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0.0.5 • Public • Published


Capacitor client for Fingerprint PRO. 100% accurate device identification for fraud detection.


npm install @capgo/capacitor-fingerprint
npx cap sync



load(options: LoadOptions) => Promise<void>
Param Type
options LoadOptions


getVisitorId(option?: getVisitor | undefined) => Promise<{ visitorId: VisitorId; }>
Param Type
option getVisitor

Returns: Promise<{ visitorId: string; }>


getVisitorData(options?: getVisitor | undefined) => Promise<{ visitorData: VisitorData; }>
Param Type
options getVisitor

Returns: Promise<{ visitorData: VisitorData; }>



Result of requesting a visitor id

Prop Type Description
visitorId string The visitor identifier
visitorFound boolean If true, this visitor was found and visited before. If false, this visitor wasn't found and probably didn't visit before.
confidence Confidence A confidence score that tells how much the agent is sure about the visitor identifier
zeroTrust ZeroTrust An object that tells what fields were hidden (values replaced with empty data)


FingerprintJS Pro v3.8.5 - Copyright (c) FingerprintJS, Inc, 2023 (https://fingerprint.com)

This software contains code from open-source projects: MurmurHash3 by Karan Lyons (https://github.com/karanlyons/murmurHash3.js)

Prop Type Description
score number A number between 0 and 1 that tells how much the agent is sure about the visitor identifier. The higher the number, the higher the chance of the visitor identifier to be true.
comment string Additional details about the score as a human-readable text


Prop Type Description
hiddenFields string[] Fields from the result object that have been hidden (values replaced with empty data)
comment string Additional details about the reasons as a human-readable text


Prop Type
tags Tags
linkedId string


Main identification information about the visitor

Prop Type Description
visitorId string The visitor identifier
requestId string The current request identifier. It's different for every request.
confidence Confidence A confidence score that tells how much the agent is sure about the visitor identifier


All known identification information about the visitor

Prop Type Description
visitorFound boolean If true, this visitor was found and visited before. If false, this visitor wasn't found and probably didn't visit before.
ip string IP address. Only IPv4 are returned.
ipLocation IpLocation IP address location. Can be empty for anonymous proxies
os string OS name.
osVersion string OS version
device string Device.
firstSeenAt SeenAt When the visitor was seen for the first time
lastSeenAt SeenAt When the visitor was seen previous time


IP address location. Can be empty for anonymous proxies.

Prop Type Description
accuracyRadius number IP address location detection radius. Smaller values (<50mi) are business/residential, medium values (50 < x < 500) are cellular towers (usually), larger values (>= 500) are cloud IPs or proxies, VPNs. Can be missing, in case of Tor/proxies.
latitude number Latitude Can be missing, in case of Tor/proxies.
longitude number Longitude Can be missing, in case of Tor/proxies.
timezone string Timezone of the IP address location
postalCode string Postal code, when available
city { name: string; } City, when available
subdivisions { isoCode: string; name: string; }[] Administrative subdivisions array (for example states|provinces -> counties|parishes). Can be empty or missing. When not empty, can contain only top-level administrative units within a country, e.g. a state.
country { code: string; name: string; } Country, when available. Will be missing for Tor/anonymous proxies.
continent { code: string; name: string; } Continent, when available. Will be missing for Tor/anonymous proxies.


Prop Type Description
subscription string | null The date and time within your subscription. The string format is ISO-8601.
global string | null The date and time across all subscription. The string format is ISO-8601.

Type Aliases


LoaderLoadOptions & { /** * The pattern of the JS agent script URL. * If multiple endpoints are given, the agent will try them one by one until it finds a working one. * If an empty array is given, the agent will throw an error. */ scriptUrlPattern?: ScriptUrlPattern; }


A portion of LoadOptions that will be available in the loader package



ApiKeyOptions & { /** * Region of the FingerprintJS service server * @default 'us' / region?: Region; /* * Your custom API endpoint for getting visitor data. * If multiple endpoints are given, the agent will try them one by one until it finds a working one. * If an empty array is given, the agent will throw an error. * @example * 'https://fp.example.com' * @example * ['https://fp.example.com', FingerprintJS.defaultEndpoint] / endpoint?: Endpoint; /* * Your custom TLS endpoint. * If multiple endpoints are given, the agent will try them one by one until it finds a working one. * If an empty array is given, the TLS request will be skipped. * @example * 'https://tls.fp.example.com' * @example * ['https://tls.fp.example.com', FingerprintJS.defaultTlsEndpoint] / tlsEndpoint?: TlsEndpoint; /* * Disables the extra TLS request / disableTls?: boolean; /* * Override storages name (cookies, localStorage, etc). * Should only be used when the default name conflicts with some of your existing names. * @default '_vid' / storageKey?: string; /* * A time delay in milliseconds to use instead of requestIdleCallback when it's unavailable. * @default 50 / delayFallback?: number; /* * Information about libraries and services used to integrate the JS agent. * Each array item means a separate integration, the order doesn't matter. * An example of an integration library is FingerprintJS Pro React. */ integrationInfo?: readonly string[]; }


{ /** Public API key / apiKey?: string; /* @deprecated Use the apiKey option instead / token: string; } | { /* Public API key / apiKey: string; /* @deprecated Use the apiKey option instead */ token?: string; }


'us' | 'eu' | 'ap'


API endpoint for getting visitor data

string | typeof defaultEndpoint | readonly (string | typeof defaultEndpoint)[]


API endpoint for TLS requests

string | typeof defaultTlsEndpoint | readonly (string | typeof defaultTlsEndpoint)[]


A JS agent script URL pattern.

The following substrings are replaced:

  • <version> — the major version of JS agent;
  • <apiKey> — the public key set via the apiKey option;
  • <loaderVersion> — the version of this package;

string | typeof defaultScriptUrlPattern | readonly (string | typeof defaultScriptUrlPattern)[]




Tags are returned in the webhook response so make sure the map you are passing to the library represents a valid JSON.

{ [K in string]: Tag | Tag[] }


Tags are returned in the webhook response so make sure the map you are passing to the library represents a valid JSON.

string | number | boolean | Tags


Visitor identification data

ShortVisitorData | ExtendedVisitorData



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