The Cookiebot Consent Banner Loader is a streamlined script designed to effortlessly integrate the Cookiebot consent management platform into your website. This lightweight, GDPR-compliant solution ensures that your site adheres to international privacy regulations by managing and documenting visitor consents for cookies and tracking technologies. Easy to implement and operate, the Cookiebot Loader enhances user trust by providing clear options to accept or reject cookies, maintaining a balance between compliance and user experience.
- Easy Integration
- Cookiebot Cookie Notifikation
Install with npm
npm i @danielgietmann/react-cookiebot
Create a Account at
Get Your Implementation script and use only the data-cbid. User this ID and set it as CookieBotID.
In the Main Layout File Replace GTag with your GTag ID and GAnalytics with your Analytics Id
import CookieBotLoader from "@danielgietmann/react-cookiebot";
function App() {
return (
<html lang="en">
Set in your .env File
Option | Type | Description | Default |
COOKIEBOT_ID | string |
The ID of your Domain | "" |
Enable the Debug Mode | "false" |
- More Config Options