
2.0.1 • Public • Published


AMPLIFY platform service for the Appc Daemon.

Report issues to GitHub issues. Official issue tracker in JIRA.

This plugin requires appcd plugin API version 2.x which was introduced in appcd@4.0.0.

When starting the Appc Daemon, this plugin will automatically be started. If there are no authenticated accounts found, the plugin will gracefully stop until an explicit request has been dispatched.

This plugin stores all its data, such as the token store file and keytar library, in a special versioned plugin-specific data directory. Authenticated accounts are only visible to this version of the AMPLIFY plugin and are not visible to any other AMPLIFY plugin version or the Axway CLI. Likewise, this plugin does not access accounts authenticated by the Axway CLI.

Service Endpoints



Returns a list of all authenticated accounts.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth');

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth
  "status": 200,
  "message": [
      "auth": {
        "authenticator": "PKCE",
        "baseUrl": "",
        "clientId": "",
        "env": {
          "name": "",
          "baseUrl": "",
          "redirectLoginSuccess": ""
        "expires": {
          "access": 1588777919779,
          "refresh": 1588797719779
        "realm": "",
        "tokens": {
          "access_token": "",
          "expires_in": 1234,
          "refresh_expires_in": 1234,
          "refresh_token": "",
          "token_type": "bearer",
          "id_token": "",
          "not-before-policy": 1234,
          "session_state": "",
          "scope": "openid"
      "hash": "<client_id>:<hash>",
      "name": "<client_id>:<email>",
      "org": {
        "guid": "",
        "id": 1234,
        "name": ""
      "orgs": [
          "guid": "",
          "id": 1234,
          "name": ""
      "user": {
        "axwayId": "",
        "email": "",
        "firstName": "",
        "guid": "",
        "lastName": "",
        "organization": "",
        "is2FAEnabled": false
      "sid": "",
      "active": true
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"

To listen for changes, pass in the --subscribe flag:

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth --subscribe


Gets a specific account.

The accountName may also be passed in via the data payload.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth/<client_id>:<email>');
const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth', { accountName: '<client_id>:<email>' });

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth/<client_id>:<email>
  "status": 200,
  "message": {
    // account info
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"
$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>"}'
  "status": 200,
  "message": {
    // account info
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"


Performs authentication and returns the associated account object. By default, the login will use a PKCE web browser-based flow.

Note: Manual authentication is not supported.

Optional data paramaters:

  • General:
    • baseUrl: (String) [optional] The base URL to use for all outgoing requests.
    • clientId: (String) The client id to specify when authenticating.
    • env: (String) [optional] The environment name. Must be "dev", "preprod", or "prod". The environment is a shorthand way of specifying a Axway default base URL. Defaults to "prod".
    • realm: (String) [required] The name of the realm to authenticate with.
  • PKCE:
    • This is the default authentication method and has no options.
  • Username/Password:
    • username: (String) [optional] The username to login as.
    • password: (String) [optional] The password use.
  • Client Secret Credentials:
    • clientSecret: (String) [optional] The client-specific secret key to login with.
    • serviceAccount: (Boolean) [optional] When true, indicates the consumer is a service and not a user and that authentication should be non-interactive.
  • JSON Web Token:
    • secretFile: (String) [optional] The path to the file containing the secret key to login with. This is RSA private key, usually stored in a .pem file.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth/login');
const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth/login', {
	clientId: 'foo',
	clientSecret: 'bar'

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth/login
  "status": 200,
  "message": {
    // account info
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"
$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth/login '{"clientId":"foo","clientSecret":"bar"}'
  "status": 200,
  "message": {
    // account info
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"


Revokes the access token for a specific account or all accounts.

The accountName may also be passed in via the data payload.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth/logout');
const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth/logout/<client_id>:<email>');

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth/logout
  "status": 200,
  "message": [
	  // list of revoked accounts
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"
$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth/logout '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>"}'
  "status": 200,
  "message": [
	  // list of revoked accounts
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"


Returns information about the OpenID server.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth/server-info');

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth/server-info
  "status": 200,
  "message": {
    // server info
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"


Switches the default account and organization. This will synchronize with the web platform.

The accountName and org may also be passed in via the data payload. org can be the org name, guid, or id (legacy).

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth/switch/<client_id>:<email>/<org>');
const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/auth/switch', {
	accountName: '<client_id>:<email>'
	org: '<name>' // or guid/id

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth/switch/<client_id>:<email>/<org>
  "status": 200,
  "message": {
    // account info
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"
$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/auth/switch '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>","org":"<name>"}'
  "status": 200,
  "message": {
    // account info
  "fin": true,
  "statusCode": "200"



Create an MBS app in each platform environment.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/mbs/app/create', {
	accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
	appGuid: '',
	appName: ''

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/mbs/app/create '{"accountName":"","appGuid":"","appName":""}'


Retrieves all MBS users for a given group id (app guid) and environment (production/development).

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/mbs/user', {
	accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
	groupId: '',
	env: ''

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/mbs/user '{"accountName":"","groupId":"","env":""}'


Create a new MBS user for a given group id (app guid) and environment (production/development).

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/mbs/user/create', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
  groupId: '',
  env: '',
  userInfo: {
    admin:         undefined,
    custom_fields: undefined,
    email:         'user@domain.com',
    first_name:    '',
    last_name:     '',
    password:      '', // required
    password_confirmation: '', // required
    photo_id:      undefined,
    role:          undefined,
    tags:          undefined,
    username:      undefined

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/mbs/user/create '{"accountName":"","groupId":"","env":"","userInfo":{}}'



Retrieve a list of all available platform environments such as 'production' and 'development'.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/org/env', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>'

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/mbs/user/create '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>"}'



Get the URL for upload debug symbols after building an iOS app.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/ti/aca-upload-url', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
  appGuid: ''

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/ti/aca-upload-url '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>","appGuid":""}'


Get info about a Titanium app.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/ti/app', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
  appGuid: ''

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/ti/app '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>","appGuid":""}'


Update or register a Titanium app.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/ti/app/set', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
  tiapp: '<ti:app>...</ti:app>'

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/ti/app/set '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>","tiapp":""}'


Returns the runtime app verification URL.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/ti/app-verify-url');

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/ti/app-verify-url


Updates Titanium app build info.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/ti/build-update', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
  buildId: '',
  buildSHA: '',
  keys: {}

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/ti/build-update '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>","buildId":"","buildSHA":"","keys":{}}'


Verifies a Titanium app and modules prior to a build.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/ti/build-verify', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
  appGuid: '',
  appId: '',
  deployType: '',
  fingerprint: '',
  ipAddress: '',
  tiapp: '<ti:app>...</ti:app>'

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/ti/build-verify \


Returns a list of available Titanium modules.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/ti/downloads', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>'

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/ti/downloads '{"accountName":"<client_id>:<email>"}'


Creates developer certificate for Titanium development.

API Usage

const { response } = await appcd.call('/amplify/latest/ti/enroll', {
  accountName: '<client_id>:<email>',
  description: '',
  fingerprint: '',
  publicKey: ''

CLI Usage

$ appcd exec /amplify/latest/ti/enroll \


This project is open source under the Apache Public License v2 and is developed by Axway, Inc and the community. Please read the LICENSE file included in this distribution for more information.




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