The Wallet Library is a TypeScript reference library implementing some generic EBSI-compliant wallet capabilities.
npm install @cef-ebsi/wallet-lib
import { EbsiWallet } from "@cef-ebsi/wallet-lib";
// Create a random Legal Entity DID
const did = EbsiWallet.createDid();
// prints "did:ebsi:zsSgDXeYPhZ3AuKhTFneDf1"
// Create a random Legal Entity DID (same as `EbsiWallet.createDid()`)
const did = EbsiWallet.createDid("LEGAL_ENTITY");
import { EbsiWallet } from "@cef-ebsi/wallet-lib";
import { calculateJwkThumbprint, exportJWK, generateKeyPair } from "jose";
import { base64url } from "multiformats/bases/base64";
// Create a Natural Person DID based on the provided JWK
const { publicKey } = await generateKeyPair("ES256K");
const jwk = await exportJWK(publicKey);
const did = EbsiWallet.createDid("NATURAL_PERSON", jwk);
import { EbsiWallet } from "@cef-ebsi/wallet-lib";
// Instantiating a new instance of EBSI Wallet
const privateKey =
const wallet = new EbsiWallet(privateKey);
// Get wallet's public key (different formats)
const publicKey = wallet.getPublicKey();
const publicKeyPem = wallet.getPublicKey({ format: "pem" });
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
const publicKeyJwk = wallet.getPublicKey({ format: "jwk" });
kty: "EC",
crv: "secp256k1",
x: "amRXUxrvoZ0YQMygBPnvHPUNMMUI2WCmP87t8zbagpU",
y: "AbPFTBay1PMlxgLiPxfaNTrQzLpjl_CCvh4-qrB888E",
// Get wallet's Ethereum address
const publicKey = wallet.getEthereumAddress();
// returns 0xA2aa80C25AebE7d3b9984ef45179b4F39737fFBa
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