- Custom client for communicating with Binance Chain by usingbinance-chain/javascript-sdk
- TypeScript type definitions forbinance-chain/javascript-sdk
(not completed) andBinance WebSocket Streams
. -
- Utitilies for usingbinance-chain/javascript-sdk
yarn add @d11k-ts/binance-beacon
Following dependencies have to be installed into your project. These are not included in @d11k-ts/binance-beacon
yarn add @binance-chain/javascript-sdk
Service Providers
This package uses the following service providers:
Function | Service | Notes | Rate limits |
Balances | Binance Dex | https://docs.binance.org/api-reference/dex-api/paths.html#apiv1accountaddress | 5 requests per IP per second. |
Transaction history | Binance Dex | https://docs.binance.org/api-reference/dex-api/paths.html#apiv1transactions | 60 requests per IP per minute |
Transaction details by hash | Binance Dex | https://docs.binance.org/api-reference/dex-api/paths.html#apiv1txhash | 10 requests per IP per second |
Transaction fees | Binance Dex | https://docs.binance.org/api-reference/dex-api/paths.html#apiv1fees | 1 request per IP per second |
Transaction broadcast | Binance Dex | https://docs.binance.org/api-reference/dex-api/paths.html#apiv1broadcast | 5 requests per IP per second |
Explorer | Binance Dex Explorer | https://explorer.binance.org |
This package gets the node information (https://docs.binance.org/api-reference/dex-api/paths.html#apiv1node-info
) to
transfer tokens.
Documentation : Basic Usage Example
Connect wallet to new Binance-beacon Chain Client
- Create new BinanceBeaconChain client
- Network default is
import {BinanceBeaconClient} from '@d11k-ts/binance-beacon'
import {Network} from '@d11k-ts/client'
import {AssetBNB, assetAmount, assetToBase, baseToAsset} from '@d11k-ts/utils'
// Connect wallet to new btc client
const connectWallet = async () => {
let phrase = "phrase"
// mainnet
const bnbClient = new BinanceBeaconClient({phrase})
// testnet
// const bnbClient = new BinanceBeaconClient({ phrase, network: Network.Testnet })
// For 'doj-testnet add this along with phrase
// const bnbClient = new BinanceBeaconClient({
// phrase,
// network: Network.DojTestnet,
// dojClientUrl: 'https://bnb-test.h4s.dojima.network'
// });
let address = bnbClient.getAddress()
console.log(`Asset Address is: ${address}`)
let balances = await bnbClient.getBalance(address, [AssetBNB])
try {
let assetAmount = (baseToAsset(balances[0].amount)).amount()
console.log(`with balance: ${assetAmount}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log('no balance')
Transfer bnb using Binance-beacon Client
- Default feeRate is
- Create new Binance-beaconClient instance
- Convert amount to transfer to base amount
- Build transaction
- Returns txHash as string
const transferBnb = async () => {
// First initiate BinanceBeaconClient
let amountToTransfer = 0.0001
let recipient = 'insert address'
let amount = assetToBase(assetAmount(amountToTransfer, 8))
console.log("Building transaction")
try {
const txid = await bnbClient.transfer({
"amount": amount,
"recipient": recipient,
"memo": "memo", // optional
"walletIndex": 0, // optional (default)
"asset": AssetBNB, // optional (default)
console.log(`Amount ${amount.amount().toString()} ${AssetBNB.symbol} TransactionId: ${txid}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Transfer failed: ${error}`)
Get transaction Data & transaction History
- Create new Binance-beaconClient instance
- Note: Doj-testnet doesn't provide txData and txs list
- Call getTransactionData(hash) returns hash-details
- Call getTransactions(address) returns list of transactions (if any)
let hash = "insert hash string"
try {
const txData = await bnbClient.getTransactionData(hash)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error: ${error}`)
// Retrieve transaction history for a set address
// txHistoryParams > address, offset, startTime, asset?
try {
const txHistory = await bnbClient.getTransactions({address: Address, limit: 4})
console.log(`Found ${txHistory.total.toString()}`)
txHistory.txs.forEach(tx => console.log(tx))
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error: ${error}`)
Get transfer fees
- Bnb has fixed fee client, average, fast and fastest return the same value.
- getFees() returns current fees for the network
try {
const fee = await bnbClient.getFees()
console.log(`Fees average: ${baseToAsset(fee.average).amount()}`)
console.log(`Fees fast: ${baseToAsset(fee.fast).amount()}`)
console.log(`Fees fastest: ${baseToAsset(fee.fastest).amount()}`)
} catch (error) {
Get Binance Inbound address
- Get Binance Inbound address from hermes chain
- Can be used in adding liquidity pool and swapping
const inboundAddr = async () => {
try {
const inboundAddress = await bnbClient.getBinanceInboundAddress()
console.log('Inbound Address :: ', inboundAddress)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
Get default liquidity pool gas fee
- Get Binance default liquidity pool gas fee from hermes chain
const defaultLPGasFee = async () => {
try {
const LPDefaultGasFee = await bnbClient.getDefaultLiquidityPoolGasFee()
console.log('Liquidity pool default gas fee :: ', LPDefaultGasFee)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
Add BNB token into liquidity pool
- Add BNB tokens into liquidity pool
- Get Binance Inbound address from hermes chain
const addBNBToLiquidityPool = async () => {
let amountToTransfer = 0.001
const inboundAddress = await bnbClient.getBinanceInboundAddress()
try {
const liquidityPoolHash = await bnbClient.addLiquidityPool(
dojAddress, // optional dojima address
console.log('Liquidity pool hash : ', liquidityPoolHash)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
Swap BNB tokens
- Swap BNB tokens to required token using receiver address
- Get Binance Inbound address from hermes chain
- Supported tokens for swapping - 'AR', 'DOT', 'DOJ', 'ETH', 'SOL'
import {SwapAssetList} from '@d11k-ts/utils'
const swapBNB = async () => {
let amountToTransfer = 0.001
const inboundAddress = await bnbClient.getBinanceInboundAddress()
try {
const swapHash = await bnbClient.swap(
reciepient // Respective receiver SwapAssetList token address
console.log('Swap tx hash : ', swapHash)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
Example Code
For sample code check out example test case in ./examples/test.ts