapping to direction, but a different value for the same route signifies that the buses are traveling in opposite directions. Use the TripDirectionText element to show the actual destination of the bus.
EndTime Scheduled end date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
RouteID Bus route variant identifier (pattern). This variant can be used in several other bus methods which accept variants. Note that customers will never see anything other than the base route name, so variants 10A, 10Av1, 10Av2, etc. will be displayed as 10A on the bus.
ScheduleTime Date and time (Eastern Standard Time) when the bus is scheduled to stop at this location. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
StartTime Scheduled start date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
TripDirectionText General direction of the trip (e.g.: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST).
TripHeadsign Destination of the bus.
TripID Trip identifier. This can be correlated with the data in our bus schedule information as well as bus positions.
Lat Latitude.
Lon Longitude.
Name Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
Routes String array of route variants which provide service at this stop. Note that these are not date-specific; any route variant which stops at this stop on any day will be listed.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
  "StopID": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • StopID required string (values: 1001195): 7-digit regional stop ID.
    • Date string: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve schedule. Defaults to today's date unless specified.


Output schema unknown



Returns a list of nearby bus stops based on latitude, longitude, and radius. Omit all parameters to retrieve a list of all stops.

Response Elements

Element Description
Stops Array containing stop information (Stop).
Lat Latitude.
Lon Longitude.
Name Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
Routes String array of route variants which provide service at this stop. Note that these are not date-specific; any route variant which stops at this stop on any day will be listed.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
wmata_bus_route.5476362a281d830c946a3d6d({}, context)


  • input object
    • Lat number (values: 38.878586): Center point Latitude, required if Longitude and Radius are specified.
    • Lon number (values: -76.989626): Center point Longitude, required if Latitude and Radius are specified.
    • Radius number (values: 500): Radius (meters) to include in the search area, required if Latitude and Longitude are specified.


Output schema unknown


This integration has no definitions




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