Unlike the original ngx-mask library the unmasked value will not be mapped to your form or bound value. Unfortunately Ionic syncs the value of the html input with the form - so there is no way (at least I could find) to track the values seperately. To put it another way - ngx-mask sets input.value to the masked value and form.value to the unmasked value, which isn't possible with Ionic since it syncs these two values.
$ npm install --save ngx-mask-ionic
Import ngx-mask-ionic module in Angular app.
import {NgxMaskIonicModule} from 'ngx-mask-ionic'
imports: [
// Or no options and use default values
// ^^^ Chose one of the two options above, but not both.
... And in your page Module (eg. HomeModule, MyPageModule, ..)
import {NgxMaskIonicModule} from 'ngx-mask-ionic'
imports: [
Then, just define masks in inputs.
mask="(000) 000-0000"
Also you can use mask pipe
<span>{{phone | mask: '(000) 000-0000'}}</span>
mask | example |
9999-99-99 | 2017-04-15 |
0*.00 | 2017.22 |
000.000.000-99 | 048.457.987-98 |
AAAA | 0F6g |
SSSS | asDF |
You can define your custom options for all directives (as object in the mask module) or for each (as attributes for directive)
We have next default characters:
character |
/ |
( |
) |
. |
: |
- |
space |
+ |
, |
@ |
specialCharacters="[ '[' ,']' , '\' ]"
Input value: 789-874.98
Masked value: [78]\[987]
We have next default patterns:
code | meaning |
0 | digits (like 0 to 9 numbers) |
9 | digits (like 0 to 9 numbers), but optional |
A | letters (uppercase or lowercase) and digits |
S | only letters (uppercase or lowercase) |
<ion-input type="text" [patterns]="customPatterns" mask="(000-000)"></ion-input>
and in your component
public customPatterns = {'0': { pattern: new RegExp('\[a-zA-Z\]')}};
// OR
public customPatterns = pattern: { '0': { pattern: /[a-zA-Z']/ }};
Input value: 789HelloWorld
Masked value: (Hel-loW)
You can add prefix to you masked value
<ion-input type="text" prefix="+7 " mask="(000) 000 00 00"></ion-input>
You can add sufix to you masked value
<ion-input type="text" sufix=" $" mask="0000"></ion-input>
You can choose if mask will drop special character in the model, or not, default value true
Input value: 789-874.98
Model value: 789-874.98
You can choose if mask is shown while typing, or not, default value false
<ion-input mask="(000) 000-0000" prefix="+7" [showMaskTyped]="true"></ion-input>
You can choose clear the input if the input value not match the mask, default value false
You can pass array of expression and custom Pattern to pipe
<span>{{phone | mask: customMaska}}</span>
and in your component
customMaska: [string, pattern];
pattern = {
'P': {
pattern: new RegExp('\\d'),
this.customMaska = ['PPP-PPP', this.pattern];
You can pass into mask pattern with brackets
<ion-input type="text" mask="A{4}"></ion-input>
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.0.3.