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A context & hook based react form. Supports dirty-check, validation, reset and save functionalities of form


  • Dirty Checking

    • Dirty checks for both individual fields and whole form
    • Marks current values as pristine on successful submit
    • Single method tp reset the complete form to last known pristine values
  • Validation

    • Supports writing your own custom validation rules
    • Live validation at both individual field level and whole form level
    • Does not check for required field errors until first submit
    • Live validation for required fields after first submit
  • General


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useForm: ReactHook

arguments: [{
  // initial form object
  formData: { [string | symbol]: any };\
  // Optional Event handler if you want to listen to changes in form
  onFormChange?: (formMeta: { isFormDirty: boolean, formData: { [string | symbol]: any } }) => void;
  // Optional Event handler if you want to listen to changes in form errors
  onErrorChange?: (errorMeta: { hasErrors: boolean, errors: { [string | symbol]: any } }) => void;

returnValue: {
  /* Handle submit action, accepts 2 params onSubmit & onError. validates required errors
   *     any changes from this state will be considered dirty in future
   *   will execute onSubmit if there are no errors
   *   will mark the form as pristine if onSubmit returns anything other than false
   *   will execute onError if there are any errors
  handleSubmit: (
    onSubmit: (formData: { [string | symbol]: any }) => any,
    onError: (errors: { [string | symbol]: any }) => any
  ) => void;

  // Resets the form to last known pristine state
  clearForm: () => void;

  /* Provider to wrap any child components with,
   *   so that they and useFormState in them can access FormContext
   * If using useFormState in the same component where useForm is used,
   *   this can be passed in options.provider to useFormState
  FormProvider: React.Element
useFormContext: ReactHook

returnValue: {
  // Same as useForm except FormProvider
useFormState<T>: ReactHook

arguments: [
  // key to identify which value from form,
  //   this field is associated with
  key: string | symbol,
  // Options for this field
    // default value is applied if the key doesn't exist in the initial form
    defaultValue?: any,
    // validate the value and return error or undefined if no errors
    validate?: (value: any) => any | undefined,
    // Validates value for required on submit, if true
    required?: boolean,
    // Error info to record when there is a require error
    requiredErrorMessage?: any,
    // Pass the Provider manually if this hook is not used inside a component thats wrapped in Provider
    provider?: React.Element

returnValue: [
  // current state of the field
  state: T,
  // setState method for the field
  setState: ReactSetState<T>,
  // true if current state of the field is
  //   different from last known pristine state
  isDirty: boolean,
  // error info if the state is not valid
  error: any,

Please note: error is any instead of string, this is there so you can pass anything.

Example: You can pass reference to the error node so you can scroll to specific error when clicking submit


Can be used in 2 different formats. Form & Fields in a single component or in separate components, please refer below for an example of both the use cases


// Form.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { useForm } from '@avcs/react-form';

const Form = () => {
  const {
    handleSubmit, clearForm, FormProvider
  } = useForm({ formData: initialForm });

  // using useFormField in the same component as useForm
  // check how we are passing provider here but not in FormField component
  const [field, setField, isFieldDirty, fieldError] = useFormField(key, {
    defaultValue:  'some value',
    validate:  (value)  =>  {
      if  (value !==  'some value')  return  'some error';
    required:  true,
    requiredErrorMessage:  'this field is required',
    provider: FormProvider

  const handleChange = useCallback((e) => {
  }, []);

  const submitForm = useCallback((e) => {
      formData => {
        // API call to save data
      errors => {
        // Process errors
  }, []);

  return (
      {/* OPTION 1: using form fields separately,
          see below for definition of FormField */}
        <FormField />

      {/* OPTION 2: using form field in same component as form */}
      <input type="text" onChange={handleChange} value={field}  />

      <button onClick={submitForm}>Submit</input>
      <button onClick={clearForm}>Clear</button>

export default Form;


  import React from 'react';
  import { useFormState } from '@avcs/react-form';

  const FormField = () => {
    const [data, setData, isDirty, error] = useFormState(key, {
      defaultValue: 'some value',
      validate: (value) => {
        if (value !== 'some value') return 'some error';
      required: true,
      requiredErrorMessage: 'this field is required',

    const handleChange = useCallback((e) => {
    }, []);

    return (
      <input type="text" onChange={handleChange} value={data} />

  export default FormField;


  • useForm: re-renders once per load, submit, reset
  • useFormContext: re-renders once per load
  • useFormField: re-renders once per load, submit, reset, value-change
  • onFormChange: triggers once per value-change
  • oErrorChange: triggers once per error-change (adding a new error, clearing an error)



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