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3.2.0 • Public • Published


A node module exposing a developer-friendly sso/keycloak middleware for express servers


  • express and openid-client peer dependencies (see package.json for supported versions)
  • The express-session middleware must be added to the stack before this middleware, as it assumes that req.session exists


This package exposes an express middleware

⚠️ When using the exposed middleware, any request to the express server - including to static endpoints - will extend the session.

Exposed endpoints

The package configures a middleware with the following configurable endpoints:

Endpoint Default URL can be disabled
Login /login [ ]
Logout /logout [ ]
Auth Callback /auth-callback [ ]
Session Remaining Time /session-idle-remaining-time [x]

Example usage

const ssoUtils = require("@bcgov-cas/sso-express").default;

const ssoMiddleware = await ssoUtils({
  applicationDomain: ".gov.bc.ca",
  getLandingRoute: (req) => {
    // Depending on your sso configuration
    return getLanding(req.claims);
  getRedirectUri: (defaultRedirectUri, req) => {
    // can be used to add additional query params to the default redirect uri:
    const redirectUri = new URL(defaultRedirectUri);
    redirectUri.searchParams.set("redirect", "/some/path");
    return redirectUri;
  bypassAuthentication: {
    login: process.env.BYPASS_AUTH_ON_LOCAL,
    sessionIdleRemainingTime: process.env.BYPASS_AUTH_ON_LOCAL,
  oidcConfig: {
    oidcIssuer: `https://oidc.gov.bc.ca/auth/realm/myrealm`,
    clientId: "myappresource",
    clientSecret: "verysecuresecret", // optional
    baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000",
  authorizationUrlParams: { kc_idp_hint: "idir" },


Authentication data

This middleware adds the following authentication data to the express request (req):

  • The OpenId TokenSet (see the openid-client documentation) is available at req.session.tokenSet
  • The OpenId claims are available at req.claims


The constructor expects a single configuration object, with required and optional keys

Required configuration

Only the OpenId configuration key oidcConfig is mandatory


const configOptions = {
  oidcConfig: {
    oidcIssuer: `https://oidc.gov.bc.ca/auth/realm/myrealm`,
    clientId: "myappresource",
    baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000",

Optional configuration

In addition, all these configuration keys are accepted:

Key Description Default value
applicationDomain Restricts clearing the session cookie to this domain .gov.bc.ca
getLandingRoute Function (req) => string used to redirect the user after login. () => '/'
getRedirectUri Function (defaultRedirectUri: URL, req) => URL can be used to modify the redirect uri with the request's context. defaultRedirectUri
bypassAuthentication Set to true, false or { login: t/f , sessionIdleRemainingTime: t/f } to configure false
routes Overrides the default routes below. Set to false or '' to disable (unavailable for login, logout, and authCallback) see below
onAuthCallback Callback function called after the user is authenticated, but before the user is redirected to the landing page. undefined
authorizationUrlParams Additional parameters to be added to the authorization url. This can be either an object literal or a function receiving the request as a parameter. undefined

Default routes object:
  routes: {
    login: '/login',
    logout: '/logout',
    sessionIdleRemainingTime: '/session-idle-remaining-time',
    authCallback: '/auth-callback'



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