Carousel con Bananin
Carousel vanilla de Bananin
In head tag
<script src=""></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Inside Html body:
<!-- html -->
<div id="bCar"> <!-- parent div with an id -->
<itenes> <!-- tag itenes that will contain the carousel items -->
<div class="item"> <!-- div with class item and inside this what you want to be displayed -->
<div class="item"><div>2</div></div>
<div class="item"><div>3</div></div>
<div class="item"><div>4</div></div>
<div class="item"><div>5</div></div>
<div class="item"><div>6</div></div>
<div class="item"><div>7</div></div>
<div class="item"><div>8</div></div>
<div class="item"><div>9</div></div>
<div class="item"><div>n</div></div>
Javascript code:
var mCar=new mCarrusel({
id:"bCar", //id that was used in the parent div
margin:10, //space that will have between items by default 0 (both horizontal and vertical)
auto:0, //time in seconds to automatically go to the next item by default 0 (0 does not play automatically)
vert:false, //If the carousel renders vertically; by default false
vertr: [{m:x,v:true}], //You can specify specific sizes to make the carousel vertical or horizontal [{m:px minimum container,v:boolean (vertical=true,horizontal=false)}]; by default null
puntos:true, //the points you have at the bottom as pagination (dots); by default false
nav:"normal", //previous and next bottom buttons by default no, "no":no navs, "normal":bottom navs,"centro":horizontal centering,"interno":inside items
wheel:true, //if the carousel can be manipulated with the mouse wheel; by default false
fill:false, //makes sure to fill the entire container space so no gaps are visible; by default false
center:true, //wrap content to be centered (doesn't work if fill is true); defaults to false
items:2, //items that are displayed by default in the allocated space
filas:2, //rows that the default carousel will have 1 (only applies if the horizontal carousel is shown)
cercano:{w:300,h:100}, //if you want it to automatically calculate the sizes of the items in width (w) and height (h), for it to work you must not specify anything in responsive
responsive:[{m:0,i:2},{m:400,i:2},{m:1400,i:3}],//changes according to the space that the carousel has when it is horizontal (not full screen) [{m:px minimum of the container,i:items to show}] by default null
loop:"rewind", //loop effect, "no"=when reaching the end you must return manually, "rewind": after the last element returns to the beginning, "loop": creates an infinite loop (BETA)
autow:true, //use the best possible size (beta)
change:cambia //callback for when the current item changes; by default null
function cambia(x){
console.log("slide "+x);
//to update the carousel
//to update the carousel
//to change it to vertical
Example in Carousel con Bananin