TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.2.0 • Public • Published


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Types and type-safe functions for JSON.

  • 📦 Distributions in ESM, CommonJS, UMD and UMD minified formats.

  • Lightweight:

    • Weighs less than 0.2KB (min + gzip).
    • Tree-shakeable.
    • Side-effects free.
  • 🔋 Batteries included:

    • No dependencies.
    • Its not based on newer browser's APIs or es2015+ features.
  • 🏷 Safe:

    • JSDocs and type declarations for IDEs and editor's autocomplete/intellisense.
    • Made with TypeScript as strict as possible.
    • Unit tests with AVA (types was also tested).


This library is published in the NPM registry and can be installed using any compatible package manager.

npm install @bitty/json --save

# For Yarn, use the command below.
yarn add @bitty/json

Installation from CDN

This module has a UMD bundle available through JSDelivr and Unpkg CDNs.

<!-- For UNPKG use the code below. -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@bitty/json"></script>

<!-- For JSDelivr use the code below. -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@bitty/json"></script>

  // UMD module is exposed through the "Json" global object.
  //=> "[Object: Json]"

  console.log(Json.toJson({ name: 'Carlos Marcos' }, 0));
  //=> "{\"name\":\"Carlos Marcos\"}"

Getting Stated

This module named exports functions and types to type-safely handle JSON.

import { JsonObject, toJson } from '@bitty/json';

const sendJson = <T extends JsonObject = JsonObject>(obj: T) => {
  const json = toJson(obj);
  // ...

sendJson<{ names: Set<string> }>({ ... });
//=> ❌ Type 'Set<string>' is not assignable to type 'Json'.

sendJson<{ names: string[] }>({ ... });
//=> ✅



An array of Json values.

import { JsonArray } from '@bitty/json';

const answers: JsonArray = [false, 'Okay', null, { color: '#fff' }, [0,3]];


An object whose property keys are strings and values are Json values.

import { JsonObject } from '@bitty/json';

const response: JsonObject = {
  id: 36,
  association: null,
  colors: [{color: '#00f'}, {color: '#d7a'}],
  isDisabled: true


A union of null, boolean, number, string, JsonArray and JsonObject types.

import { Json } from '@bitty/json';

const response: Json = {
  latest: undefined, // ❌ Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'Json'.
  current: [
      name: 'Orange',
      color: '#ff8721',
      score: 2871,
      disabled: true,


Converts a valid JSON string into a value, whose type that extends Json.

import { parseJson } from '@bitty/json';

type User = {
  name: string;

const user = parseJson<User>('{"name":"Carlos Marcos"}');


Converts a value, whose type extends Json, to value to JSON string.

import { toJson } from '@bitty/json';

type User = {
  name: string;

const user = toJson<User>({
  name: 'Carlos Marcos'
}, 0);
//=> "{\"name\":\"Carlos Marcos\"}"


Released under MIT License.

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npm i @bitty/json

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26.5 kB

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Last publish


  • vitorluizc
  • bitty