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0.1.5 • Public • Published


Hermes Module for Dojima chain


yarn add @d11k-ts/hermes

Following dependencies have to be installed into your project. These are not included in @d11k-ts/hermes.

yarn add axios @cosmos-client/core@^0.45.13 bech32-buffer@^0.2.1

NOTE: Make sure to install same version of @cosmos-client/core and bech32-buffer as @d11k-ts/cosmos is using ( currently "@cosmos-client/core": "^0.45.13", "bech32-buffer": "^0.2.1"). In other case things might break.

Service Providers

This package uses the following service providers:

Network Node RPC
Testnet https://api-test.h4s.dojima.network https://rpc-test.h4s.dojima.network
Mainnet NA NA

Note : 'Mainnet' is currently under process. Not applicable yet.

Function Service Notes
Balances Cosmos RPC https://cosmos.network/rpc/v0.37.9 (GET /bank/balances/{address})
Transaction history Tendermint RPC https://docs.tendermint.com/master/rpc/#/Info/tx_search
Transaction details by hash Cosmos RPC https://cosmos.network/rpc/v0.37.9 (GET /txs/{hash})
Transaction broadcast Cosmos RPC https://cosmos.network/rpc/v0.37.9 (POST /txs)

Rate limits: No

Documentation: Basic usage example

Connect wallet to new Hermes Client

  • Create new HermesChain client
  • Network default is Mainnet
// Imports 
import {Network} from '@d11k-ts/client'
import {DOJ_DECIMAL, HermesClient} from '@d11k-ts/hermes'
import {AssetDOJNative, assetAmount, assetToBase, baseToAsset} from '@d11k-ts/utils'

// Create new instance of the client and query chain for balances. 
const connectWallet = async () => {

  let phrase = "phrase"
  // mainnet
  const hermesClient = new HermesClient({phrase})
  // testnet
  // const hermesClient = new HermesClient({ phrase, network: Network.DojTestnet })

  let address = hermesClient.getAddress()
  console.log(`Address: ${address}`)
  try {
    const balance = await hermesClient.getBalance(address, [AssetDOJNative])
    let assetAmount = (baseToAsset(balance[0].amount)).amount()
    console.log(`With balance: ${assetAmount}`)
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Transfer doj using Hermes Client

  • Default feeRate is fast
  • Create new HermesChain client instance
  • Convert amount to transfer to base amount
  • Build transaction
  • Returns txHash as string
const transferDoj = async () => {

  // First initiate HermesClient
  let amountToTransfer = 0.1
  let amount = assetToBase(assetAmount(amountToTransfer, DOJ_DECIMAL))
  let recipient = "insert address"
  try {
    const txid = await hermesClient.transfer({
      "amount": amount,
      "recipient": recipient,
      "memo": "test",             // optional
      "asset": AssetDOJNative,    // optional (default)
      "walletIndex": 0            // optional (default)
    console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txid}`)
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Get transaction Data & transaction History

  • Create new HermesClient instance
  • Call getTransactionData(hash) returns hash-details
  • Call getTransactions(address) returns list of transactions (if any)
const transactionData = async () => {

  // First initiate HermesClient
  let hash = "insert hash"
  let address = hermesClient.getAddress()
  try {
    const txData = await hermesClient.getTransactionData(hash, address)
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
// By default getTransactions() returns the transactions for the current address
// Optional param - any dojima address
const transactionHistory = async () => {
  try {
    const txHistory = await hermesClient.getTransactions(address)
    console.log(`Found ${txHistory.total}`)
    txHistory.txs.forEach(tx => console.log(tx.hash))
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Get transfer Fees

  • Hermeschain runs on fee type of Flatfee set to 0.02 DOJ
// Returns Fees Fast: 0.02 Fastest: 0.02 Average: 0.02
const fee = async () => {

  // First initiate HermesClient
  try {
    const {fast, fastest, average} = await hermesClient.getFees()
    console.log(`Fees Fast: ${baseToAsset(fast).amount()} Fastest: ${baseToAsset(fastest).amount()} Average: ${baseToAsset(average).amount()}`)
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Deposit doj using Hermes Client

  • Create new HermesChain client instance
  • Convert amount to transfer to base amount
  • Deposit transaction
  • Returns txHash as string
import {SwapAssetList} from '@d11k-ts/utils'

const transferDoj = async () => {

  // First initiate HermesClient
  let amountToTransfer = 0.1
  let amount = assetToBase(assetAmount(amountToTransfer, DOJ_DECIMAL))
  // amount: number     Note: convert amount to 'BaseAmount' before passing to transfer function
  // memo: string
  try {
    // 'memo' with ADD
    const txid = await hermesClient.deposit({
      memo: `ADD:{SwapAssetList}:{respective-token-address}`,
    // 'memo' with SWAP
    // const depositHash = await hermesClient.deposit({
    //   amount,
    //   memo: `SWAP:{SwapAssetList}:{receiver-token-address}`,
    // })
    console.log(`Deposit tx hash: ${txid}`)
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Caught ${error}`)

Example Code

For sample code check out example test case in ./examples/test.ts



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  • yerramreddyuday
  • dojima-network