Welcome to @cljimenez/json-serializer-vue-localstorage-reactive 👋
Wrapper to use @cljimenez/json-serializer-core and @cljimenez/json-serializer-base-serializers with @cljimenez/vue-localstorage-reactive
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How to use?
Obtain the JsonSerializerAdapter object
The JsonSerializerAdapter is an object used to wrap the @cljimenez/json-serializer-core to be used directly by @cljimenez/vue-localstorage-reactive, also it adds the serializers provided by @cljimenez/json-serializer-base-serializers. You can use this package with @cljimenez/vue-localstorage-reactive or with other elements that requires the parse and serialize methods described in About the JsonSerializerAdapter methods. You must use the
function to create a JsonSerializerAdapter object.Example:
import { createJsonSerializerAdapter } from '@cljimenez/json-serializer-vue-localstorage-reactive' // If you want to use the function serializer. const JsonSerializerAdapterWithFunctionSerializer = createJsonSerializerAdapter({ includeFunctionSerializer: true }) // If you do not want to use the function serializer const JsonSerializerAdapterWithoutFunctionSerializer = createJsonSerializerAdapter()
About the JsonSerializerAdapter methods
The JsonSerializerAdapter object provides the following methods:
getSerializers(void): Returns an object that contains the serializers added to JsonSerializer object. The keys are obtained from serializer.getSerializerType method and the values are the Serializer objects. -
installSerializersAndRefreshJsonSerializer(serializersInstaller: SerializerInstaller, installOptions = {}): Adds serializers through the serializersInstaller and to update the JsonSerializer object. -
addSerializerAndRefreshJsonSerializer(serializer): Adds a Serializer and to update the JsonSerializer object. -
serialize(value, options = {}): Serializes the data. The optional options parameter contains some configuration used by the serialize algorithm. -
parse(value, options = {}): Unserializes the data serialized by serialize method. The optional options parameter contains some configuration used by the parse algorithm.
How to use @cljimenez/json-serializer-vue-localstorage-reactive with @cljimenez/vue-localstorage-reactive
First you must install @cljimenez/vue-localstorage-reactive using:
npm install @cljimenez/vue-localstorage-reactive
Then, you can use it through the provide and inject functions.
// main.js import { createJsonSerializerAdapter } from '@cljimenez/json-serializer-vue-localstorage-reactive' import { createReactiveLocalStorageInstaller } from '@cljimenez/vue-localstorage-reactive' import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' const app = createApp(App) const serializer = createJsonSerializerAdapter({ includeFunctionSerializer: true }) app.use(createReactiveLocalStorageInstaller(), { serializer }) app.provide('reactiveLocalStorage', app.config.globalProperties.$reactiveLocalStorage) app.mount('#app') // App.vue <script setup> import { inject } from 'vue'; const reactiveLocalStorage = inject('reactiveLocalStorage') const helloWord = reactiveLocalStorage.getItem('helloWord') if (helloWord) { console.log('from localStorage') helloWord() } reactiveLocalStorage.setItem('helloWord', () => { console.log('hello word') console.log('using reactiveLocalStorage and jsonSerializerAdapter') }) </script> <template> <h1></h1> </template>
👤 Cristopher Jiménez
- Github: @cristopher1
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
📝 License
Copyright © 2023 Cristopher Jiménez.
This project is MIT licensed.
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