This package is for HTLC transactions between the any blockchains. HTLC allows direct transactions between different chains. Usage and examples are shown below.
Test is now open to the public.
Transactions on each chain in this library are currently available only on the testnet. If you wish to use it in a production environment, please change the network and other parameters.
Install the necessary libraries
npm install --save symbol-sdk@2 rxjs @atomic-port/symbol
yarn add symbol-sdk@2 rxjs @atomic-port/symbol
HTLC issues a secret and key in advance and uses this to issue a secret lock. When both parties agree to the transaction, the secret and key are exchanged separately, and the key is used to receive a token. This is how the cross-chain swap is performed.
Issue a secret lock
You can publish using this package with the following operations. The output hashPair contains a secret and a proof. The secret is shared in advance, and the proof is issued at a mutually agreed timing.
Unlocking by Proof
With a secret lock, locked assets are withdrawn through a secret proof transaction.
For more detailed examples, please check the sample collection below examples