
1.2.0 • Public • Published


Harness the power of react-hook-form and create functional forms in React, FAST.


  • Access to every hook provided by useForm
  • No need no write repetitive html, just an array of input names
  • Extensive control over input types and formatting using props
  • Usable as an input form, editable details form, or display-only details block
  • If using styed-components, access to your project's themeProvider


npm install @benisenstein/react-hook-superform


Coming soon to these docs:

  • Theming your forms with styled-components
  • Building powerful custom input components
  • Writing your own css for ANY part of your forms


import { SuperForm } from 'react-hook-superform'

const BasicSubmissionForm = () => {
  const inputs = [
    { name: 'username' }, 
    { name: 'password' }, 
    { name: 'email' }
  const onSubmit = async (data) => console.log(data) 

  Result in the console on submitting the form:

    username: "SOME_USERNAME",
    password: "SOME_PASSWORD",
    email: "SOME_EMAIL"

  return <SuperForm 

export default BasicSubmissionForm


react-hook-superform uses a number of open source projects:



import { SuperForm } from 'react-hook-superform'

A dynamic form component wrapped in a flexbox div tag. By default, the wrapper div is set to width: 100% but this can be changed with props.


inputs | type: array | default: undefined

The inputs array is very important. Its absence won't break the component, but it might as well be required for SuperForm to be of any use. It needs this structure:

const inputs = [
    name: "item",
    registerOptions: { required: "You must choose an item." },
    labelText: "",
    maxLength: '50'
    name: "task",
    registerOptions: { required: "You must choose a task." },
    labelText: "Custom label text",
    maxLength: '50'
  • Each JavaScript object in the array will result in the rendering of a ComplexInput - a label, html input element with corresponding name, and a conditional error message if validation has been selected. ComplexInput has some other potential use cases and is also exported by 'react-hook-superform'. See 'ComplexInput' for more info.
  • The 'name' attribute of each input will determine the data structure of the JavaScript object returned by the form. See the quickstart example.
  • Other than the crucial 'name' prop, inputs can take any regular html attributes as well as some custom ones.

See 'ComplexInput' for a complete look at individual input props.

Other Props
Prop Type Default Description
BeforeTemplate JSX undefined React component that will render above the form
AfterTemplate JSX undefined React component that will render below the form
BeforeSubmitButton JSX undefined React component that will render between the input fields and the submit button
BeforeSubmitButtonIfEditView JSX undefined BeforeSubmitButton, but only if in details mode and edit view
formProps object undefined all props fed directly to the main <form> element.
onSubmit func alert('No onSubmit given to <FormTemplate />') called on submit event of the main <form> element.MUST BE ASYNCRONOUS
formMode str 'add' can be either 'add' or 'details'
titleText str null Appears just below the back button, above the inputs
titleTag str, React component <p></p> Can make the title of the template into any native html element, or a React component.
openInEditView bool undefined can choose to open a details mode form in editable view.
addModeCancel func history.push('/') a customizable function that fires on clicking the 'cancel' button.
submitText str "Save" <Form /> 'submit' button at the bottom of the template
cancelText str "Cancel" right next to the 'submit' button
detailsUrl str undefined is crucial to fetch info for the template dynamically when in details mode
displayOnly bool false if true the PencilIcon disappears, meaning you can effectively have a read-only div
editViewCancel func undefined function that can overide the cancel button onClick() in edit view of details form.
homeUrl str undefined the url that is redirected to when cancelling in add mode
noCancelButton bool undefined Choose not to render a cancel button.


import { ComplexInput } from 'react-hook-superform'

Render a label, input element, and error message with as little code as possible.


name | type: str | default: undefined The 'name' prop is the bare minimum you need to deliver a functional ComplexInput that meets accessibility standards. The label's "for" attribute, the input's "id" and "name" will all be given the value you specify for the 'name' prop.

Prop Type Default Description
readOnly bool false
as str, React component undefined styled-components 'as' prop
labelText str this.name Choose what to display on the label, if the name of the input isn't desirable.
labelHidden bool false whether to hide the label, only displaying the input field.
labelProps object undefined props for the label tag.
registerOptions object undefined react-hook-form 'register' method
isCustomComponent bool false Whether the input is being rendered as a custom React component, and should have 'register' passed along to it so as to properly track the value of its underlying input element.
forwardErrors bool false Whether to pass the error messages along to your custom React component, or let the SuperForm render them at the top level.

wrapperProps: Props for the outer wrapper div.
It needs this structure:

const wrapperProps = {
  gridColumn: "",
  noColumn: false,
  noFullWidth: true,
  // any other props for the outer wrapper div.


import { GroupOfInputs } from 'react-hook-superform'

Deliver a series of accessibility-compliant input fields with as little code as possible.

<SuperForm> renders a <GroupOfInputs> under the hood, so for information on props check out the section on 'SuperForm'.

<GroupOfInputs> can be very useful for clustering input fields and rendering them in different ways, such as horizontally in a row. For more information, check out the section on 'using custom React components as input fields'


import { SuperFormSelect } from 'react-hook-superform'

Deliver a drop-down menu with as little code as possible.


options: | type: array | default: undefined List of options for the <select> element. Each option is declared as a JavaScript object, with a 'value' prop, and an 'optionText' prop if you want the text on the option to be something other than the value.

An example:

const options = [
  { optionText: "Lakeside Cottage", value: "5hbfjdg73" },
  { optionText: "Mountain Cabin", value: "bfgn3tgf" },
  { optionText: "Chicago Duplex", value: "bghfj66b3" }

This complete example includes the declaration of options within the larger structure of the 'inputs' array:

import { SuperForm, SuperFormSelect } from 'react-hook-superform'

const FormWithOneSelect = () => {
  const inputs = [
      name: "province",
      wrapperProps: { gridColumn: '3/4' },
      registerOptions: { required: "You must select a province." },
      isCustomComponent: true, 
      as: SuperFormSelect,     
      options: [
        { value: "AB" },
        { value: "BC" },
        { value: "SK" },
        { value: "MB" },
        { value: "ON" },
        { value: "QC" },
        { value: "PE" },
        { value: "NL" },
        { value: "NB" },
        { value: "NS" },
        { value: "YT" },
        { value: "NT" },
        { value: "NU" }

  const onSubmit = async (data) => {
    console.log("The selected province is: ", data.province)

  return <SuperForm
    titleText="Example With One Select"

export default FormWithOneSelect


import { ToggleVisibleInput } from 'react-hook-superform'

An input field with the option to make input visible, for passwords and such.


Prop Type Default Description
startVisible bool false Whether to render with user input visible.
wrapperProps object undefined



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  • benisenstein