A simple node that allows you to browse all child nodes under the topic you enter and subscribe the checked ones.
Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red
npm install @cbsanal/node-red-opcua-browse-subscribe
This node depends on following libraries:
- node-opcua
- node-opcua-client
- node-opcua-client-crawler
- Click add new endpoint instance.
- Fill necessary areas for connecting your PLC.
- Enter the topic you want to search (default is ns=0;i=85).
- After pressing deploy, it will show all nodes under the topic you entered.
- Check the items you want to subscribe and press deploy.
- Output value will be like this:
payload: checked item value,
name: checked item name,
nodeId: checked item nodeId
- Pagination will be added, right now max 100 items can be rendered in table.
- Filtering system will be added (e.g show only float type nodes).
- Security policy and Security mode options will be added.
- I'm open to any pull request or issue report.