Getting Started With Schematics
This repository contains helper schematics for generating unified structure of NestJS components written in hexagonal architecture and CQRS pattern.
Current Schematics
Generates a new component, prepares modules and nested folders (application, domain, infrastructure, ui)
Running nest g -c @betsys/nestjs-schematics component
for a component named example
will generate the following structure:
└── src/
└── component/
└── example/
├── application/
│ └── example-application.module.ts
├── domain/
│ └── example-domain.module.ts
├── infrastructure/
│ └── example-infrastructure.module.ts
├── ui/
│ ├── http/
│ │ └── example-http.module.ts
│ └── example-ui.module.ts
└── example.module.ts
Generates a command or query with a handler.
Running nest g -c @betsys/nestjs-schematics cqrs
for a component named example
will generate the following structure:
└── src/
└── component/
└── example/
└── application/
├── command/
│ ├── example-command.handler.ts
│ └── example-command.ts
└── query/
├── example-query.handler.ts
└── example-query.ts
To install, simply do:
npm install --save-dev @betsys-nestjs/schematics
Then in the project start generating your code by using the nest-cli.
nest g -c @betsys/nestjs-schematics ${schematic}
That's it! The cli wizard will walk you through the configuration.
Monorepo and nested directories
By default the library works for <project-root>/src/component/<component-name>
directory structure.
If you are using a monorepo, you can specify the root dir by a rooDir
└── apps/
└── my-app1/
└── my-app2/
└── src/
└── component/
└── example/
└── application/
├── command/
│ ├── example-command.handler.ts
│ └── example-command.ts
└── query/
├── example-query.handler.ts
└── example-query.ts
nest g -c @betsys/nestjs-schematics ${schematic} --rootDir=apps/my-app2
This command will generate the files in <project-root>/apps/my-app2/src/