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0.0.30 • Public • Published


A package which provides you with the analytics of major social media platforms.

Supported social media platforms

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Tiktok
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • Twitch

Installation Guide

Install the package in your js/ts appication.

npm install @blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics
yarn add @blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics

Integration Guide


Create facebook developer account. (https://developers.facebook.com/)

Create facebook app. (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/?show_reminder=true)

Configure facebook login for your facebook app. (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/{your-app-id}/fb-login/settings/)

Add your application's server URL in Valid OAuth Redirect URIs input.

Import Facebook constructor from the sdk. Create Facebook instance.

import { Facebook } from '@blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics';

const facebook = new Facebook({
  apiKey: '',
  apiSecret: '',
  redirectLink: '',

You'll find apiKey as App ID and apiSecret as App Secret from your facebook app's basic settings.



returns authorization link which you can attach to your login with facebook button. After successful authorization facebook will redirect user to the redirect link you provided in the constructor with authorization code in query params.


returns user's access token which is obtained after successful authorization from authorization link above.

facebook.getUserDetails(_accessToken): UserObject

returns user's profile info. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

facebook.getUserLatestPosts(_accessToken): PostObject[]

returns user's latest posts list. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

facebook.getPostDetails(_postIdentifiers[], _accessToken): PostObject[]

returns user's post details list. Function takes in an array of post identifiers, these are obtained using getUserLatestPosts function. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

Response Objects

User Object

property value
about string
email string
first_name string
last_name string
middle_name string
name string
link string

Post Object

property value
engagements number
impressions number
reactions number
comments number
shares number
description string
created_time string
updated_time string
message string


Before you start you'll need.

  • An Instagram Business Account or Instagram Creator Account
  • A Facebook Page connected to that account
  • A Facebook Developer account that can perform Tasks on that Page
  • A registered Facebook App with Basic settings configured

Configure facebook login for your facebook app with permissions. (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/{your-app-id}/fb-login/settings/)

Add your application's server URL in Valid OAuth Redirect URIs input.

Import Instagram constructor from the sdk. Create Instagram instance.

Prerequisites for Users

User should have a facebook page. The Instagram account type has to be business. User should have a instagram account. The facebook page personal profile has to be connected with an actual instagram business page.

Prerequisites for Developers

The developer application has to be setup as type: business The developer app needs to have graph API access and Facebook login access with it using appropriate facebook developer application. The request needs to have the token with an appropriate permission (instagram_basics, pages_show_list) associated with it.


import { Instagram } from '@blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics';

const instagram = new Instagram({
  apiKey: '',
  apiSecret: '',
  redirectLink: '',

You'll find apiKey as App ID and apiSecret as App Secret from your facebook app's basic settings.



returns authorization link which you can attach to your login with instagram button. After successful authorization instagram will redirect user to the redirect link you provided in the constructor with authorization code in query params.


returns user's access token which is obtained after successful authorization from authorization link above.

instagram.getUserDetails(_accessToken): UserObject

returns user's profile info. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

instagram.getUserLatestPosts(_accessToken): PostObject[]

returns user's latest posts list. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

instagram.getPostDetails(_postIdentifiers[], _accessToken): PostObject[]

returns user's post details list. Function takes in an array of post identifiers, these are obtained using getUserLatestPosts function. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

Response Objects

User Object

property value
id string
name string
username string
profile_picture_url string
biography string
media PostObject[]

Post Object

property value
engagements number
impressions number
likes number
comments number
description string
created_time string
updated_time string
message string


Create Tiktok developer account.

Create Tiktok app. (https://developers.tiktok.com/apps/)

Fill in the basic information on Tiktok application dashboard.

Add login kit and Video kit as product in your Tiktok application.

In login kit find input with label Redirect domain, and add your application server's domain in it.

In Tiktok api section found at the bottom of Tiktok application dashboard. Add user.info.basic and video.list as scopes.

Submit your app for review. Tiktok SDK won't work if your app is not approved.

Import Tiktok constructor from the sdk. Create Tiktok instance.

import { Tiktok } from '@blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics';

const tiktok = new Tiktok({
  clientId: '',
  clientSecret: '',

You'll find clientKey and clientSecret from your tiktok application's dashboard.



returns authorization link which you can attach to your login with tiktok button. After successful authorization tiktok will redirect user to the redirect link you provided in function param with authorization code in query params.


returns user's access token which is obtained after successful authorization from authorization link above.


returns user's refreshed access token which is obtained after successful authorization from authorization link above.

tiktok.getUserProfileInfo(_accessToken): UserObject

returns user's profile info. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

tiktok.getUserVideoList(_accessToken, _maxResults?, _sort?): VideoObject[]

returns user's latest video list. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

tiktok.getVideoDetails(_postIdentifiers, _accessToken): VideoObject[]

returns user's video details list. Function takes in an array of post identifiers, which can be video ids or video urls.

Response Objects

User Object

property value
avatar_url string
bio_description string
display_name string
follower_count number
is_verified boolean
open_id string
profile_deep_link string
likes_count number
following_count number
union_id string

Video Object

property value
engagements number
impressions number
id string
create_time number
cover_image_url string
share_url string
video_description string
duration number
height number
width number
title string
embed_html string
embed_link string
like_count number
comment_count number
share_count number
view_count number


Create twitter developer account. (https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/petition/essential/basic-info)

You have to apply for developer account in order to use twitter's api service

Create twitter app. (https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/projects-and-apps)

Get your bearer token by clicking on key icon. (https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/projects/{projectId}/apps/{appId}/keys)

Import Twitter constructor from the sdk. Create Twitter instance.

import { Twitter } from '@blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics';

const TwitterBearerToken = 'your app bearer token';

const twitter = new Twitter({ apiToken: TwitterBearerToken });

You'll find token as Bearer Token from your twitter Projects and Apps selected app tab.



returns returns details and statistics of tweet with engagements and impressions using list of tweet ids, tweet id can be get from url bar of tweet detail page


returns list of most recent 10 tweets of users using username, tweets id can be get from url bar of tweet detail page


returns list of user details using list of twitter username, tweets id can be get from url bar of tweet detail page


Create gmail account.(https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp)

Create project on Google console. (https://console.cloud.google.com/)

Enable youtube v3 apis from. (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/youtube.googleapis.com)

Create Api key for your app integration from. (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials)

Import youtube constructor from the sdk. Create youtube instance.

import { Youtube } from '@blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics';

const youtubeBearerToken = 'your app api token';

const youtube = new Youtube({ apiToken: youtubeBearerToken });

You'll find token as Api token from your google console project (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials).



returns details of video(s) with engagements and impressions using list of video urls, videos url can be get from url bar of video page


returns list of most recent 10 videos of channel(s) using list of video urls, videos url can be get from url bar of video page


returns list of channel details using array of channel urls in an array, videos url can be get from url bar of video page of youtube

Response Objects

Channel Object

property value
id string
title string
description string
customUrl string
publishedAt string
thumbnails Object
country string
localized Object
viewCount string
subscriberCount string
hiddenSubscriberCount boolean
videoCount string

Video Object

property value
publishedAt string
channelId string
title string
description string
thumbnails Object
channelTitle string
tags Array
categoryId string
liveBroadcastContent string
localized Object
viewCount string
likeCount string
favoriteCount string
commentCount string
impressions number
engagements number


Create linkedIn account.(https://www.linkedin.com/login)

Create an App. (https://developer.linkedin.com/) + user will need a linkedIn page to connect their app.

verify your app with page. (https://www.linkedin.com/developers/apps/{your app id}/settings)

set your authorized redirect urls to allow access to your url. (https://www.linkedin.com/developers/apps/{your app id}/auth)

User have to apply for Marketing Developer Platform in order to get access to api to fetch organization and user data (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials) applying to marketing developer platform may take some days to verify your access request. although app cannot get access to user data due to resource restriction from linkedIn.

Get your application creadentions such as Client ID and Client Secret (https://www.linkedin.com/developers/apps/{your app id}/auth)

Import LinkedIn constructor from the sdk. Create linkedIn instance.

import { LinkedIn } from '@blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics';

const clientId = '78owxoz0fwu37s';
const clientSecret = 'aSypQ3MbeDDDAzAT';
const redirect_uri = 'https://testsocialapis.web.app/login/linkedin'; //should be same as you setted on application auth page

const linkedIn = new LinkedIn({
    apiUrl: 'https://testsocialapis.web.app/login/linkedin',



returns authorization link which user can add on their auth button. This will redirect user to the social media platform and will ask them to authorize the given permissions. After successful authorization social media platform will redirect on the given redirect link in the constructor param with the auth code in the query params, which should be extracted and used to give them the access token for that particular user.

linkedIn.getAccessToken(_authenticationCode: string, _redirectLink: string)

returns user access token object by using authentication code obtain by using getAuthorizationlink methods url. access token then can be use to authenticate user while using other methods by sending access token in methods _accessToken parameter.

linkedIn.getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(_refreshToken: string)

returns user access token object by using refresh token obtain by using getAccessToken methods url. access token then can be use to authenticate user while using other methods.

linkedIn.getOrgLatestPosts(_accessToken: string, _orgNames: string[])

returns organization's latest 10 posts list of multiple organizations taken as an array in parameter. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getAccessToken function.

linkedIn.getOrgPostDetails(_accessToken: string, _postUrls: string[])

returns organization's post details of multiple urls taken in an array as parameter. Function takes in array of post urls, these are obtained from url of post page in linkedIn function. Function takes in access token which is obtained using getUserAccessToken function.

linkedIn.getOrgDetails(_accessToken: string,_orgNames: string[],_getFollowers: boolean = true)

returns organization details by name. function take list of organization names as parameters and fetch details for all. second parameter "_getFollowers" is optional and true by default.

Response Objects

Organization Object

property value
orgId string
orgName string
orgWebsite string
orgAddress number
orgLogo boolean
orgFollowers string

Post Object

property value
isReshareDisabledByAuthor boolean
createdAt number
postState string
lastModifiedAt number
visibility string
publishedAt number
title string
isEditedByAuthor boolean
content { media: { id: string } }
totalFirstLevelComments number
aggregatedTotalComments number
likedByCurrentUser boolean
totalFirstLevelLikes number
aggregatedTotalLikes number
impressions number
engagements number


Create twitch account by signing up or loging in.(https://www.twitch.tv/)

Create an App. (https://dev.twitch.tv/console), user will need a twitch account with two factor authentication enabled.

Add your redirected urls.

Create secret and save it to integrate with your app. (https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps/{your app id})

Copy client id with client secret as well.

Get your application creadentions such as Client ID and Client Secret

Import Twitch constructor from the sdk. Create twitch instance.

import { Twitch } from '@blockapexofficial/social-media-analytics';

const clientSecret = 'your client secret';

const clientId = 'your client id';
const twitchApp = new Twitch({ clientId: clientId, clientSecret: clientSecret });



returns authorization link which user can add on their auth button. This will redirect user to the social media platform and will ask them to authorize the given permissions. After successful authorization social media platform will redirect on the given redirect link in the constructor param with the auth code in the query params, which should be extracted and used to give them the access token for that particular user.

twitchApp.getVideos(_videoUrls: string[], _accessToken: string)

returns user list of user details by username. array of username and a access token is required to fetch details. access token can be retrieve by using getAccessToken methods.

twitchApp.getClips(_clipsUrls: string[], _accessToken:string)

returns list of clips from live streams details by clip url. array of clip url and a access token is required to fetch details. access token can be retrieve by using getAccessToken methods.

twitchApp.getLatestLiveStreams(_userNames_: string[], _accessToken:string)

returns list of latest videos including streams and clips details by list of usernames present in url. array of video Ids and a access token is required to fetch details. access token can be retrieve by using getAccessToken methods.

twitchApp.getUsers(_userNames_: string[], _accessToken:string)

returns user list of user details by username. array of username and a access token is required to fetch details. access token can be retrieve by using getAccessToken methods.

Response Objects

User/Channel Object

property value
id string
login string
display_name string
type string
broadcaster_type string
description string
profile_image_url string
offline_image_url string
view_count number
followers number
email? string
created_at string

Live Stream Object

property value
id string
user_id string
user_login string
user_name string
game_id string
game_name string
type string
title string
viewer_count number
started_at string
language string
thumbnail_url string
tag_ids Array
is_mature false

Video Object

property value
id string
stream_id string
user_id string
user_login string
user_name string
title string
description string
created_at string
published_at string
url string
thumbnail_url string
viewable string
view_count number
language string
type string
duration string
muted_segments null

Clip Object

property value
id string
url string
embed_url string
broadcaster_id string
broadcaster_name string
creator_id string
creator_name string
video_id string
game_id string
language string
title string
view_count number
created_at string
thumbnail_url string
duration number
vod_offset number

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  • blockapex_official