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0.10.0 • Public • Published

JSON Schema Validation

Validate JSON instances using the JSON Schema specification.

Table of Contents


This package provides TypeScript functions for validating JSON values using the JSON Schema specification.

The following drafts are currently supported:

Getting Started

Install JSON Schema Validation using npm:

npm install @criteria/json-schema-validation

Let's define a simple JSON schema in code to get started:

import { validateJSON } from '@criteria/json-schema-validation'

const schema = {
  type: 'object',
  title: 'person',
  required: ['name'],
  properties: {
    name: {
      type: 'string'

validateJSON({ name: 'Joan' }, schema)

If the value is not valid, validateJSON will throw a ValidationError.

try {
  validateJSON({}, schema)
} catch (error) {
  // The value is missing 'name'

Alternatively, use the isJSONValid function to return a boolean value instead of throwing an error.

import { isJSONValid } from '@criteria/json-schema-validation'

if (isJSONValid({}, schema)) {
  // valid
} else {
  // invalid


Reusing validators

The jsonValidator and jsonValidatorAsync functions can be used to create a reusable validator function. This allows you to efficiently validate multiple values against the same schema.

import { jsonValidator } from '@criteria/json-schema-validation'

const schema = {
  type: 'object',
  title: 'person',
  required: ['name']
  properties: {
    name: {
      type: 'string'

const validator = jsonValidator(schema)

validator({ name: 'Joan' })
validator({ name: 'Jean' })
validator({ name: 'John' })

Dereferencing schemas

References to remote schemas can be dereferenced by specifying the retrieve option.

import { jsonValidator } from '@criteria/json-schema-validation'

const schema = {
  type: 'object',
  title: 'person',
  properties: {
    name: {
      $ref: '#/definitions/requiredString'
    children: {
      type: 'array',
      items: {
        $ref: '#'
    address: {
      $ref: 'https://example.com/schemas/address.json'
  $defs: {
    requiredString: {
      title: 'requiredString',
      type: 'string',
      minLength: 1

// will be called once with uri = 'https://example.com/schemas/address.json'
const retrieve = (uri: string): any => {
  return schemasByID[uri]
const validator = jsonValidator(schema, { retrieve })

validator({ name: 'Joan', address: { street: 'Example St' } })

Retrieving referenced schemas asynchronously

The validateJSON, isJSONValid and jsonValidator functions have asynchronous counterparts validateJSONAsync, isJSONValidAsync and jsonValidatorAsync.

These functions accept an asynchronous retrieve function.

// will be called once with uri = 'https://example.com/schemas/address.json'
const asyncRetrieve = async (uri: string): Promise<any> => {
  const response = await fetch(uri)
  return await response.json()
const validator = await jsonValidatorAsync(schema, { retrieve: asyncRetrieve })

validator({ name: 'Joan', address: { street: 'Example St' } })

Querying validation failure details

You can query details about why validation failed using the Output object that is returned from the reusable validator function.

import { jsonValidator } from '@criteria/json-schema-validation'

const validator = jsonValidator(schema)

const output = validator({})

if (!output.valid) {
  for (const error of output.errors ?? []) {

See The Output object for available properties.

Using particular drafts of JSON Schema

If the $schema keyword is present in a schema, that draft will be used.

const schema = {
  $schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#'
  type: 'number'
  maximum: 100
  exclusiveMaximum: true

const validator = jsonValidator(schema)

Otherwise, the defaultMetaSchemaURI option will be used to specify the draft to use.

const schema = {
  type: 'number'
  maximum: 100
  exclusiveMaximum: true

const validator = jsonValidator(schema, { defaultMetaSchemaURI: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#' })
Draft Meta Schema URI
Draft 04 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#'
Draft 06 'http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema#'
Draft 2020-12 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema'

As an alternative to providing the defaultMetaSchemaURI option, you can import functions from the relevant draft-specific module.

import { validateJSON, isValidJSON, jsonValidator } from '@criteria/json-schema-validation/draft-2020-12'
import { validateJSON, isValidJSON, jsonValidator } from '@criteria/json-schema-validation/draft-06'
import { validateJSON, isValidJSON, jsonValidator } from '@criteria/json-schema-validation/draft-04'


All functions accept an optional object containing options as their final argument.

validateJSON(instance, schema, options)
isValidJSON(instance, schema, options)
jsonValidator(schema, options)


'flag' | 'verbose'

Determines whether the Output object contains validation failure details.

The default value is 'flag'.



Whether to failure validation after encountering the first issue.

The default value is false.



Whether to evaluate format keywords as assertions. When true, values that do not conform to the expected format will fail validation.

Note, this option only applies to Draft 2020-12. In earlier drafts the format keyword is always evaluated as assertions.

The default value is false.



The base URI to use when resolving URI references.


(uri: string) => any

A function used to dereference remote schemas.

If retrieve is called and returns a Promise then the return value isJSONValid, validateJSON and jsonValidator will also be a Promise. To ensure that these functions always return a Promise, regardless of whether retrieve is called or not, use the isJSONValidAsync, validateJSONAsync and jsonValidatorAsync functions instead.



Specifies the JSON Schema Specification draft to use when the meta schema of a schema cannot be determined.

The default value is 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema'.

The Output object



Whether or not the JSON value is valid.



A JSON Pointer describing the location of the schema that was used to produce this output.

For the top-level output this will be an empty string, indicating the root schema was used.



A JSON Pointer describing the location of the value within the JSON document that was validated to produce this output.



An array of output objects describing the validation failure in further detail.


This project is MIT licensed.

About Criteria

Criteria is a collaborative platform for designing APIs.

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npm i @criteria/json-schema-validation

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