
0.1.23 • Public • Published

Hedgehog CSS and SCSS

License: MIT

Sensible webpack 5 boilerplate using Babel, PostCSS and Sass with a hot dev server and an optimized production build. Used for developing Hedgehog.

Using the CSS via CDN

For development, use https://gitcdn.link or https://raw.githack.com; https://raw.githack.com/ConnectNowUK/hedgehog-css/master/dist/styles/main.css.

Install Hedgehog via NPM

Run npm i -D @connectnow/hedgehog. Note the -D flag, importing as a dev-dependency. You can import it as such to have your project compile, minify, and purge unused Hedgehog CSS. Alternatively, you can use the fully compiled CSS.

In your project somewhere (typically in main.js or similar) you can call the source sass files or the css files, with import "@connectnow/hedgehog/src/styles/index.scss"; or import "@connectnow/hedgehog/dist/styles/main.css"; respectively.

Installation for local dev of Hedgehog

Clone this repo and npm install.

npm i

Note that you can also use the dev-container included in the project.


Development server

npm watch

You can view the development server at localhost:8080.

Production build

npm run build

Note: Install http-server globally to deploy a simple server.

npm i -g http-server

You can view the deploy by creating a server in dist.

cd dist && http-server

Original License

This project is open source and available under the MIT License.

Package Sidebar


npm i @connectnow/hedgehog

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  • ashcarr92
  • mwargan