The @bombaysoftwares/tskit package provides a comprehensive set of utility functions for various operations in JavaScript. These functions simplify common tasks such as date formatting, timestamp conversion, JSON validation, manipulating strings, and working with HTML content. This package is designed to enhance the functionality of various operations in your JavaScript projects.
To use the Date Utils package, you can install it via npm:
npm i @bombaysoftwares/tskit
Import the desired functions from the package:
import { getCurrentDateTime, getCurrentTimestamp, getDateTimeFromTimestamp } from '@bombaysoftwares/tskit';
This function returns the current date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
const currentDateTime = getCurrentDateTime();
// Output: 2023-06-20 12:22:20
This function checks if the value provided is none of this - null, undefined, empty string, "undefined", empty array as string.
// Output: false
This function generates a random color in hexadecimal format.
// Output: #62C5B9
Extracts text from an HTML string by removing HTML tags.
console.log(getTextFromHtml("<h1>Title</h1><p>This is a paragraph.</p>"); returns TitleThis is a paragraph.);
// Output: The extracted text without HTML tags.
This function formats a timestamp into a string representation of date and time. You can choose whether to include seconds in the formatted string.
const timestamp = 1695193213;
const formattedDateTime = getDateTimeFromTimestamp(timestamp);
// Output: 20-Sep-2023 12:30:13
The package also includes other useful functions:
evalBooleanValue(value: string | boolean | undefined): boolean
: This function checks if the value provided is "true" or true. -
dateAndTimeFormat(dateObject: Date, showSeconds = true): string | null
: Formats a Date object into a string representation of date and time. -
dateFormat(dateObject: Date): string | null
: Formats a Date object into a string representation of date in DD-Mmm-YYYY format. -
dateFormatHHMM(dateObject: Date): string | null
: Formats a Date object into a string representation of date and time in DD-Mmm-YYYY, HH:mm format. -
getTwodigitFormat(data: number): string | number | null
: Converts a number to a two-digit format by adding a leading zero if necessary. -
isValidJsonData(data: string): object | boolean
: Checks if a string is valid JSON data by attempting to parse it. -
getLocalDate(dateAndTime: string): string | null
: Retrieves the local date in a specific format from the provided date and time string. -
strToDate = (dateString: string, format: string): Date | null
: Parses the input date string based on the specified format and returns a Date object. -
camelCaseKeys= (obj: {[x: string]: string | number}):{[x: string]: string | number}
: Converts the keys of an object from snake_case to camelCase.
For detailed usage and examples, refer to the inline documentation and code samples within each function.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.